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Iran plans to build submarines equipped with nuclear propulsion systems

This is not a matter of moving here or there it is a matter of putting up truth and calling spade a spade. Terrorist on both sides are terrorists need to resolve and move forward.
Which terrorists Pakistan sending to Iran and please tell us which of these and when they infiltrate in Iran
Iran has a baseless allegations that we are sending terrorists to Iran without any solid proofs
Iran Nuclear f up is irrelevant but Russia urine was relevant :cuckoo:. I guess all the Iranians on this forums are false flaggers and with double digit IQ.
btw if u want us to consider u a mature adult on PDF you dont have to attack or troll because people disagreed with you. cheers.

Which terrorists Pakistan sending to Iran and please tell us which of these and when they infiltrate in Iran
Iran has a baseless allegations that we are sending terrorists to Iran without any solid proofs
Pakistan allowed GCC send Sunni extremists from Jundollah and later Jaish Ul Adl into Iran. thats the fact.
thanks for admitting Pakistan has sent terrorists to Iran. that was the initial issue in question. claiming holier than thou is a worthless point fyi.
Same goes to Iran and you have no proofs to give any one and Pakistan gives valid proofs to the world
No one has even ever officially acused Iran of supporting terrorism in Pakistan..... cause its total bullcrap.

Little tards bring up this fictional issue to justify their own support for terrorism.
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No one has even ever officially a cused Iran of supporting terrorism in Pakistan..... cause its total bullcrap.

Little tards bring up this fictional issue to justify their own support for terrorism.
So he's one of those Pakistanis who blames Iran for "terrorist activities" carried out by willing Pakistani citizens...instead of being mad at their citizens who are adults and can make their own decisions(or they just dont like the "decision"they made to join Iran). Problem with big and poor populations is that many will be very vulnerable to foreign interference- whether its ideology, money, education, culture, whatever it is..different methods, same goal.
It is easy to see how the saudis can manipulate a population where 95% can only afford to eat one meal per day and where 80% are illiterate.
btw if u want us to consider u a mature adult on PDF you dont have to attack or troll because people disagreed with you. cheers.
Another nonsense reply. Why are all you Iranian hiding under fake flags. You guys don’t even have the courage ID yourself as Iranians.
Another nonsense reply. Why are all you Iranian hiding under fake flags. You guys don’t even have the courage ID yourself as Iranians.
Why wouldnt anyone ID themselves proudly as a descendant of 3000 year old empire ? We aint subhumans like some...

That guy is Nigerian and he happens to agree with Iran on many issues. So what ?
Another nonsense reply. Why are all you Iranian hiding under fake flags. You guys don’t even have the courage ID yourself as Iranians.
pls what triggered you today? is it the Iranian military satellite launch? You seem sooo mad at us Iran-neutral people, especially today. Seems weird.
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Ex-Mossad official: Iran nuke submarine idea cover for uranium enrichment

Iran’s recent rumblings about developing a nuclear submarine are a cover for its desire to start enriching uranium at higher levels, former Mossad official Sima Shine said on Monday.

Speaking as part of a videoconference organized by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), where she is currently a lead expert on Iran, she noted that the Islamic Republic has mentioned the possibility of developing a nuclear submarine before.

Shine explained that the engine of a nuclear-powered submarine “needs higher enrichment levels [of uranium] and very few [world] powers can do it. But they are paving the way to provide civilian-use justifications for why they would need to increase their enrichment levels.”

In other words, she suggested that even if Tehran failed to develop a nuclear submarine – expertise which may be beyond its reach – it could use the possibility of trying to develop one as a legal basis for enriching uranium to high levels.

Ex-Mossad official: Iran nuke submarine idea cover for uranium enrichment

Iran’s recent rumblings about developing a nuclear submarine are a cover for its desire to start enriching uranium at higher levels, former Mossad official Sima Shine said on Monday.

Speaking as part of a videoconference organized by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), where she is currently a lead expert on Iran, she noted that the Islamic Republic has mentioned the possibility of developing a nuclear submarine before.

Shine explained that the engine of a nuclear-powered submarine “needs higher enrichment levels [of uranium] and very few [world] powers can do it. But they are paving the way to provide civilian-use justifications for why they would need to increase their enrichment levels.”

In other words, she suggested that even if Tehran failed to develop a nuclear submarine – expertise which may be beyond its reach – it could use the possibility of trying to develop one as a legal basis for enriching uranium to high levels.

even if; what this pig is saying is true,it's a good news
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