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Iran opposes Afghan-U.S. pact

In your case, and the group that you belong to them, the answer is obviously NO. you, yourself, know the reason very well.

fair answer .... after all I see all of your kind as "traitor"s ...
you are telling nonsense again as you always do. honestly, I expected to hear that nonsense from you.:pop:

I just answered you in the same manner .... and if you strongly believe that I always saying nonsense then don't wast your time and put me in your ignore list ...
He just said nonsense and act like Iran is responsible for all of your problems .... he was bashing about Islamic ummah , and act like it is our failure ....

Well for one he did not pit all the blame on Iran, he blamed both the Iranian and the Pakistani governments at the time whom you cannot deny are responsible for this.

As for the Ummah, please, that hasn't existed for a very long time, on a state level it's dog eat dog world and every man for himself. Relations based on self interest.

my so called super nationalist countrymen in this forum ( most of them living in other countries ) saying that I have no sense of nationalism .... and you calling me " ultra nationalist " .... this is just funny for me .... just think about it , I'm ultra nationalism in eyes of none Iranian and insidious for some so called Iranian ...

Well your response was rather hysterical.
I reserve my view, the comments you made were very weird to read.

well , maybe I don't want read some moderators regular posts because if I read them , I have to answer them ...
if I add someone to my ignore list , I won't be able to see his/her posts ( just as I wanted ) but he/she can see mine .... at least in other forums , ignore lists work like this ....

ignore list was made for fighting with trolling and stop useless discussion in forums .... and this is very useful option in PDF ...
for example , I put more than 15 members in my ignore list and I don't have to read their post anymore , and there won't be answer from my side to their posts ...

I don't think mods can add people to their ignore list either, it works both ways probably, but if it bothers you that much, contact admin.

But I doubt an exception will or can be made for one member.
Well for one he did not pit all the blame on Iran, he blamed both the Iranian and the Pakistani governments at the time whom you cannot deny are responsible for this.

As for the Ummah, please, that hasn't existed for a very long time, on a state level it's dog eat dog world and every man for himself. Relations based on self interest.

Well your response was rather hysterical.
I reserve my view, the comments you made were very weird to read.

I don't think mods can add people to their ignore list either, it works both ways probably, but if it bothers you that much, contact admin.

But I doubt an exception will or can be made for one member.

first , my english is bad and when I'm in bad mood , it just get worse .... a personal problems ....

I just trying to ignore posts and people ....
He just said nonsense and act like Iran is responsible for all of your problems .... he was bashing about Islamic ummah , and act like it is our failure ....

my so called super nationalist countrymen in this forum ( most of them living in other countries ) saying that I have no sense of nationalism .... and you calling me " ultra nationalist " .... this is just funny for me .... just think about it , I'm ultra nationalism in eyes of none Iranian and insidious for some so called Iranian ...
well , maybe I don't want read some moderators regular posts because if I read them , I have to answer them ...
if I add someone to my ignore list , I won't be able to see his/her posts ( just as I wanted ) but he/she can see mine .... at least in other forums , ignore lists work like this ....

ignore list was made for fighting with trolling and stop useless discussion in forums .... and this is very useful option in PDF ...
for example , I put more than 15 members in my ignore list and I don't have to read their post anymore , and there won't be answer from my side to their posts ...

and a nationalist can't be religious !?

and why I didn't hear this !?

Have not you heard of "do peyazeye aloo(دو پیازه ی آلو)" from shiraz ؟!!!
Iranian Mullahs cannot stop this treaty after Afghan Presidential Elections.
Iranian Mullahs cannot stop this treaty after Afghan Presidential Elections.
It's not our job to stop the treaty, people of Afghanistan are the ones who oppose it and don't want it.
if you want them to accept it change the term of the treaty to favor Afghanistan national interest and then you will see no opposition can stop it .
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