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Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability

1-there are no US troops stationed n Saudi soil anymore, when they were kicked out in 2003 they went to Qatar a secret base they already built there in case we kick them out which we did. The money we pay to them?? Lol you mean the money they pay to US you see the US now owes Saudi Arabia a total of about 500 billion dollars that it can not pay so if you are talking about the military deals that is just deducted from their debt no money transfer is happening here. And about the flamboyant royal family we Saudi people believe what they do in their personal life is between them and God and as long as they rule the way they do now we are more than play with them.

Point understood. However the 64th Air Expeditionary Group (64 AEG) is stationed in Eskan Village. Nonetheless what you need to understand is that Saudia Arabia, its people and its leadership are looked at with certain hope by the rest of the muslim world, being the heirs to the holly land and all. Where almost every muslim would run for Saudia's help they would also voice their concerns over what they see is wrong with it (however hypocritical those voices maybe). Anything Islamic is looked upon with great pride and felt a great connection to by the people in these land. Enter Saudia Arabia. Saudia is not just another muslim state for the people here. Its an icon of Islam, the flag bearer, so to speak (read up on the caliphate movement in context of the Ottoman caliphate). And so whether you like it or not allot of due and undue expectations are asked from you. Letting the western forces into your lands so as to allow them with means to attack another muslim country is seen as some what of a betrayal. The squandering off of enormous wealth on items of vanity while neglecting anything substantial is considered irresponsible. Virtually possessing all of the worlds energy resources and still lacking the muscle or the willingness to exercise any political clout is considered disrespectful. The image of Saudis being wasteful in their wealth and resources to the extent of being arrogant in their attitudes towards everything else is well generalized and very little appreciated (and not just by other muslims). The point that Im trying to make, and tried to make in my previous post as well, is that the disapproval that you see of Saudia is not from animosity but from disappointment with regards to the overriding expectations.

ps: A leaders personal life is never his own. His character is of more credence than his policies.
Point understood. However the 64th Air Expeditionary Group (64 AEG) is stationed in Eskan Village. Nonetheless what you need to understand is that Saudia Arabia, its people and its leadership are looked at with certain hope by the rest of the muslim world, being the heirs to the holly land and all. Where almost every muslim would run for Saudia's help they would also voice their concerns over what they see is wrong with it (however hypocritical those voices maybe). Anything Islamic is looked upon with great pride and felt a great connection to by the people in these land. Enter Saudia Arabia. Saudia is not just another muslim state for the people here. Its an icon of Islam, the flag bearer, so to speak (read up on the caliphate movement in context of the Ottoman caliphate). And so whether you like it or not allot of due and undue expectations are asked from you. Letting the western forces into your lands so as to allow them with means to attack another muslim country is seen as some what of a betrayal. The squandering off of enormous wealth on items of vanity while neglecting anything substantial is considered irresponsible. Virtually possessing all of the worlds energy resources and still lacking the muscle or the willingness to exercise any political clout is considered disrespectful. The image of Saudis being wasteful in their wealth and resources to the extent of being arrogant in their attitudes towards everything else is well generalized and very little appreciated (and not just by other muslims). The point that Im trying to make, and tried to make in my previous post as well, is that the disapproval that you see of Saudia is not from animosity but from disappointment with regards to the overriding expectations.

ps: A leaders personal life is never his own. His character is of more credence than his policies.

The Al-Sauds are not all leaders. Even I have more political weight than more than half of the princes due to my father's high tribal heritage. The ones in Eskan village and I have stated before are to handle the patriot missiles center a job that they will relinquish after the Pac3 deal which includes the training of Saudi personnel on their maintenance and operating (A job previously not given to Saudis because of (Sensitive technology proliferation) but after tremendous pressure with the S-400 deal one week close to signing the US agreed to give up all their previous stubbornness.

The new generation of Saudis is vastly different than the previous one. While the old generation was kept smothered and ignorant in purpose for political reasons under a far more corrupt and Utterly evil Leader but it has since changed when Abdullah came to power. And you can clearly see the Saudi political clout being put into the test regarding the Palestinian state bid.
Iran most be stopped, the more nations having nuclear weapons, is the day were 1 step closer to finishing the world!
crazy much?
Iran is 10000 or so nuclear warheads behind Europe and America so stfu stupid troll

clean your **** first.
Iran most be stopped, the more nations having nuclear weapons, is the day were 1 step closer to finishing the world!

Less for the number of nukes in the world, more for how crazy they are getting by each passing day :lol:

They don't even know anymore who is their ally and who is not. They go on to cuss on at just anyone these days.
crazy much?
Iran is 10000 or so nuclear warheads behind Europe and America so stfu stupid troll

clean your **** first.
I'm not pro USA, I just hope you understand that US have Scalar Electromagnetic weapons that even more powerful than Nuke warhead, and it can be used to shoot down Nuke warhead too.

Several times during the Cold War the Russians tried to get an agreement on limiting the use of these weapons, which Brezhnev said were "more terrible than anything the world has known." And at that time, Bearden points out, nobody in the West even knew what they were talking about.

1. Exothermic mode
In what is called an "exothermic mode" the howitzers can cause a blast of heat at the interference zone, an explosion of near-nuclear proportions. It could topple buildings and cause other destruction. Or it could be set wide and heat the atmosphere in that region. Or it could be set to simply destroy all electronics in that interference (target) zone, or to destroy the hubs of the electric power grids of a very wide area. Although it seems unbelievable, the actual energy of the blast is not traveling through space to hit the target, but actually being made to emerge from the local vacuum in the interference (target) zone.

Using the exothermic mode it is possible to make any airplane drop from the sky, anywhere. It is possible to destroy any missile, in its flight path or in its silo. Bearden sites many instances of downed planes he believes were tests of the scalar weapons. (Gandor, Newfoundland)
Will Iraq Be World's First Electromagnetic 'Scalar' War?

Nuke warhead is obsolete weapon for long time already .
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