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Iran informs Pakistan over suspicious activities of some countries at Pakistan Iran border: Iranian


Dec 25, 2016
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10 Dec, 2018



TEHRAN - Speaker of Iranian parliament said that Tehran asked Islamabad that the military and its intelligence systems would be more actively involved in the release of kidnapped Iranian border guards and they promised to end the matter and that Iran would pursue it, IRNA has reported.

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At a news conference with local and foreign media in response to a question about the situation of the kidnapped Iranian border guards, Ali Larijani said, 'I followed up on my talk with the head of Pakistani parliament and I know that Mr. President has also talked about it in a meeting with the president's Speaker of parliament.'

'On the matter of unrest on the Pakistani border, we have seen some other countries' involvement and told Pakistani friends there are some solid evidence that some countries have been involved in the matter and have done so to hamper Iran-Pakistan relations,' he said, noting that the issue is a major concern.

READ MORE:Will reconstruct Pakistan brickbrick: COAS General Bajwa
In response to a question about Tehran Conference's achievements, Larijani stated that the heads of state assemblies in the summit expressed their strategies to fight terrorism and emphasized that the steps should be taken to set the rules in order to combat terrorism.

'An intellectual convergence between member-states is under way, which we hope to achieve the result,' he said, stressing that the stronger economic cooperation will be formed among the members.
10 Dec, 2018



TEHRAN - Speaker of Iranian parliament said that Tehran asked Islamabad that the military and its intelligence systems would be more actively involved in the release of kidnapped Iranian border guards and they promised to end the matter and that Iran would pursue it, IRNA has reported.

READ MORE:PM Imran Khan held one on one meeting with Governor Sindh Imran Ismail
At a news conference with local and foreign media in response to a question about the situation of the kidnapped Iranian border guards, Ali Larijani said, 'I followed up on my talk with the head of Pakistani parliament and I know that Mr. President has also talked about it in a meeting with the president's Speaker of parliament.'

'On the matter of unrest on the Pakistani border, we have seen some other countries' involvement and told Pakistani friends there are some solid evidence that some countries have been involved in the matter and have done so to hamper Iran-Pakistan relations,' he said, noting that the issue is a major concern.

READ MORE:Will reconstruct Pakistan brickbrick: COAS General Bajwa
In response to a question about Tehran Conference's achievements, Larijani stated that the heads of state assemblies in the summit expressed their strategies to fight terrorism and emphasized that the steps should be taken to set the rules in order to combat terrorism.

'An intellectual convergence between member-states is under way, which we hope to achieve the result,' he said, stressing that the stronger economic cooperation will be formed among the members.

Lets put an end to menace of Terrorism together. United we stand, divided we fall!
So the obvious question - what are the agencies of Pakistan doing? Looks like they are sitting on their arses and letting every dic.k and harry do terrorism. It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs that Pakistan's own agencies have failed miserably to stop these monsters doing terrorism from Pak soils. Sorry COAS, you can put out statements every now and then, but they don't mean a shi.t.
Add KSA/UAE too.
To some extent but not that much. The major source of terrorism is coming from Helmand province in Afghanistan where mossad cia and RAW are involved greatly.

So the obvious question - what are the agencies of Pakistan doing? Looks like they are sitting on their arses and letting every dic.k and harry do terrorism. It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs that Pakistan's own agencies have failed miserably to stop these monsters doing terrorism from Pak soils. Sorry COAS, you can put out statements every now and then, but they don't mean a shi.t.

Basically we are doing a lot better than many countries about terrorism the reduction has been above 70% and it takes time when you are fighting a superpower sponsoring terrorism in your country. Killing few here and there is not solution we need to complete the fence and make USA leave Afghanistan because USA has failed in Afghanistan and terrorism spills over our side of the border from Afghanistan.
So the obvious question - what are the agencies of Pakistan doing? Looks like they are sitting on their arses and letting every dic.k and harry do terrorism. It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs that Pakistan's own agencies have failed miserably to stop these monsters doing terrorism from Pak soils. Sorry COAS, you can put out statements every now and then, but they don't mean a shi.t.

If you had brains, you'll actually know what you are saying.
But you lack those and you don't know what you;re saying.

Go and do some research and then come back to throw this ignorance based bullshit around.
Yup you hit the jackpot !!

Well here is another fun fact. Those who think that Iran or China is the target of USA sitting in the region are totally wrong. USA has only one target in this whole world and that is Pakistan. We are and will always remain a threat for USA and they will not say it but they fight us everyday.
Iran informs Pakistan …… ok well good enough …….. Now whom Pakistan Inform ?????? Chabahar , Kalbhoshan , uzair Baluch , Northern alliance , Sectarian-ism in Pakistan , Irani National using Pakistani passports , using Pakistani Shia Nationals in Syria , Iraq etc , etc.
Iran informs Pakistan …… ok well good enough …….. Now whom Pakistan Inform ?????? Chabahar , Kalbhoshan , uzair Baluch , Northern alliance , Sectarian-ism in Pakistan , Irani National using Pakistani passports , using Pakistani Shia Nationals in Syria , Iraq etc , etc.

Wah bhai wah. What a good Pakistani you are trying your best to cultivate hate. Mashallah.
Well here is another fun fact. Those who think that Iran or China is the target of USA sitting in the region are totally wrong. USA has only one target in this whole world and that is Pakistan. We are and will always remain a threat for USA and they will not say it but they fight us everyday.
We are not any sort of threat for USA ,,,,,,, we are threat for Israel , you can call me mad but Jew in Israel(Zionists) take Predications of Our Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) very seriously …….. If you don't know , you can google those Predications.

Wah bhai wah. What a good Pakistani you are trying your best to cultivate hate. Mashallah.
I support Iran on this ………. We will never allow any Arabi or Israeli or RAW to use Pak-Land against Iran . We have to stop this …… But I just raised my concerns on Irani attitude . They too have to do a lot ………….. Way more then Pakistan.

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