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Iran Military News

Tomorrow they are gonna unveil Ghaher, the new fighter jet.Let's sit and watch what that Would be.I hope it is as good as Mig-29!

"سردار سيد مجيد مير احمدي" معاون سرمايه انساني وزارت دفاع و پشتيباني نيروهاي مسلح در گفتگو با خبرنگار دفاعي - امنيتي باشگاه خبرنگاران، در تشريح ويژگي*هاي جديدترين جنگنده ايراني که قرار است در آينده نزديك رونمايي شود، اظهار داشت: اين جنگنده يک جنگنده فوق پيشرفته است که مي تواند تمام نيازمندي هاي نيروهاي مسلح را در صحنه نبرد هوايي پاسخگو باشد.

وي افزود: اين جنگنده داراي قابليت ها و ظرفيت هاي فوق العاده اي است که آن را با آخرين فناوري ها و دستاوردهاي نوين جهان در اين عرصه، همطراز كرده است.

معاون سرمايه انساني وزارت دفاع همچنين از دستيابي به دستاوردهايي زمينه*ساز براي حضور هرچه بيشتر در "عرصه فضايي" خبر داد و خاطرنشان کرد: در حوزه دفاعي حضور قدرتمندانه و توسعه هرچه بيشتر را در دستور کار داريم و به زودي ملت شريف ايران خبر پرتاب "ماهواره*هاي جديد ايران" را به فضا خواهند شنيد.

گفتني است،"سردار احمد وحیدی" وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح در حاشیه مراسم بزرگداشت دانشمند فقید "سردار وفا غفاریان" از رونمایی جدیدترین جنگنده ساخت کشور در ایام دهه فجر خبر داده و گفته بود: این هواپیما متفاوت از هواپیماهای جنگنده بومی قبلی است.

همچنين اداره کل تبلیغات دفاعی وزارت دفاع از رونمايي از جدیدترین جنگنده ساخت وزارت دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح با حضور محمود احمدی*نژاد خبر داد كه این جنگنده در سومین روز از ایام*الله دهه فجر با نام «قاهر 313» (چیره شونده) رونمایی می*شود.
انتهاي پيام/
Is this Iranian?
Where was this picture taken?Is it IDEX?
Yes it has Persian words on it, which says 'lift up here' on the top. Doesn't make sense to me.

Yes, it was taken at Idex 2013, so, why are there Persian words since it's not Iranian?
According to a Member on an Iranian forum "farbod", he says it is probably belonging to a NATO country but they have brought from afghanistan as that is where it was stationed, that is why it has Persian words on it.
Yes, it was taken at Idex 2013, so, why are there Persian words since it's not Iranian?

According to a Member on an Iranian forum "farbod", he says it is probably belonging to a NATO country but they have brought from afghanistan as that is where it was stationed, that is why it has Persian words on it.

Oh I forgot that part.It has most probably been designed or visualized for operation in Afghanistan.Has nothing to do with Iran.

really stupid image. There are a lot of bimbo and clowns in your special forces ahahaha.


whats the valeu of this action? Look you can shoot me but cant drive me?
You little kid are jealous just because your special forces are not as capable as ours!
The fact is always bitter.
Yes together with the americans against taliban...:undecided:

poor forces....
Even our IRGC commandos defeated PIJAK the way that I don't think they would dare to take a step on our soil again for years.If you go to wikipedia and search Takavar you can see it is said they train for 12months.But I should add this fact:That training is for our tan beret commandos.Our navy's GREEN BERET commandos must pass 30 months training to just receive that green beret and after that SBS trainings start!How much distance should a guy be able to run to become a navy seal?5 miles with full gear.But for our army marine,he should run 14Km with full gear in desert in a particular period of time.After he did so,the Takavar trainings start(I didn't mention swimming endurance and other physical tests). Becoming a green beret Takavar and after that SBS is no more easier than becoming a UK SBS.
Denis Janitorial: Iran is ready to become the second pole of the natural Eurasian Union

04/2013 - 00:41 Story: Politics Topic tags Ali Akbar Salehi Denis Janitorial geo Middle East and Maghreb Russia and CIS RF Iran

While still a virtual project "Eurasian Union" is considered official Tehran not only as a potential strategic partner, but also as the most desirable form of geopolitical full integration into the system of the Islamic republic's new international institutions.

At a recent conference on Eurasian, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the "Eurasian cooperation is twice the value and ordering can increase the contribution of this region to shaping the world of tomorrow and to ensure the interests of the region." Today, Foreign Minister of Iran are actively studying the possible scenarios of participation of their country in the new design.

In fact, Iran is ready to become the second pole of the natural Eurasian Union, which will take not only a joy to open up markets, but also the difficulties of organizational and financial costs for the first and subsequent stages of the new entity, a project that has already caused not just criticism, and open aggression on the part of some Russia's Western partners.

Attempts to artificially isolate Iran, which shall take the countries of the Western coalition will certainly complicate the situation. Iran's participation in the project, sponsored by the Russian president, can become not only a strong irritant, but another reason for the outbreak of the political and economic blackmail against the patriotic part of the Russian elite.

Need to be aware that the first steps to include Iran in the Eurasian project automatically launch the new aggressive counter-contributory-liberal influence of the Russian branch of the establishment, which in its intensity may exceed the pre-electoral and anti-clerical campaign. Unpleasant? How! Tolerant? At a certain mobilization of resources and personnel - completely.

Internal political provocation - these are the main risks to our country during the start of the Eurasian Union. Despite the rhetoric of calling some international actors, it is the inner conflict of political protectors partisan and liberal policemen is the main challenge for Russia in its self-definition. This is true not only of the Eurasian Union, but also of many other infrastructural and ideological initiatives.

Certainly, in the international arena will have to explain that the Eurasian Union is not an attempt to restore "scoop", and the political union of equal and free countries, whose main asset is not only trade, but also to preserve the fundamentals of international law, respect for tradition, national sovereignty and human rights in their true sense.

These will have to explain the obvious, not only to partner countries and future members of the new international structure, but also to themselves, by his own officials and strategists. Attempts to play "Big Brother" will not pass away. Only civilized vzaimootkrytye relationship will not only help improve and update the international cooperation, but also help in the development of the Russian state in the new feasible.

As it may seem strange to someone, it is the participation of Iran can help avoid unilateral perception of the "Eurasian Union." It is such a powerful member of the new organization in the first place will make meaningless talk about the fact that Russia is the sole and dominant beneficiary of this integration project, which, by the way, is the main thesis has already begun counter-propaganda.

In addition to such a bright "break pattern", there are a number of really serious advantages that, at least, need to be discussed and addressed.

Participation of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia's regional integration will control a huge total energy reserves, which with proper cooperation and benefit, will bring many regions of the participating countries to a new level of development in the years ahead to form a completely different approach to infrastructure programs in the areas of our non-poor countries, where poverty reigns today eloquently and desolation.

Full integration of Iran in trade and political relations with a number of member countries of the international community will give the opportunity to complete a 'nuclear mythology "and remove the ongoing tensions around the Islamic republic.

This chance must not lose sight of humanity, as a possible war in Central Asia, may be the most destructive in the history of civilization, destroying many nations and peoples, pour the blood of innocent people, not only the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Volga, to change the familiar world beyond recognition.

Iran's entry into a common open system of transport and logistics corridor will solve the issue of the two Armenian states in the full economic turnover in the Eurasian Union.


Both Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh - ed.) Will be free to use Iranian ports and means of communication for the transit of goods, and to realize full investment projects, including the territory of Artsakh, which already is the state with the most favorable investment climate in the FSU.

With this new balance of power will help keep the current leadership of Azerbaijan from hasty and emotional action. In the future, new opportunities will benefit from corridors and Georgia, which is now also in need of serious and conscientious investment projects aimed at rural development and rehabilitation of the agricultural sector.

Each potential member of the Eurasian Union today is ready to contribute to the cause. Unfortunately, time is against us today. Obviously, the need to start not only the will but also the confidence in its true and authentic realization.

For Russia, the main problem of Putin's third term is not the lack of political will, and its perverted realization. But it's clear that the Eurasian Union could start only once, and only successfully. Our potential partners, including Iran, are waiting until we sort out themselves, and begin, finally, to act.

Denis Janitorial
Member of the Public Chamber of Russia
Source: sajjadi.livejournal.com Blog Reza Sajjadi - Iranian Ambassador to Russia !!!

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