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Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability


I can only imagine what kind of professors are they who taught you economics.


Take your time to grasp the basics, and once you are through this, come up with a post a little more respectful than "wiping the floor real fast" - if you feel you deserve any more attention.

I can only imagine what kind of professors are they who taught you economics.


Take your time to grasp the basics, and once you are through this, come up with a post a little more respectful than "wiping the floor real fast" - if you feel you deserve any more attention.

Although your model is basically correct but it isnt really representative of the oil demand/supply equilibrium. This model presupposes that the consumer can opt to buy less of the said purchase item. Oil is a bit more complicated. Its status of being virtually the only proper source of energy and fuel is something which pretty much makes its demand, to quite an extent, independent of the supply or the price. The demand will decrease but not significantly unless we find an alternate source of energy.
Defiant and unstoppable Iran

Shivering western imperialist and Zionist

Congratulation to Iranian brothers
You know he and many others will. Trust me most, and by that I mean almost all, Pakistanis are pretty touchy when it comes to the security of Saudi Arabia. Our troops deployed there, the Kabah siege, the supposed secret nuclear umbrella for Saudia from Pakistan, the training programs Pakistan runs for Saudia, supposed Pakistani elements in the Saudi military command are all examples which most Pakistanis feel proud about. Their discontent is from the US troops stationed on Saudi soil, the money being paid to them and of course the more than flamboyant Saudi royalty.

1-there are no US troops stationed n Saudi soil anymore, when they were kicked out in 2003 they went to Qatar a secret base they already built there in case we kick them out which we did. The money we pay to them?? Lol you mean the money they pay to US you see the US now owes Saudi Arabia a total of about 500 billion dollars that it can not pay so if you are talking about the military deals that is just deducted from their debt no money transfer is happening here. And about the flamboyant royal family we Saudi people believe what they do in their personal life is between them and God and as long as they rule the way they do now we are more than play with them.
1-there are no US troops stationed n Saudi soil anymore, when they were kicked out in 2003 they went to Qatar a secret base they already built there in case we kick them out which we did. The money we pay to them?? Lol you mean the money they pay to US you see the US now owes Saudi Arabia a total of about 500 billion dollars that it can not pay so if you are talking about the military deals that is just deducted from their debt no money transfer is happening here. And about the flamboyant royal family we Saudi people believe what they do in their personal life is between them and God and as long as they rule the way they do now we are more than play with them.

Al Udaid Base?
Al Udaid Base?

Yeah the shiekh of Qatar took out his father and overtook the throne and the Saud family was very good friends of his father and they did not like what he did so Saudi-Qatari relations took a nose dive after the new shiekh found out Saudi Arabia was planning a coup on him during that time he was quick to invite the US troops and they took him on his offer and built Al Udaid base there because the Americans knew king Abdullah will kick them out eventually so when the eventual happened they quickly moved to Al-Udaid base to protect the Qatar shiekh from a Saudi planned coup.
Ahmadinejad says Iran won’t retreat from nuclear path

Published: Nov 9, 2011 16:09 Updated: Nov 9, 2011 16:09

TEHRAN: Iran won’t retreat “one iota” from its nuclear program, but the world is being misled by claims that it seeks atomic weapons, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday in his first reaction since a UN watchdog report that Tehran is on the brink of developing a nuclear warhead.

The comments — broadcast live on state TV — contrasted sharply with Western warnings that Iran appears to be engaged in a dangerous defiance of international demands to control the Islamic Republic’s nuclear ambitions.

In Paris, Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said France would support boosting sanctions against Tehran to an “unprecedented scale” if Iran stonewalls investigations, even as Israel and others say that military options are still possible.

Israel’s government, however, remained silent over the report, apparently seeking to keep the focus on international pressures and avoid turning the report into a specific showdown between Israel and Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran’s chief allies, China and Russia, have issued cautious statements calling for diplomacy and dialogue.

“This nation won’t retreat one iota from the path it is going,” Ahmadinejad told thousands of people in Shahr-e-Kord in central Iran. “Why are you ruining the prestige of the (UN nuclear) agency for absurd US claims?“

Ahmadinejad also strongly chided the UN International Atomic Energy Agency, saying it is discrediting itself by siding with “absurd” US accusations.

The 13-page annex to the IAEA’s report released Tuesday included claims that while some of Iran’s activities have civilian as well as military applications, others are “specific to nuclear weapons.”

Among these were indications that Iran has conducted high explosives testing and detonator development to set off a nuclear charge, as well as computer modeling of a core of a nuclear warhead. The report also cited preparatory work for a nuclear weapons test, and development of a nuclear payload for Iran’s Shahab 3 intermediate-range missile — a weapon that can reach Israel.

Ahmadinejad repeated Iran’s claims that it doesn’t make sense to build nuclear weapons in a world already awash with atomic arms.

“The Iranian nation is wise. It won’t build two bombs against 20,000 (nuclear) bombs you have,” he said in comments apparently directed at the West and others. “But it builds something you can’t respond to: Ethics, decency, monotheism and justice.”

The US and allies claim a nuclear-armed Iran could touch off a nuclear arms race among rival states, including Saudi Arabia, and directly threaten Israel. The West is seeking to use the report as leverage to possible tougher sanctions on Iran, but Israel and others have said military options have not been ruled out.

The bulk of the information in the IAEA report was a compilation of alleged findings that have already been partially revealed by the agency. But some of the information was new — including evidence of a large metal chamber at a military site for nuclear-related explosives testing. Iran has dismissed that, saying they were merely metal toilet stalls.

Iran’s official IRNA news agency quoted lawmaker Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash as saying the report shows that IAEA “has no powers and moves in the direction” of the US and allies. Another parliament member, Parviz Sorouri, accused IAEA chief Yukiya Amano of tarnishing the agency.

“The report was drawn up by Americans and read by Amano,” the semi-official ISNA news agency quoted him as saying.

The UN Security Council has passed four sets of damaging sanctions on Iran, but veto-wielding members China and Russia oppose further measures and are unlikely to change their minds despite the report’s findings.

China has not isn’t publicly commented yet on a UN assessment of Iran’s nuclear programs in a likely sign that it will wait for Washington and Moscow to signal their intentions. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Wednesday that Beijing was studying the report and repeated calls for dialogue and cooperation.

In Paris, Juppe said France would support tougher sanctions if Iran refuses to answer new questions about its nuclear program.

“We cannot accept this situation (of a nuclear-armed Iran), which would be a threat to stability and peace of the region and beyond,” he said on France’s RFI radio.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said late Tuesday it would not comment on the report until it had time to study it.

“It is important to figure out whether there really are new, and indeed trustworthy, facts that confirm the suspicions that there are military components in the Iranian nuclear program, or whether we’re talking about the intentional and counterproductive exacerbation of emotions,” said the Russian statement.

In Israel, a leading columnist at the Yediot Ahronot daily, Nahum Barnea, said there is a desire by officials to rally world opinion to pressure Iran.

“The publication of the report returns the ball to the international court,” wrote Barnea. “Israel is not alone.”

© 2010 Arab News
really, u think iran will test its nuke on another country??? please tell me you were joking....otherwise i will have serious doubts over the fact that humans are more intelligent than monkeys......please please please....
I think, you are no intelligent than a monkey............read the post again
Its funny how exactly the same claims which previous IAEA director said are "politically motivated alleged claims, with zero shred of evidence", by new director Amano are quoted as "credible" :) Also ironic how by US earlier written paragraphs appeared in IAEA document word-by-word, Amano didnt even bothered to change anything, so much for non-bias organization. If previous director at least had balls to stand by facts, Amano is behaving like common US puppet, with no self esteem.

I can only imagine what kind of professors are they who taught you economics.


Take your time to grasp the basics, and once you are through this, come up with a post a little more respectful than "wiping the floor real fast" - if you feel you deserve any more attention.
Is this a joke?
Are you stupid?

I know wtf a supply and demand curve looks like. I told you, I'm in my 3rd year of my BBA program. You told me that 150 is not the market equilibrium and I told you to prove it. 150 is not the current equilibrium, but it will be. We're talking about a finite resource and an infinite demand. You do the math.
They should ban retards from going on the net.

Oil used to sell for <20 dollars a barrel. With China and India and the rest of Asia growing, demand is now exceeding supply.
Iran most be stopped, the more nations having nuclear weapons, is the day were 1 step closer to finishing the world!

How about disarming states like the USA, the UK, France, Israel, ... who have nuclear weapons instead of exerting pressure on a country which is allegedly close to having nuclear 'capability'? xD then not only we wouldn't be one step closer to finishing the world as you claim, but we'd go tens of steps back from 'finishing the world'.
How about disarming states like the USA, the UK, France, Israel, ... who have nuclear weapons instead of exerting pressure on a country which is allegedly close to having nuclear 'capability'? xD then not only we wouldn't be one step closer to finishing the world as you claim, but we'd go tens of steps back from 'finishing the world'.

Good point.... they don't hold any moral authority to condemn a thing which they themselve possess in thousands.... and guess which country is the only country who have actually used these weapons on an other nation!?????? any idea?
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