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Iran preps new drones; American assets at risk

The way Iran is going, it will leave America behind in innovation in less than a year. Moreover they will become the largest exporter of Weapons as they daily come out with a new weapon or two.

Absolutely! In fact it has already left American, Germans, and French in the dust.


p.s. Sarcasm accepted.
Iran's military industry is too powerful politically. Only they benefit from a war with the US.
If Japan, Brazi, Argentina etc. were ruled by Ayaatooooooolahs and Mooooooolahs, threatening others in the name of Shia-ism, Zion-ism, or Khuda-ism, then they too would be targeted for their "chocolate candy" regardless of the fact that they were making candy or something else.

Got it?

Please learn the basics of logical comparison before using an example. Otherwise people will accuse as the blind follower of Mooooolahs and Ayatoooooolahs.



Here is a bit more info on your bad logical comparisons.

When Japan was ruled by their version of blind Ayatoooolahs, that pathetic country got nuked not too long ago. We can all argue up and down about it, but you can't bring back 1000s of innocent japanese who perished.

Brazil is oh so sexy and its models and beaches and its open and fun culture, that people want to trade all kind of candies with them.

If Iran had 10% of Brazil, and 5% of Japan in it (instead of 100% Moooolahs), then it would not be deep in sanctions $hite.

First Except Israel Could you please tell me when and where we threatened the others ? what do you mean by "Khuda-ism" or "shie-ism" as a threat?
Secondly you think the country that introduced nuke to the mankind by using it in a real war against civilians and possesses thousands of nukes has this right to wage a war against the other countries base on an aligation ?while they support a regime which has got nuclear weapons and has never signed NPT do you think they have this right to pass several resolutions against my country which is one of the members of NPT ?aren't all our facilities under the control of the IAEA's inspectors ? have they found any evidence which indicate Iran seeks nukes?which one is more destructive Iran ruled by mullas or USA ? while we haven't attacked to any country for 3 centuries from the first day of their independence on they've had lots of wars ....who the hell give them this right to threaten the other countries ? who the hell they are to judge about the other people?
They've imposed sanctions since the revolution. did we have nuclear activities in that time?when we signed NPT Iran was ruled by a dictator and they were so happy by that 'cause he was their puppet they gave him everything weapons reactors and etc ...they said that Iran would need 20000 mega watt electricity generated by nuclear power within a few years and now they say Iran has Oil and it doesn't need it .
At long last , we are under sanctions because we stand for somethings to protect our rights we don't like to bow.

P.s: I don't follow mullas blindly but as I see you've turned blind due to the hatred .
The way Iran is going, it will leave America behind in innovation in less than a year. Moreover they will become the largest exporter of Weapons as they daily come out with a new weapon or two.

At least they trying their best to behave like a an honourable and dignified nation to fight for their rightful rights,looking right into the eyes of a an enemy which is hundred times mighter and ruthless now that,s called national pride. What is the story of pakistan,s national pride American,s kills kill your your innocent women and children every day, Only nation in the whole world which sold their own citizens for$$$$$$ ( in Mushraf era) and mind u that was your own army who did that. Americans kill pakistani citizens in pakistan (Raymond Davies) no problem. 90 percent pakistani generals kids and families live in America some of pakistani genarals USA citizens while they serve. And the list goes on and on and on. With Iran at least they have a pair of balls . But u guys gutless . Remeber if USA does not give u aid all of u will starve to death.
At least they trying their best to behave like a an honourable and dignified nation to fight for their rightful rights,looking right into the eyes of a an enemy which is hundred times mighter and ruthless now that,s called national pride. What is the story of pakistan,s national pride American,s kills kill your your innocent women and children every day, Only nation in the whole world which sold their own citizens for$$$$$$ ( in Mushraf era) and mind u that was your own army who did that. Americans kill pakistani citizens in pakistan (Raymond Davies) no problem. 90 percent pakistani generals kids and families live in America some of pakistani genarals USA citizens while they serve. And the list goes on and on and on. With Iran at least they have a pair of balls . But u guys gutless . Remeber if USA does not give u aid all of u will starve to death.

they have a mount of Confidence :coffee:
Incidentally Japan and Argentina have such chocolate factories without feeling the needs for making nukes as by-products

good point.

Remember one thing.

If Iran wants to be treated the same as Japan and Brazil,


Iran must behave like Japan or Brazil or both.

Do you see firebrand Mooooooolahs and Ayatttttttoooooooolahs ruling either Japan or Brazil?

First Except Israel Could you please tell me when and where we threatened the others ? what do you mean by "Khuda-ism" or "shie-ism" as a threat? ..... .

Your "innocent" comments are questions reflect one thing.

1. you were born after the revolution. Yes?

2. and raised by the schools full of Ayatoollah driven propaganda in the name of history. Yes?

Even if you answer no to Q1, most of the Iranians today fit this category.

And thus they are unaware of the $hit-load of hatred exported by Iranian regime to other countries from the very first day that Khomeni got back into power.

A. Khomeni regime supported Shia-militants in Pakistan with money and weapons. (way before wahabi hell descended on Pakistan)

B. 100s if not 1000s of young Shia men from Pakistan were invited by the regime to indoctrinate them with anarchy in the name of revolution.

C. Khomeni regime violated every possible rule when it held 100s of diplomatic hostages. This was so low that even pathetic Beduins could only repeat that kind of offensive behavior.

And the list goes on.

And yes, the blind hatred against israel is not helping Iranian cause either.

Walayeti Fakih is something what shias know. Let them speak of their khumeyni doktrin....
Your "innocent" comments are questions reflect one thing.

1. you were born after the revolution. Yes?

2. and raised by the schools full of Ayatoollah driven propaganda in the name of history. Yes?

Even if you answer no to Q1, most of the Iranians today fit this category.

And thus they are unaware of the $hit-load of hatred exported by Iranian regime to other countries from the very first day that Khomeni got back into power.

A. Khomeni regime supported Shia-militants in Pakistan with money and weapons. (way before wahabi hell descended on Pakistan)

B. 100s if not 1000s of young Shia men from Pakistan were invited by the regime to indoctrinate them with anarchy in the name of revolution.

C. Khomeni regime violated every possible rule when it held 100s of diplomatic hostages. This was so low that even pathetic Beduins could only repeat that kind of offensive behavior.

And the list goes on.

And yes, the blind hatred against israel is not helping Iranian cause either.


Pal your reasons to back up your claim are so weak , I'm not saying Iran and its government are innocent but could you would you please tell me who is ?we are supposed to be treated by whom? USA, UK , France or Japan ?are they angel? you talk as if it was Iran which was involved in ww2 , Vietnam , Algeria ,Iraq , Afghanistan and so forth .
For decades Iran was kidnapped by American military cue , after revolution they continued their interference backing Shah and monarchy seekers to keep Iran in their league , what we did was a reaction to their acts . are spying and designing military cue in an embassy are diplomatic activities to be treated in the same way ?

By the way none of your words are related to the nuclear issue , go and find some better ways to show your ignorance ... Have fun .

Your "innocent" comments are questions reflect one thing.

1. you were born after the revolution. Yes?

2. and raised by the schools full of Ayatoollah driven propaganda in the name of history. Yes?

Even if you answer no to Q1, most of the Iranians today fit this category.

And thus they are unaware of the $hit-load of hatred exported by Iranian regime to other countries from the very first day that Khomeni got back into power.

A. Khomeni regime supported Shia-militants in Pakistan with money and weapons. (way before wahabi hell descended on Pakistan)

B. 100s if not 1000s of young Shia men from Pakistan were invited by the regime to indoctrinate them with anarchy in the name of revolution.

C. Khomeni regime violated every possible rule when it held 100s of diplomatic hostages. This was so low that even pathetic Beduins could only repeat that kind of offensive behavior.

And the list goes on.

And yes, the blind hatred against israel is not helping Iranian cause either.



At least they trying their best to behave like a an honourable and dignified nation to fight for their rightful rights,looking right into the eyes of a an enemy which is hundred times mighter and ruthless now that,s called national pride. What is the story of pakistan,s national pride American,s kills kill your your innocent women and children every day, Only nation in the whole world which sold their own citizens for$$$$$$ ( in Mushraf era) and mind u that was your own army who did that. Americans kill pakistani citizens in pakistan (Raymond Davies) no problem. 90 percent pakistani generals kids and families live in America some of pakistani genarals USA citizens while they serve. And the list goes on and on and on. With Iran at least they have a pair of balls . But u guys gutless . Remeber if USA does not give u aid all of u will starve to death.

What happend to pakistani members come on guy,s have some courage and offer some counter arguments ,unless u agree with me. Come on nuclear state guy,s

At least they trying their best to behave like a an honourable and dignified nation to fight for their rightful rights,looking right into the eyes of a an enemy which is hundred times mighter and ruthless now that,s called national pride. What is the story of pakistan,s national pride American,s kills kill your your innocent women and children every day, Only nation in the whole world which sold their own citizens for$$$$$$ ( in Mushraf era) and mind u that was your own army who did that. Americans kill pakistani citizens in pakistan (Raymond Davies) no problem. 90 percent pakistani generals kids and families live in America some of pakistani genarals USA citizens while they serve. And the list goes on and on and on. With Iran at least they have a pair of balls . But u guys gutless . Remeber if USA does not give u aid all of u will starve to death.

What happend to pakistani members come on guy,s have some courage and offer some counter arguments ,unless u agree with me. Come on nuclear state guy,s
good point.

Remember one thing.

If Iran wants to be treated the same as Japan and Brazil,


Iran must behave like Japan or Brazil or both.

Do you see firebrand Mooooooolahs and Ayatttttttoooooooolahs ruling either Japan or Brazil?

well action talk for itself , we don't need to tell you how Iran Regime act after WW2 only one country targeted by Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapon and the attack not only was against the military but also against cities and civilians. and that country decided not to use her globally acknowledged right to retaliate with such weapons on just humanitarian reasons .and it was when all the world just decided to look away and even some supplied the attacker with more sophisticated killing agents .

guess who ruled that country ? yes the same firebrand Mooooooolahs and Ayatttttttoooooooolahs you can t find ruling Japan ad Brazil . by the way I guess you can go ask our Chinese and Korean fiends ad they will tell you whats the Japanese Ideology in wartime
Why does this guy say Moooooooolah and Ayatooooooooolah? They are both pronounced in Persian with a soft "o", Mollah and Ayatollah, the accentuating of it is not necessary. Maybe you are thinking of Arabic and Urdu when they are pronounced with a U.

well action talk for itself , we don't need to tell you how Iran Regime act after WW2 only one country targeted by Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapon and the attack not only was against the military but also against cities and civilians. and that country decided not to use her globally acknowledged right to retaliate with such weapons on just humanitarian reasons .and it was when all the world just decided to look away and even some supplied the attacker with more sophisticated killing agents .

guess who ruled that country ? yes the same firebrand Mooooooolahs and Ayatttttttoooooooolahs you can t find ruling Japan ad Brazil . by the way I guess you can go ask our Chinese and Korean fiends ad they will tell you whats the Japanese Ideology in wartime

You my dear dear poster are confused about the pre-WW2 Japan and post WW-2 Japan.

This is sad to see. Really.

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