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Iran plans to export 1 million cars by 2025

I, as a fully blooded Persian, don't hate Turks, neither do I consider them sub humans. And about Arabs, I like Lebanese, Syrian, Algerian, Moroccan, and Iraqi people. About Saudis, the moderates are fine, the extremists are just ignorant low lives if you ask me.

I said wahabis not arabs, you know what wahabis are.
also Turks I seen in this forum really insult Persian people. I see why many Iranians dislike them now.
Don't insult muslims ... :butcher:

How does my statement qualify as an insult ? All i said was that trumping up the racial identity is more capable of nurturing nationalistic feelings among the general public rather than a religious identity.

A religious identity is ambiguous and poisonous at the same time.
I said wahabis not arabs, you know what wahabis are.
also Turks I seen in this forum really insult Persian people. I see why many Iranians dislike them now.

Yea. I know.
And about Turks, I think both sides insult each other. Turks are provoking Iranians in their Turkish defense forum I think, but we should also consider that some Turkish members are pretty reasonable and nice people. Like Bronze Plaque, Erdogan, and few others that I have read their posts several times and looked to be very rational and nice people.

On this forum, among Saudis, I think Opz and Mosa are OK from Saudi Arabia. They could get irrational and emotional sometimes, but they aren't trolls. But some Arabs on this forum really fit what I said earlier.
How does my statement qualify as an insult ? All i said was that trumping up the racial identity is more capable of nurturing nationalistic feelings among the general public rather than a religious identity.

A religious identity is ambiguous and poisonous at the same time.

not working in iran ...
yes but peace can only be achieved when both side want it, you want peace but they don't.
you know what you want deep inside, you know it is the right thing. but these people deserve no respect.

Well, what these guys on the forum could do? They could only bad mouth Iran, nothing else. That's why I think we shouldn't take these people with lowest form of wit seriously because they are seriously no one but clowns trying their best to bad mouth Iran. Instead we could answer them logically and show others how irrational and childish they are.
Moreover, we're here to say what we want, not to answer what others wants to say. That's what I firmly believe in.
I will be happy If some Iranian brother post Iranian Car's Pics here, Lets see what car you guys are talking about.. :)

Make me happy.
Actually, i believe the sanctions are solely responsible for Iranian success. Unlike the pakistanis Iranians place greater value on their Persian identity rather than a "Muslim" identity.

This gives them focus and the will to overcome their obstacles. A "Muslim" identity lacks clarity.

You're right. Religion is just a obstacle to the development of countries. It's not a surprise that the most wealthiest countries are secular or atheist countries. If you look at all Arab contries and Iran, Iranians are clearly more progressive, not fanatical and more secular minded.

You're right. Religion is just a obstacle to the development of countries. It's not a surprise that the most wealthiest countries are secular or atheist countries. If you look at all Arab contries and Iran, Iranians are clearly more progressive, not fanatical and more secular minded.

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ما باید هنوز از آشپزهای آمریکایی توسری می خوردیم

تمام دانشمندای برجسته ی ما مومنان واقعی بودن نه سکولار

فکر کنید

وقتی یه منافقی مثل این داره مغلطه می کنه بزنید تو دهنش
Iran's Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade Mehdi Ghazanfari says the country plans to manufacture at least three million units of cars and export some one million of them by the year 2025.

Ghazanfari said on Saturday that some 1.6 million cars were built in the past Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, 2012), and 55,000 cars were sold overseas in the same period.

He added that the country plans to export some $25 billion worth of car spare parts by 2025.

The Iranian minister also noted that the Islamic Republic seeks to put up its cars for sale in new markets in West Asia, Southeast Asia as well as Latin America.

"Iran’s automotive industry is the second biggest industry of the country, after its oil and gas industry. Iran is the largest automaker in the Middle East."

The Iranian manufacturers currently produce different types of vehicles, including passenger cars, SUVs, trucks, buses, minibuses, and pickup trucks.

Over half of the local output is passenger cars, with pick-ups being the next largest category.

Meanwhile, Iran's car manufacturer Iran Khodro Co. (IKCO) on Saturday started the mass production of the third indigenously-manufactured car, Runna, in a ceremony attended by state and automotive industry officials.

The small sedan comes with fuel-efficient domestically-developed 1.4-, 1.5-, 1.6- and 1.7-liter engines, as well as manual and automatic transmissions depending on the customer's choice.

Runna meets Euro IV and V standards which deal with air pollution and the Pedestrian Impact safety requirement.

PressTV - Iran plans to export 1 million cars by 2025: Minister

Congratulations to friend Iran :tup:

India should help Iran to achieve this target. :cheers:

You're right. Religion is just a obstacle to the development of countries. It's not a surprise that the most wealthiest countries are secular or atheist countries. If you look at all Arab contries and Iran, Iranians are clearly more progressive, not fanatical and more secular minded.

I disagree with you. Religion and Science are two independent subjects.
You should not forget that the height of the European science and art was during the 18th and 19th century when Christianity dominated people's mindset. You could name thousands of great European scientists that all were extremely religious. I myself am an atheist, or maybe agnostic, depends on my mood really, but I can't call myself a believer, but I still think that secularism and progress are independent things.

Congratulations to friend Iran :tup:

India should help Iran to achieve this target. :cheers:

Thanks for the nice gesture, but how India could help Iran? care to elaborate on it please.
جنابانی که تنکس کردن

شما بصیرت ندارید

اگه اسلام نبود

اگه خمینی نبود

ما باید هنوز از آشپزهای آمریکایی توسری می خوردیم

تمام دانشمندای برجسته ی ما مومنان واقعی بودن نه سکولار

فکر کنید

وقتی یه منافقی مثل این داره مغلطه می کنه بزنید تو دهنش

Not the time or the place for religious discussion. No point in it, you will not change our mind and we will not change your mind.

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