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Iran nuclear scientist assassinated in Tehran

One nuclear scientist is not enough though, still, it`s progress.

Good. At least you are honest. Wanting more civilian nuclear physicists killed in Iran? Go for it. May be they can't get to your scientists. They may get to your tourists or diplomats.

If Mossad really did it then pretty stupid. Not only does Iran probably have hundreds, if not thousands of these scientists but they now will feel even more motivated to develop their nukes and hurt Israel wherever you can.
Whoever carried out this operation is clearly going for a surgical strike...a surgical strike to the brain that is.
This makes a better statement for never making peace with Israel, symptoms of a bunch of paranoid Jews ,I see they have the best military in the middle east, the USA Mediterranean fleet backing + 200-400 nukes yet their still paranoid.
Which one is this? The tenth or so? Why is the Iranian government not securing it's nuclear scientists, when it's obvious that the Mossad is assassinating them?
This makes a better statement for never making peace with Israel, symptoms of a bunch of paranoid Jews ,I see they have the best military in the middle east, the USA Mediterranean fleet backing + 200-400 nukes yet their still paranoid.

Because being a small country, one nuke strike and Israel is finished
Because being a small country, one nuke strike and Israel is finished

Israel has its Samson Option which will bring down a chunk of the world even after Israel is gone.
This is pure and simple bullying by Israel. A bully backed by a super-power of the day. But the bully is scared that someone may be able to stand up to the bully's blackmailing in the region and is pre-empting all potential rivals.

PS. Indians should be careful here. When the Gaza Flotilla attacked happened Indians on this forum were the most vocal non-Western supporters of Israel. Turkish members watched them. If they do it here against Iran they should know that here are Iranians on this forum who will not miss the Indian responses. If you can't condemn this alleged act of Mossaad then keep quiet.
Sorry they don't deserve special excuses.

I only answered to your question of why Israel is paranoid. Almost all of their neighbours/enemies are big countries with good strategic depth while the only place the Israelis can run to is the Mediterranean Sea.
Shooting a university professor in the back, as he went to the kindergarten with his wife to pick up his child. Most disgusting and cowardly act, but only to be expected from Jews.
The Muslim/Arab world should never make peace with Israel, any of our leaders that do deserve to be shot.
Indian's cant do the same because unlike Israel Iran Pakistan is next door and can reply in kind through our Intel Services- Besides, only Iran is capable of doing something other Arab Nations are a bunch of sissies.If India tired to kill one Pakistani Nuclear Scientists Pakistan would probably end up taking out a dozen of their nuclear scientists but anyway i am happy we don't indulge into that kind of dirty game.Anyhow, I think Iranians needs to tighten the security of their Nuclear Scientists and respond to Israeli Bullying.
Shooting a university professor in the back, as he went to the kindergarten with his wife to pick up his child. Most disgusting and cowardly act, but only to be expected from Jews.

Well they did kill a man sleeping in his bed and thought it was hamas, they said it was a mistake yea the F@#k right.



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