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Iran plans to build submarines equipped with nuclear propulsion systems

Iran Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) chief Ali Akbar Salehi: Naval nuclear propulsion reactor

This is huge! Proof of concept propulsion is going to be showcased in 3-4 months. For this version they will not use radioactive rods, which will be for next steps. I would guess that a full sized propulsion is 5-10 years away depending on investment level.
Iran Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) chief Ali Akbar Salehi: Naval nuclear propulsion reactor

Very very informative.

800 engineers working on nuclear propulsion.
Project is divided into reactor, fuel and turbine.
All element are progressing in parallel fashion to shorten the development time
The overall system will be tested using electrical heating first . (Excellent plan).

Propulsion reactor is an inherently safe design type meaning primary and secondary loops all contained inside the reactor vessel.

Wow....wow...wow...well done. Can not wait to see the tests in few months.
Iran does not have a submarine that can fit such a reactor.

Maybe Besat could fit it....new numbers are it’s going to be 3000 tons right?
Iran does not have a submarine that can fit such a reactor.

Maybe Besat could fit it....new numbers are it’s going to be 3000 tons right?
Isn't it usually the other way around?
I mean it's propulsion that limits the displacement of a submarine usually. If Iran can successfully build nuclear propulsion in future, then it can and should go for submarines larger than the Besat class. Honestly, I hope we could build something with a displacement of 10,000t with nuclear propulsion someday.

P.S. There are research submarines with a much smaller displacement than Besat that are nuclear-powered. Maybe even the Fateh class could fit a nuclear reactor.
This is huge! Proof of concept propulsion is going to be showcased in 3-4 months. For this version they will not use radioactive rods, which will be for next steps. I would guess that a full sized propulsion is 5-10 years away depending on investment level.
What will happen to this endeavour if there is a return to the deal?
Isn't it usually the other way around?
I mean it's propulsion that limits the displacement of a submarine usually. If Iran can successfully build nuclear propulsion in future, then it can and should go for submarines larger than the Besat class. Honestly, I hope we could build something with a displacement of 10,000t with nuclear propulsion someday.

P.S. There are research submarines with a much smaller displacement than Besat that are nuclear-powered. Maybe even the Fateh class could fit a nuclear reactor.

Yes, typically nuclear reactors are for massive subs to be able to stay submerged and at sea for long periods of time. So Fateh doesn’t fit that profile. Iran’s kilo are the most versatile in that they can stay at sea I believe 3-4 weeks.

I mean yes some satellites are nuclear powered, so you can fit it on a smaller size object. The issue becomes how small Iran’s first gen naval nuclear reactors are going to be.

A 10,000+ ton sub will likely be on the agenda in next 25 years as a strike second capability against Israel/US. For example a sub that can carry 6-12 Khorramshahr SLBMs could theoretically deliver 1800kg warheads x 6-12 = massive firepower per sub and have 6-12 of these subs.....this sub can destroy vital infrastructure in the opening salvo of a war.
What will happen to this endeavour if there is a return to the deal?
I think it is apparent that talks are fruitless. Honestly I think that the only reason they are talking even is to show that they are interested in Diplomacy. But even a blind man can see that diplomacy is dead here. Rahbar said nullify the sanctions. This endeavor and many other like it are the way to go forward.
no i think its 4200 tons now, they added 1200 tons to it

That’s a good size sub. Should cover most of the PG, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Sea.

Eventually Iran would need a longer ocean faring sub to defend its larger destroyers and cruisers it plans to build, similar to Chinese and Russians.
Do you suppose they will try to adapt Soviet/Russian tracking system in addition to sonar or just concentrate on sonar for those larger future subs?
Pakistan has close military ties with Iran, we are aligned more than you can see.

Really? I thought that the two countries had a very cold, suspicious relationship. Pakistan' alliance with the Arabs and the US effectively excludes any military cooperation with Iran. As far as I know, there is not a single miltary project that the two countries are working on.

If you know more, let us know.
Do you suppose they will try to adapt Soviet/Russian tracking system in addition to sonar or just concentrate on sonar for those larger future subs?

unlikely that Russianwould turn over tracking system/sonar for its nuclear capable subs even older systems from soviet days.

Why? These systems were cutting edge highly classified that carried Russia’s second strike doctrine.

I look at India which has friendly relations with Russia AND US and in their own nuclear sub they used a domestic sonar.

I would expect Iran to use a domestically produced sonar that may have inspiration from Russia or even Chinese. But direct technology transfer from either seems highly unlikely as they classified systems.
Iran does not have a submarine that can fit such a reactor.


the big important news
North Korea completes building new 3,000-ton submarine: report
2021 Apr 11, 2021

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the big important news
North Korea completes building new 3,000-ton submarine: report
2021 Apr 11, 2021

How much 60% enriched uranium would be needed to fuel a nuclear sub typically?

The importance of building nuclear submarines literally cannot be stressed enough. Deployment of nuclear subs to the Mediterranean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian ocean is so crucial to military deterrence
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