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Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability

leave india, no country in the world will rent their land to any other for nuclear testing....

Ok, I see. India does not want to rent area with a radius of 100 kilometers to Israel. Then maybe you might be interested to sell. Israel is a rich country and Zionists would be ready to pay a good price. Are you ready if they offer you cash?
Ok, I see. India does not want to rent area with a radius of 100 kilometers to Israel. Then maybe you might be interested to sell. Israel is a rich country and Zionists would be ready to pay a good price. Are you ready if they offer you cash?

i think u have gone crazy, will u sell your land if iran offers you enough cash?????
or they could test it on the water:rolleyes:

They cant. Any water test or atmospheric test releases large amount of radiation into environment which raises radioactivity level worldwide and that is why both Russia and US stopped doing them. If Israel ever does such a thing, it would immediately become a pariah state and condemned worldwide including by those caring for environment in US.

Israel has a new problem on its hands. They need to rent or buy a place fast. You never know when Iranians go ahead with their plans. Pakistan retaliated India's test within days. Israel should do it in hours to prove a point. Otherwise, every one would laugh at them and they will become an international laugh-stock who were lying all the time and actually did not have any bomb from the beginning.
they have America; their number-one ''card'' which they've been playing for some time now..... :laugh:

nuff said.

Incorrect. They have their own 3 layer of defence. Heard anything about Arrow-2,3, David sling, Patriot, Iron dome, etc. They have much more what is needed for a small country.
This is just BS... USA n israel will never let tht happen... the report of IAEA is just BS to pressurise Iran...

The region doesnt need more nukes.. it will trigger a nuclear race...with KSA,Iraq etc running to get nukes on any condition or cost!!!!If iran wants nukes verrrrrry badly it should create some sort of a economic-military block with muslim countries such as Pakistan-Turkey etc n maybe even saudis!

Other than tht.. USA wont let them get nukes...

exactly what i was saying, the news is a hoax.......
i think u have gone crazy, will u sell your land if iran offers you enough cash?????

Iran has a larger area than Pakistan. So they do not need Pakistan's help at all. But since Israel is a friend of India if they request or hmmm, maybe pressurize India for a few thousand square miles in middle of India, would you be able to say no? Something tells me for a right price, India will give in. That is how they do things there.
Iran has a larger are than Pakistan. So they do not need Pakistan's help at all. But since Israel is a friend of India if they request or hmmm, maybe pressurize India for a few thousand square miles in middle of India, would you be able to say no? Something tells me for a right price, India will give in. That is how they do things there.

1 small mistake: Israel and Iran both are friend of India. :)
Just like how Palestine's recognition at UNESCO led to "instability and further bloodhed" in the region??
Some of you americans have IQs of door mats

I don't wanna own you
I'll let this reporter take massive dumps on your head for now

You're rather foul mouthed and small brained aren't you?:)

If you want to apply the gentlemen's statements to the thread, A nuclear Iran means a nuclear arms race in the region from countries that are neither friendly to or trustful of Iran.That means an increased chance for radical elements of any of these countries to get their hands on nuclear material. for whatever ends they might desire, this includes the kurds, the palestinian radicals, Israeli radicals, what have you.

It leads to Iran being more brazen or bold in its support of anti-Israel groups and in attempts to bend post war Iraq to its will, both of which are proven facts.
It leads to a greater chance that Israel will indeed declare its nuclear weapons capability (if such exists), and thus raising its own alert level to hair trigger proportions because of its size and vulnerability to a first strike.

Saddam believed the US wouldn't invade Iraq. The consequences of misplaced perceptions in a region already known as a tinderbox and not being very secure will be raised to the maximum.
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Iran has a larger area than Pakistan. So they do not need Pakistan's help at all. But since Israel is a friend of India if they request or hmmm, maybe pressurize India for a few thousand square miles in middle of India, would you be able to say no? Something tells me for a right price, India will give in. That is how they do things there.

i maintain my previous position, u have gone crazy....no country will let other country do a nuclear test on its soil.....please see a doctor.....
Iran has a larger area than Pakistan. So they do not need Pakistan's help at all. But since Israel is a friend of India if they request or hmmm, maybe pressurize India for a few thousand square miles in middle of India, would you be able to say no? Something tells me for a right price, India will give in. That is how they do things there.

tell me that was a joke....cmon..you cant be serious...!!
They cant. Any water test or atmospheric test releases large amount of radiation into environment which raises radioactivity level worldwide and that is why both Russia and US stopped doing them. If Israel ever does such a thing, it would immediately become a pariah state and condemned worldwide including by those caring for environment in US.
point taken.:tup:

Israel has a new problem on its hands. They need to rent or buy a place fast. You never know when Iranians go ahead with their plans. Pakistan retaliated India's test within days. Israel should do it in hours to prove a point. Otherwise, every one would laugh at them and they will become an international laugh-stock who were lying all the time and actually did not have any bomb from the beginning.

Thats quite a dangerous misperception if in fact israel is a nuclear power wouldn't you say? Actually it's quite dangerous for stability in the countries surrounding Israel and Israel itself if that turns out to be true. Assuming Amhadinejad was never serious when he proclaimed his desire to wipe Israel from the map ( nuclear attack on Israel would invit nuclear retaliation by the US, npt goes out the window worldwide) terrorist groups such as Hamas would be greatly emboldened and neighboring countries vehemently anti-Israel might be tempted to go to war.

If they've been a nuclear power then it must have been underground testing.
I see no confirmed news saying anything that Iran has nuclear weapons. about the ability to produce nuclear weapons, that's what every expert with a functioning brain expected to hear. so why this topic says Iran has nuclear weapons? That's beyond my understanding I guess. any one can explain?
You're rather foul mouthed and small brained aren't you?:)

If you want to apply the gentlemen's statements to the thread, A nuclear Iran means a nuclear arms race in the region from countries that are neither friendly to or trustful of Iran.That means an increased chance for radical elements of any of these countries to get their hands on nuclear material. for whatever ends they might desire, this includes the kurds, the palestinian radicals, Israeli radicals, what have you.

It leads to Iran being more brazen or bold in its support of anti-Israel groups and in attempts to bend post war Iraq to its will, both of which are proven facts.
It leads to a greater chance that Israel will indeed declare its nuclear weapons capability (if such exists), and thus raising its own alert level to hair trigger proportions because of its size and vulnerability to a first strike.

Saddam believed the US wouldn't invade Iraq. The consequences of misplaced perceptions in a region already known as a tinderbox and not being very secure will be raised to the maximum.

As I said in the opening of the thread, this is how US will behave. Now they are in the last stage, telling Iranians that they do not deserve to have nukes because Kurds will get their hands on it just like they tell Pakistan that Taliban will take over nukes.


If US is so worried, then they should:

1- Stop their unconditional support for Israel and support Palestinians in the next few decades for a change, start by delivering them F-35 and help them build a navy all paid by US tax dollars just like US has done for Israel in the past 65 years.

2- Immediately stop threatening Iranian interests so that Iranians feel safe from your invasion and rapist attitudes and maybe and just maybe they would stop building bombs to protect themselves from American psychopathic military-industrial complex

3- American president should immediately fly to Tehran and fall to feet of Ahmadinejad apologizing for the operation Ajax and US support for Saddam's chemical weapons against Iranians and Iran Air flight 655.

Then maybe peace can prevail. Otherwise Iran has much right to defend itself as has America. So Iran should test its weapons.
As I said in the opening of the thread, this is how US will behave. Now they are in the last stage, telling Iranians that they do not deserve to have nukes because Kurds will get their hands on it just like they tell Pakistan that Taliban will take over nukes.


If US is so worried, then they should:

1- Stop their unconditional support for Israel and support Palestinians in the next few decades for a change, start by delivering them F-35 and help them build a navy all paid by US tax dollars just like US has done for Israel in the past 65 years.

2- Immediately stop threatening Iranian interests so that Iranians feel safe from your invasion and rapist attitudes and maybe and just maybe they would stop building bombs to protect themselves from American psychopathic military-industrial complex

3- American president should immediately fly to Tehran and fall to feet of Ahmadinejad apologizing for the operation Ajax and US support for Saddam's chemical weapons against Iranians and Iran Air flight 655.

Then maybe peace can prevail. Otherwise Iran has much right to defend itself as has America. So Iran should test its weapons.

why do u have an impression that US is the enemy of the whole muslim world and supports only Israel... if this was the case then Saudi Arabia would not be such an ally of US......
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