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Iran nuclear deal reached

hey wacko, iran took back its own money !! it was our money which was blocked by your friend eu banks ! wait a sec !! eu is not ..... okey i'm not gonna drag turkey into this .

whats the relation between greece and iran ? this comparison shows your mental problem , and i assume its masochism .

pls let me respect u .

this is you failed silly logic :iran is a western puppet .... why ? because they had a deal !

pppfff :D they should design an "are u kidding me smiley" :D :D

dont get offended , and try to insult me, for the only people WHO swear or insult are the ones with no argument.

That is an epic moment, That is actually a slap on the face of the regime in Iran. Now the regime learns its place after the collapse in the economy and the Spring in The ME; That is why the regime took a few steps back inside and outside, which means the whole arguments of the regime have collapsed, what is more, they are dependent on the words to be expressed by the mouths of the West.

Greece is in the same position with Iran, for example, Some greeks have protested the treatment of the West after the collapse ; Do you think why? however, almost all iranian members here celebrate it without questioning it.

and still you are talking about smiling at me... it is sad.
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dont get offended , and try to insult me, for the only people WHO swear or insult are the ones with no argument.

That is an epic moment, That is actually a slap on the face of the regime in Iran. Now the regime learns its place after the collapse in the economy and the Spring in The ME; That is why the regime took a few steps back inside and outside, which means the whole arguments of the regime have collapsed, what is more, they are dependent on the words to be expressed by the mouths of the West.

Greece is in the same position with Iran, for example, Some greeks have protested the treatment of the West after the collapse ; Do you think why? however, almost all iranian members here celebrate it without questioning it.

and still you are talking about smiling at me... it is sad.
your post only shows that you hate both Iran and Greece.
your post only shows that you hate both Iran and Greece.

No argument but personal attack?

You lower my thought at the emotional level? If so, how come some one like me comes up with argument, and some one like you with logical approach comes up with emotional explanation to my post other than a reasonable argument?


Any way, The regime in Iran has no ally in the World; Russians can hand over Iran without thinking a second, for the West is almost the biggest costumer of Russian oil/gas; Would they risk their only Mone flow into Russia for Iran? Russia are dependent on the income of oil/gas, they have no proper industry to compete with The West. Even China can do nothing when it comes to that; Chinese products are bought by the West, and in return China invest the Money into the West in order to keep the demand alive.

Now Iran has learned its place and will ''obey'' to the World order; at this point i just ask some Iranians that what happened that proud/honor when you were bragging about your resistence againt the West and when you labeled everybody with the Word of Puppet?
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dont get offended , and try to insult me, for the only people WHO swear or insult are the ones with no argument.

That is an epic moment, That is actually a slap on the face of the regime in Iran. Now the regime learns its place after the collapse in the economy and the Spring in The ME; That is why the regime took a few steps back inside and outside, which means the whole arguments of the regime have collapsed, what is more, they are dependent on the words to be expressed by the mouths of the West.
Iran didn't give up anything in this deal, we will continue to have our f~cking 19000 centrifuges, we will keep the enough amount of 20% uranium which we need for our reactor, we will continue the construction of Arak reactor.
so our Proliferation will continue, and our sanctions will decrease.
this is a good results for resistance and more like a slap for puppet regimes of America in the region.
By the way. How Americans would justify a missile defense system in Europe near Russia's borders? After all, they argued that they "protected from Iranian nuclear missiles?"
Iran’s production as estimated by oil Industry has fallen to less than 3-milliom barrels per day down from about 3.7-million barrels per day a couple of years ago. Therefore in material terms $7-billion in 6 months is peanuts. It basically means Iran can export additional 5 VLCC of crude every month or increase the production by about 400,000 barrels per day.

It is not a lot, but nevertheless a step in the right direction. Oil market opened about $2 per barrel down from Friday, basically good news for the oil consumer.
Pakistan welcomes the Iran Nuclear Deal:

Islamabad: Pakistan on Sunday welcomed the historic deal between Iran and Western powers on Tehran's nuclear programme, saying it would greatly help its goal for cheap gas, peace in Afghanistan and better ties with India.

"Pakistan welcomes the understanding reached between the Islamic Republic of Iran and P5+1 in Geneva on the Iran nuclear issue," the Foreign Office here said in a statement.

Pakistan has always underscored the importance of finding a peaceful solution to this issue, the statement said, adding it has been stressing the need to avert confrontation over Iran's nuclear programme which had the potential to destabilise the region.

"The understanding is an important development, which should augur well for peace and security in our region and the world at large," it said.

A top Pakistani government official said the deal was historic.

"History has been made. We can get cheap gas, it will affect the Saudi influence in the region and will have positive impact on Afghan peace," the official told.

He added that this deal would have a positive impact on the security situation in the region.

"Most important for us is Iran gas, Afghan peace and also better relations with India - and this deal can help do all these three," he said.

Energy-starved Pakistan is very keen on a gas pipeline project with Iran. It has been stuck due to financing troubles since Pakistan cannot get foreign funds due to economic sanctions on Iran.

India, too, was once part of this project but has taken a backseat and is now actively pursuing the Turkmenistan- Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline project, that is being promoted by the US.

World powers today reached an agreement with Iran over its controversial nuclear programme.

The announcement came after more than four days of talks in Geneva between Iran and the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany.

Pakistan hails `historic` Iran nuclear deal
That is an epic moment, That is actually a slap on the face of the regime in Iran. Now the regime learns its place after the collapse in the economy and the Spring in The ME; That is why the regime took a few steps back inside and outside, which means the whole arguments of the regime have collapsed, what is more, they are dependent on the words to be expressed by the mouths of the West..

what is this guy talking abt ? :blink: :blink:

are u from this planet ? or u just lost your spaceship?
with all due respect to my turkish brothers , your just an amazing turkish citizen !! and you know what ?? i like u !!!

anyhow , not a sane person at least from this planet considers that deal between iran and west as a failure for iran that makes iran a puppet state of west . as i said before i will never bring turkey into this discussion no matter how much u try .

turn your head around !! all people from all around the globe , which includes turkey , are congratulating iran even in this thread on pdf !!!

look man , we just won the deal !! the deal is this : we wont enrich uranium above 20 % for just 6 month and all the sanctions after that are lifted .

if u dont understand the logic dude , pls stop posting here . come to iranian chill thread and i will explain it all to u brother .

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 163
Iran didn't give up anything in this deal, we will continue to have our f~cking 19000 centrifuges, we will keep the enough amount of 20% uranium which we need for our reactor, we will continue the construction of Arak reactor.
so our Proliferation will continue, and our sanctions will decrease.
this is a good results for resistance and more like a slap for puppet regimes of America in the region.
what is this guy talking abt ? :blink: :blink:

are u from this planet ? or u just lost your spaceship?
with all due respect to my turkish brothers , your just an amazing turkish citizen !! and you know what ?? i like u !!!

anyhow , not a sane person at least from this planet considers that deal between iran and west as a failure for iran that makes iran a puppet state of west . as i said before i will never bring turkey into this discussion no matter how much u try .

turn your head around !! all people from all around the globe , which includes turkey , are congratulating iran even in this thread on pdf !!!

look man , we just won the deal !! the deal is this : we wont enrich uranium above 20 % for just 6 month and all the sanctions after that are lifted .

if u dont understand the logic dude , pls stop posting here . come to iranian chill thread and i will explain it all to u brother .

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 163


Under the interim deal, Iran agreed to halt uranium enrichment above the level of 5% purity, reduce its existing stockpile of medium-enriched uranium, not increase the number of centrifuges (used to purify uranium), suspend work at its reactor at Arak (currently under construction), and give UN inspectors more information and greater access to enrichment facilities.

the world powers agreed to "limited, temporary... reversible" sanctions relief.

Do you really think Iran ''won'' ?

For years Iran had tried to build something and now she backsteped for "limited, temporary... reversible" relief.

Some one could wonder what was the point in the first place if Iran would be on her knees.
That is just a proof of my point that the regime in Iran is on her knees; and now she may be considered by some people to become what Some Iranians has so far labeled others by saying ''puppet''.

The economy will not get on its food in six months, but The West will get what she wants in six months; what is more important, with the temporary relief agreement, no one can claim There will not be more heavy sanctions if the West ( un officials) find out some problems.
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Under the interim deal, Iran agreed to halt uranium enrichment above the level of 5% purity, reduce its existing stockpile of medium-enriched uranium, not increase the number of centrifuges (used to purify uranium), suspend work at its reactor at Arak (currently under construction), and give UN inspectors more information and greater access to enrichment facilities.
the world powers agreed to "limited, temporary... reversible" sanctions relief.

brother , arak will not be suspended !! here is th deal :

“None of the enrichment centers will be closed and Fordo and Natanz will continue their work and the Arak heavy water program will continue in its present form and no material (enriched uranium stockpiles) will be taken out of the country and all the enriched materials will remain inside the country. The current sanctions will move towards decrease, no sanctions will be imposed and Iran’s financial resources will return,”

arak is not built yet !! so what suspend are u talking abt ? arak will continue to be built .
but the deal is that if iran finishes the construction in this 6 month , it wont fuel the reactor . period .

the number of centrifuges wont increase , because we already have 19000 of them !!! instead they will be replaced with new ones .

the sanctions lift are limited but just for 6 month !!! after that all of 'em are lifted at another 6 month period .

so u see , foreign media just say an small part of the truth !!! dont trust them !!!

and read this for more clarification :

PressTV - Geneva nuclear deal, not to limit Iran’s nuclear activities: AEOI

Do you really think Iran ''won'' ?

For years Iran had tried to build something and now she backsteped for "limited, temporary... reversible" relief.

Some one could wonder what was the point in the first place if Iran would be on her knees.
That is just a proof of my point that the regime in Iran is on her knees; and now she has become what Some Iranians has so far labeled others by saying ''puppet''.

The economy will not get on its food in six months, but The West will get what she wants in six months; what is more important, with the temporary relief agreement, no one can claim There will not be more heavy sanctions if the West ( un officials) find out some problems.
lets play logic, just look at similar cases: Libya and north Korea.you will understand(if you want to)
brother , arak will not be suspended !! here is th deal :

“None of the enrichment centers will be closed and Fordo and Natanz will continue their work and the Arak heavy water program will continue in its present form and no material (enriched uranium stockpiles) will be taken out of the country and all the enriched materials will remain inside the country. The current sanctions will move towards decrease, no sanctions will be imposed and Iran’s financial resources will return,”

arak is not built yet !! so what suspend are u talking abt ? arak will continue to be built .
but the deal is that if iran finishes the construction in this 6 month , it wont fuel the reactor . period .

the number of centrifuges wont increase , because we already have 19000 of them !!! instead they will be replaced with new ones .

the sanctions lift are limited but just for 6 month !!! after that all of 'em are lifted at another 6 month period .

so u see , foreign media just say an small part of the truth !!! dont trust them !!!

and read this for more clarification :

PressTV - Geneva nuclear deal, not to limit Iran’s nuclear activities: AEOI

Now you started to talk about facts.

First i would like to ask you that you really want me to believe Farsnews instead of mainstream media in the World?

If you want to be honest, then start to be objective please.


Here is what the White house aired, and so far no countries in p5 have deined, which makes it credible.

Iran has committed to halt enrichment above 5%:

  • Halt all enrichment above 5% and dismantle the technical connections required to enrich above 5%.
Iran has committed to neutralize its stockpile of near-20% uranium:

  • Dilute below 5% or convert to a form not suitable for further enrichment its entire stockpile of near-20% enriched uranium before the end of the initial phase.
Iran has committed to halt progress on its enrichment capacity:

  • Not install additional centrifuges of any type.
  • Not install or use any next-generation centrifuges to enrich uranium.
  • Leave inoperable roughly half of installed centrifuges at Natanz and three-quarters of installed centrifuges at Fordow, so they cannot be used to enrich uranium.
  • Limit its centrifuge production to those needed to replace damaged machines, so Iran cannot use the six months to stockpile centrifuges.

  • Not construct additional enrichment facilities.

Iran has committed to halt progress on the growth of its 3.5% stockpile:

  • Not increase its stockpile of 3.5% low enriched uranium, so that the amount is not greater at the end of the six months than it is at the beginning, and any newly enriched 3.5% enriched uranium is converted into oxide.
Iran has committed to no further advances of its activities at Arak and to halt progress on its plutonium track. Iran has committed to:

  • Not commission the Arak reactor.

  • Not fuel the Arak reactor.
  • Halt the production of fuel for the Arak reactor.
  • No additional testing of fuel for the Arak reactor.
  • Not install any additional reactor components at Arak.
  • Not transfer fuel and heavy water to the reactor site.
  • Not construct a facility capable of reprocessing. Without reprocessing, Iran cannot separate plutonium from spent fuel.

Unprecedented transparency and intrusive monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program

Iran has committed to:

  • Provide daily access by IAEA inspectors at Natanz and Fordow. This daily access will permit inspectors to review surveillance camera footage to ensure comprehensive monitoring. This access will provide even greater transparency into enrichment at these sites and shorten detection time for any non-compliance.
  • Provide IAEA access to centrifuge assembly facilities.
  • Provide IAEA access to centrifuge rotor component production and storage facilities.
  • Provide IAEA access to uranium mines and mills.
  • Provide long-sought design information for the Arak reactor. This will provide critical insight into the reactor that has not previously been available.
  • Provide more frequent inspector access to the Arak reactor.
  • Provide certain key data and information called for in the Additional Protocol to Iran’s IAEA Safeguards Agreement and Modified Code 3.1.

what drags my attention is that The regime has backstepped and accepted to obey to the World order; Even The regime has given up, but still The same regime continue misleading her own supporters; what is more interesting so far Some regime supporters deny that They could be seen as what they called others .

Soviet union could not resist the West system; China could not resist the West system; but The regime and its supporters still think They ''won''.
lets play logic, just look at similar cases: Libya and north Korea.you will understand(if you want to)

I think you are ironically and subconciously making my point more clear; but still do not get fully.

If the logic is that; then why did the regime fool its own people and let them live in isolated and poor condition; that is what is improtant here; however, the regime is misleading people in Iran. it seems they manage that well, if we look at the reactions of Iran members here; so far no member from Iran has asked that fair question.

why i am using the Word of puppet is due just to be a symbol; however, no answer is delivered to that... ineteresting.
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