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Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability

may be israel is trying to attack Iran by false reporting ...! who knows
Of course Mosa - when the Saudi people have any good news why shouldnt we congratulate our Saudi brothers?

Saudi Arabia have been using Iran as an excuse to get more powerful and a news like this well be milked by the Saudi government as a justification for our own nuclear program. For instance a lot of really high end military equipment and an unprecedented amount of technology transfer is going in Saudi Arabia especially in the military field mainly from European nations like the typhoons jet the ceaser artillery maverick missiles GBU bombs avionics various military related electronics as well as Russian T-90 tanks and BMP3s and mi-35 and mi-17 technologies. And all military analysists say these weapons look more suited to attacking Israel instead of Iran. But the combination of the west financial crisis as well as the Iranian boogyman and the rise of the Saudi economy to be considered in the same ones as that of china Russia and India which was very apparent in the latest G20 summit helped in all these things.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

Also forgot to mention the Saudi-Iranian economical ties have reached unprecedented levels.
Fantastic news. I bet Israelis ar applying to get European passports by the 100!!
I felt and sensed they had nukes a while back but im glad to here this news. Thanks Longbrained!
Boys i think Iran just have a flag icon on here to celibrate them joining the elite I.N.C. - What do you reckon? :azn:


The Iranians are the one who would like to flea from Islamic dictatorship but there is nowhere to go.
Will you scream "congratulations Saudi Arabians" too when we will eventually do the same thing long brained??

Sure, why not. An achievement by any muslim nation is our happiness. Only jealous low lives would not be happy. But let's be realistic here. Iran has paid a huge price for this achievement. Their scientists have worked day and night. Their military has been protecting the country day and night. And more importantly they had to face huge stiff opposition from all world powers and endure war, terrorism, sanctions etc for 32 years now to get these achievements. Only a really sovereign and independent country with people who are ready to face hardships by sacrifice of their cozy life styles can get such things. One of our previous prime minister who had started the Pakistan's nuclear program had famously said, we will eat grass but we will build the nukes. That summarizes the point here. It is as hard as that for a nation to build nukes. They have to be ready to collectively eat grass for an unspecified period of time running in decades in order to get nukes.

So yeah, I am waiting for the day to start a congratulatory thread for Saudia Arabia too. But something tells me that Saudis are too much under influence of US so much so that for Saudi to go nuclear they would have to have their own revolution just like Iran. You see, Saudis produce too much oil and US will never allow such a large producer to become a stake holder and dictate international terms. They went to war with their old buddy Saddam just to make sure he does not control Saudi Arabia. So what makes you think, they will allow current leaders of Saudi Arabia to start an enrichment program and a couple of plutonium reactors. But any ways I am waiting for the good day, that Saudi Arabia becomes free and stand up with Muslim world instead of against it.
thumbs down:tdown:.

This can only lead to further bloodshed and higher stakes in the Middle East.

Luckily it looks like the initial congratulations from certain posters are very premature, as there has been no confirmation as stated.
Wait in a little time after this Israel will come out and officially say that Israel has nukes, something they have been dodging for a while now. Then when Iran finally tests its nukes, Israel will have no other choice but to test its own nukes. Much like Soviet Union and US or India and Pakistan. This is a done deal now. The only problem is that Israel does not have enough land mass to test its supposed nukes so they have only two choices, either evacuate one of their cities like Telaviv or something and put the nuke underground there and test it or they have to rent a place in another country to do a test. I wonder which country would that be?
Great, Congratulations, Pakistan always back Iran right to have nuclears. ;)
Waiting for test blasts just like Pakistan did in 1998.

Next year, 2012 will be world war 3. :victory:

(Iranian friends- you should NOT forget how Indians act pro-Israels here.)
thumbs down:tdown:.

This can only lead to further bloodshed and higher stakes in the Middle East.

Luckily it looks like the initial congratulations from certain posters are very premature, as there has been no confirmation as stated.
Just like how Palestine's recognition at UNESCO led to "instability and further bloodhed" in the region??
Some of you americans have IQs of door mats

I don't wanna own you
I'll let this reporter take massive dumps on your head for now
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Wait in a little time after this Israel will come out and officially say that Israel has nukes, something they have been dodging for a while now. Then when Iran finally tests its nukes, Israel will have no other choice but to test its own nukes. Much like Soviet Union and US or India and Pakistan. This is a done deal now. The only problem is that Israel does not have enough land mass to test its supposed nukes so they have only two choices, either evacuate one of their cities like Telaviv or something and put the nuke underground there and test it or they have to rent a place in another country to do a test. I wonder which country would that be?

really, u think iran will test its nuke on another country??? please tell me you were joking....otherwise i will have serious doubts over the fact that humans are more intelligent than monkeys......please please please....
Longbrained, i thank you for the support of our country, and may god bless you.
from a iranian point of view our nuclear case was already closed back in 2006. But the zionists and the americans tried everything in their power to politicize our program. Wether we weaponize(d) our nuclear program is up to our leaders to decide. I fully trust them and we are sure that our nation and our supporters will come out victorious

it's no secret that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons agenda. At this point, lets no deny the undeniable.

With that said however, the way the west and the zionist lobby are trying to wage psy-ops, smear campaign, assassination campaigns, and threats --it's a flawed and miserably failed policy. A very dangerous one that can escalate very quickly.
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