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Iran nuclear deal reached

that is what you want to see instinctively; You are just manipulating and twisting my words; So please do not confuse me with weak debaters; i know what Word i use in a sentence.

Ps: Sorry for this post , but i am accused of what i did not do in the quote.

Iran nuclear deal reached | Page 11

They have alwyas labeled(for them that is an insult) others with that Word; now they are in the same hole, what is mor interesting, the West gives them Money, just as they gave Greece Money. Where is the honor?

Is it your comment or not!?

you obviously called Iran puppet of west because west gave iran money.

and in a prompt reply an iranian member said :

hey wacko, iran took back its own money !! .....

I didnt change any words.

with your logic, your claim is pissed off as west didnt give money to iran as you thought.
i have no interest in Israel; but i can say that The officials in Iran have always mentioning about ''wiping out'' Israel from the map. that seems a legitimate argument.
this post shows that you dont know what is going on in Iran.the guy you talking about is gone.
this post shows that you dont know what is going on in Iran.the guy you talking about is gone.

Here is a quote from my 204th post here:

That is an epic moment, That is actually a slap on the face of the regime in Iran. Now the regime learns its place after the collapse in the economy and the Spring in The ME; That is why the regime took a few steps back inside and outside, which means the whole arguments of the regime have collapsed, what is more, they are dependent on the words to be expressed by the mouths of the West.



You should stop playing with words, and start to find good arguments for good debate.
Retard, Pakistan has nothing to do here. We are very happy if our Iranian brothers are happy.

And please, don't even mention your shitty country called india..no one gives a sh!t about that shithole here. Go provide toilets to your countrymen first...

Why you obsessed indians have to mention your irrelevant, poverty-stricken, shithole in everything? Jeez!

Still a loser:cheesy:.Again Congratulations to iran.
this post shows that you dont know what is going on in Iran again, khatami(1997–2005) was more reformist than Rouhani,and the deal was better for the west. in 2003.
kerry:"He acknowledged that international sanctions have resulted in economic hardship for Iranians, but said they represent a failed policy.
Instead of 160 centrifuges that were spinning 10 years ago or eight years ago, today we have 19,000 centrifuges,"
Here is a quote from my 204th post here:


You should stop playing with words, and start to find good arguments for good debate.

quoting your words meaning playing with words?

you even dont believe in what you said before?

do you confess your previous words are not rational to make a good arguments for good debate?
this post shows that you dont know what is going on in Iran again, khatami(1997–2005) was more reformist than Rouhani,and the deal was better for the west. in 2003.

The names are not important; I am talking about the politic moves of the regime; The West does not look at the deal as win-win.

What is it the West gained? ... less sanction? or a signed document by Iran regime to put on the table of UN when they want to do something?

Do you think why Israel has so far neither confirmed or denied that if they have nuke?
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The names are not important; I am talking about the politic moves of the regime; The West does not look at the deal as win-win.

What is it the West gained? ... less sanction? or a singed document by Iran regime to put on the table of UN when they want to do something?
you are saying that not signing the deal will prevent west from increasing sanctions! nice logic

by the way it is signed not singed we didnt singed any thing.:P :enjoy:
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you are saying that not signing the deal will prevent west from increasing sanctions! nice logic

by the way it is signed not singed we didnt singed any thing.:enjoy:

Signing a written document without proper rights and regulation but just some relief to sanction will stop The West making more excuse for more sanction or Any attack. That is your logic?

Btw it is not 'singed'', it is 'sang'' in past tense; thanks for the headsup tho.

Reading his comments makes me >>> :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Dear @Uhuhu , don't waste your time for him ;)

some times thoughts make you do that when it is pmpty and therefore only useful to knock at the Wall instead of making arguments.
Signing a written document without proper rights and regulation but just some relief to sanction will stop The West making more excuse for more sanction or Any attack. That is your logic?

Btw it is not 'singed'', it is 'sang'' in past tense; thanks for the headsup tho.
thanx fur logicating os.sU nekst tyme use sang instead of singed. :D
lol , there really is no bomb . :o:
kardec ,

i think calling iran puppet and "failed regime" fits in the insult category :-)

I haven't seen "failed regime"..... They are making pun while sayin puppet. I understand as soon as i saw. :D
Reading his comments makes me >>> :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Dear @Uhuhu , don't waste your time for him ;)

he even doesnt believe in his previous comments and he asks others to make a good argument with him.
do you know how is it possible?

I just try to respect him.
AP | Nov 25, 2013, 08.39 PM IST

PARIS: European Union sanctions against Iran could be eased as soon as December, officials said Monday, after a potentially history-shaping deal that gives Tehran six months to increase access to its nuclear sites in exchange for keeping the core components of its uranium program.

The deal, announced Sunday, envisages lifting some of the sanctions that have been crippling the country's economy. The sanctions were in response to fears that Tehran is using its nuclear program to build atomic arms. Iran denies it wants such weapons.

"A Europe-wide decision is necessary'' to ease EU sanctions French foreign minister Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 radio. "That's expected in several weeks, for a partial lifting that is targeted, reversible."

"It could be in December, it could be in January, it depends on how long the legislative process takes,'' EU foreign affairs spokesman Michael Mann told reporters in Brussels.

The United States and the European Union have separate sanctions on Iran. Easing the European restrictions would affect numerous areas including trade in petrochemicals, gold and other precious metals, financial transfers to purchase food and medicine, and the ability of third countries to use EU-based firms to insure shipments of Iranian oil again.

Mann said work on amending the EU regulations was already beginning, but cautioned that changes depend on the Iranian government living up to its end of the deal.

``It's important that both sides of the bargain are implementing this agreement, so we would coordinate timing-wise also with the Iranian side,'' the EU spokesman said.

The deal reached Sunday will allow Iran to keep the central elements of its uranium program while stopping its enrichment at a level lower than what is needed for nuclear arms. In addition to a six-month window for Iran to allow more U.N. access to nuclear sites, sanctions will be eased _ notably in the oil, automotive and aviation industries _ though not ended.

The agreement is a first step _ one that Israel has condemned as a ``historic mistake'' that effectively accepts Iran as a threshold nuclear weapons state. Israel has found common cause with Saudi Arabia, which shares concerns about a nuclear-armed Iran and Tehran's growing regional influence.

On his return to Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif told state television that the country was prepared for quick follow-up negotiations to keep the deal on track.

``We are ready to begin the final stage of nuclear agreement from tomorrow,'' said Zarif, who was greeted by hundreds of cheering students.

Many Iranians appeared upbeat about the deal and the possibility of an eventual end to sanctions, such as blocks on access to international banking networks that have crippled businesses and made once-routine transactions _ such as paying tuition for a student abroad — a complicated process.

But hard-line groups remained highly wary of any close cooperation with Washington.

An editorial in the conservative daily Kayhan described the US as a deceitful power that could renege on its pledges even if Iran sticks with its part of the deal.

"The US was not trustworthy. The Geneva deal lasted only one hour," it said in its front-page headline, referring to US secretary of State John Kerry's comments that there was no recognition of Iran's "right" to enrich uranium.

Iran insists that trying to block enrichment was a dead end. For Iran's leaders, self-sufficiency over the full scope of its nuclear efforts — from uranium mines to the centrifuges used in enrichment — is a source of national pride and a pillar of its self-proclaimed status as a technological beacon for the Islamic world.

In the end, Iran agreed to cap its enrichment level at 5 percent, far below the 90 percent threshold needed for a warhead. Iran also pledged to ``neutralize'' its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium _ the highest level acknowledged by Tehran — by either diluting its strength or converting it to fuel for research reactors, which produced isotopes for medical treatments and other civilian uses.

In return, Iran got the rollback in some sanctions — a total package estimated by the White House at $7 billion back into the Iranian economy over six months — but the main pressures remain on Iran's oil exports and its blacklist from international banking networks during the first steps of the pact.

Easing of Iran sanctions could start in December - The Times of India
he even doesnt believe in his previous comments and he asks others to make a good argument with him.
do you know how is it possible?

I just try to respect him.

Dear @Uhuhu , I understand it.
He had lots of paradoxical thoughts, and quotes.
Anyway, your comments were very interesting. :tup:

some times thoughts make you do that when it is pmpty and therefore only useful to knock at the Wall instead of making arguments.

Dude, I am not interested in childish arguments like what you said to me.
what you said about @Uhuhu 's comment, when he quoted your own comment, and you called it as playing with words, was really shocking and it worth for me to hit my head to the wall. ;)
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