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Iran nuclear deal reached

That is interesting catch.

They have alwyas labeled(for them that is an insult) others with that Word; now they are in the same hole, what is mor interesting, the West gives them Money, just as they gave Greece Money. Where is the honor?

opening mouth without think lead people look stupid.
first of all you thought you gain a very huge achievement against iranian and jumped out here to let others know how much you are smart .

you called iran puppet of west because west gives them money. but not long after, an Iranian member educated you that money is Irans money that were blocked in west.

then your reason for calling Iran west of puppet pissed off. so technically you just made a mistake and it's better to be calm down and next time before getting so excited and begin talking, read a little more about issue.
This deal is good for India.India already began negotitations for bilateral co-operation agreement
with Iran
man we are not trolling
we trying to save iran to not be west puppet:)

The ugly truth comes to the surface; Without the leave of the West No leaf can move.

The regime in Iran signed the interim deal; which means they have learned their place. But The same regime tries to discredit what she signed for, which is important ; Because the regime can act against the deal; so if the regime does that, then more heavy sanctions are on the way.

The contradiction is that People in iran by looking at the members of Pdf celebrate it, but do not ask why the deal is different than p5+1 countries' release.
There is a misundertanding here i think.
I believe the Turkish meant to say that many Iranian posters used to call others,slaves of the west for having good ties with the west.
Now that Iran has reached a deal with the ''west''he thinks Iran is in the same boat.
I think you are ironically and subconciously making my point more clear; but still do not get fully.

If the logic is that; then why did the regime fool its own people and let them live in isolated and poor condition; that is what is improtant here; however, the regime is misleading people in Iran. it seems they manage that well, if we look at the reactions of Iran members here; so far no member from Iran has asked that fair question.

why i am using the Word of puppet is due just to be a symbol; however, no answer is delivered to that... ineteresting.
you miss an important point we have enrichment in our soil this was what we wanted from beginning now we have it.we wanted this deal in 2003 and again in 2010.
Turkey and Brazil had teamed up in 2010 and met with Iran on thenuclear issue
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=turkey and brazil iran nuclear&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CCwQqQIwAA&url=http://en.trend.az/regions/met/turkey/2214722.html&ei=p3OTUtWwJ8X9ygPahYDoAg&usg=AFQjCNHUz85UDMBhJFWgZsZamERPbMkKuw&bvm=bv.57127890,bs.1,d.Yms
kerry:"He acknowledged that international sanctions have resulted in economic hardship for Iranians, but said they represent a failed policy.
Instead of 160 centrifuges that were spinning 10 years ago or eight years ago, today we have 19,000 centrifuges,"
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Not only I saw it coming but also predicted it here on PDF.


Published on Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more. (http://www.arabnews.com)

Home > Nuclear deal sparks Iran hegemony fears
Nuclear deal sparks Iran hegemony fears


Published — Monday 25 November 2013

Last update 25 November 2013 1:22 pm

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Mon, 2013-11-25 03:30
Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries fear that the landmark nuclear deal concluded by world powers with Tehran in Geneva on Sunday would boost Tehran’s regional ambitions.
Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in the breakthrough interim deal that world powers claimed was the biggest step in decade-long efforts to deny Iran an atomic bomb.
Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi political analyst and general manager of Alarab news channel, said Gulf states fear the agreement would encourage Tehran to act with a free hand in the region.
“The (Geneva) agreement has reduced the Iran problem to the nuclear level only, while its regional interference is of key concern to GCC countries,” he pointed out.
According to Khashoggi, officials in Gulf countries feel the Obama administration “is no longer interested in regional problems” in the Middle East.
UAE analyst Abdulkhaleq Abdullah said: “Countries in the region no longer have any confidence in the US.”
Abdullah Al-Askar, chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the Shoura Council, warned against Tehran’s hidden agenda. “The government of Iran, month after month, has proven that it has an ugly agenda in the region, and in this regard, no one in the region will sleep and assume things are going smoothly.”
Askar said that if the deal did not succeed in preventing Iran from building a bomb it would lead to a nuclear arms race in the region. “I think Saudi Arabia will go ahead if Iran goes ahead (and gets a nuclear weapon). I think Egypt, maybe Turkey, maybe the UAE, would go ahead and acquire the same technology.”
Under the Geneva agreement, Iran will limit its nuclear program in exchange for $7 billion (5.2 billion euros) in sanctions relief. “We are worried,” said Anwar Eshki, head of the Jeddah-based Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies, pointing to the $7 billion.
“We need to know whether these funds will be used by the Iranian regime for its own people, or to further finance crises in the region,” the Saudi official said.
The UAE and Bahrain have welcomed the deal. “The Cabinet hopes this would represent a step toward a permanent agreement that preserves the stability of the region and shield it from tension and the danger of nuclear proliferation,” the UAE said in a statement.
Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa said: “The agreement removes fears from us, whether from Iran or any other state.”
Tehran is a key backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad in his fight against a nearly three-year insurrection. It is also seen as feeding instability in Bahrain and Yemen.
President Barack Obama moved quickly to reassure US allies on Sunday, saying Washington “will remain firm, as will our commitment to our friends and allies — particularly Israel and our Gulf partners, who have good reason to be skeptical about Iran’s intentions.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the nuclear agreement, calling it “not a historic agreement but rather, a historic mistake.”
He reiterated Israel’s right to defend itself, and his hawkish foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman said “all options are on the table.”

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Source URL: Nuclear deal sparks Iran hegemony fears | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
There is a misundertanding here i think.
I believe the Turkish meant to say that many Iranian posters used to call others,slaves of the west for having good ties with the west.
Now that Iran has reached a deal with the ''west''he thinks Iran is in the same boat.

bro , as u see (even from the post above yours) , two turkish members troll-ishly call iran "puppet" and "failed regime "

we never reported their post as they will get infractions most probably . still @Serpentine is not online to delete their posts .

we really tried our best so that we dont drag turkey in to this , pls note that bro .

if u were me , and u saw 2 iranian members trolling in your section , what would u do?
ask iranian bro idont know where is honor:) it is just interesting they keep calling turkey as puppet all the time but now they dealing with west actually .where is free iran? why do they have to ask west about their politics and economic issues?
by they way iranian goverment is doing best for their people..this is most important thing
look at my signature.and i dont see Turkey as a puppet.
Iran is a country of 80 million people, educated and dynamic. It sits astride a crucial part of the world. It cannot be sanctioned and pressed down forever. It is the last great civilization to sit outside the global order.
Fareed Zakaria
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If you just focus on that part; then you miss the big Picture.

The interim deal is a legally and officialy signed excuse for the West WHO could do more than sanctions in future.
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bro , as u see (even from the post above yours) , two turkish members troll-ishly call iran "puppet" and "failed regime "

we never reported their post as they will get infractions most probably . still @Serpentine is not online to delete their posts .

we really tried our best so that we dont drag turkey in to this , pls note that bro .

if u were me , and u saw 2 iranian members trolling in your section , what would u do?
Your country your rules.
The ugly truth comes to the surface; Without the leave of the West No leaf can move.

The regime in Iran signed the interim deal; which means they have learned their place. But The same regime tries to discredit what she signed for, which is important ; Because the regime can act against the deal; so if the regime does that, then more heavy sanctions are on the way.

The contradiction is that People in iran by looking at the members of Pdf celebrate it, but do not ask why the deal is different than p5+1 countries' release.

because you still doesnt know what the meaning of "deal" is.

it's a win-win situation. that's why both sides are satisfied for now.

I offer you instead of wasting time here, ask your parents what "trade" means. in a trade you give something and you earn something else.

for over 10 years west didnt recognize iran enrichment rights. but finally they had to accept it.

BTW, some iranian members dont call someone puppet because of trade with west countries.

it's more about knowing yourself miserable in front of west and try to westernize the country without considering the negative points of west culture.

let foreign soldiers have a military base in our country and come to our soil to protect us.

being coward to face problems and powers who dont want we access to some high-techs.

unable to make decision and run it alone without getting permission from some other countries.
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opening mouth without think lead people look stupid.
first of all you thought you gain a very huge achievement against iranian and jumped out here to let others know how much you are smart .

you called iran puppet of west because west gives them money. but not long after, an Iranian member educated you that money is Irans money that were blocked in west.

then your reason for calling Iran west of puppet pissed off. so technically you just made a mistake and it's better to be calm down and next time before getting so excited and begin talking, read a little more about issue.

that is what you want to see instinctively; You are just manipulating and twisting my words; So please do not confuse me with weak debaters; i know what Word i use in a sentence.

Ps: Sorry for this post , but i am accused of what i did not do in the quote.
If you just focus on that part; then you miss the big Picture.

The interim deal is a legally and officialy singed excuse for the West WHO could do more than sanctions in future.
there was unreal image of Iran getting the bomb created by Israel and US to convince other countries to move against Iran, in the past 8 years we were the bad guys, but this deal destroyed that image.
i am asking you a question: what is the reason that Israel was crying about Iran getting a bomb from 1990?
because you still doent know what is the meaning of "deal" is.

it's a win-win situation. that's why both sides are satisfied for now.

I offer you instead of wasting time here, ask your parents what "trade" means. in a trade you give something and you earn something else.

for over 10 years west didnt recognize iran enrichment rights. but finally they had to accept it.

BTW, some iranian members dont call someone puppet because of trade with west countries.

it's more about knowing yourself miserable in front of west and try to westernized the country without considering the negative points of west culture.

let foreign soldiers have a military base in our country and come to our sold to protect us.

being coward to face problems and powers who dont want we access to some high-techs.

unable to make decision and run it alone without getting permission from some other countries.
there was unreal image of Iran getting the bomb created by Israel and US to convince other countries to move against Iran, in the past 8 years we were the bad guys, but this deal destroyed that image.
i am asking you a question: what is the reason that Israel was crying about Iran getting a bomb from 1990?

i have no interest in Israel; but i can say that The officials in Iran have always been mentioning about ''wiping out'' Israel from the map. that seems a legitimate argument.
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