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Iran informs Pakistan over suspicious activities of some countries at Pakistan Iran border: Iranian

We are not a threat for USA ,,,,,,, we are threat for Israel , you can call me mad but Jew in Israel(Zionists) take Predications of Our Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) very seriously …….. If you don't know , you can google those Predications.

I support Iran on this ………. We will never allow any Arabi or Israeli or RAW to use Pak-Land against Iran . We have to stop this …… But I just raised my concerns on Irani attitude . They too have to do a lot ………….. Way more then Pakistan.

Okay here is another fun fact for you. Iranian border with Afghanistan is bigger than Pakistani border and terrorist incidents in Iran are far less than what happens in Pakistan. Why? They are after us not Iran. Pakistan is the main target for USA Israel and India. They need Iran to keep KSA on their side they will not damage Iran. Sorry bro you don't understand what is happening here.
Okay here is another fun fact for you. Iranian border with Afghanistan is bigger than Pakistani border and terrorist incidents in Iran are far less than what happens in Pakistan. Why? They are after us not Iran. Pakistan is the main target for USA Israel and India. They need Iran to keep KSA on their side they will not damage Iran. Sorry bro you don't understand what is happening here.

You just nailed it , That's the same thing I am saying from day one...…… They need Iran to keep KSA in-check and on their side , Iran need blood for Revolution to carry on ………. And Pakistan is real target...….. I surly can understand , but can you understand Iran is playing for Israel , India and USA ????????
I even said Pakistan is and will face 3 front war ….. India , Iran and Afghanistan . That is why I always said fence Afghna border and even Iran border ……

After saying above , I will be very happy if you put more light on bold part in your post and I will be very happy if you teach me.
You just nailed it , That's the same thing I am saying from day one...…… They need Iran to keep KSA in-check and on their side , Iran need blood for Revolution to carry on ………. And Pakistan is real target...….. I surly can understand , but can you understand Iran is playing for Israel , India and USA ????????
I even said Pakistan is and will face 3 front war ….. India , Iran and Afghanistan . That is why I always said fence Afghna border and even Iran border ……

After saying above , I will be very happy if you put more light on bold part in your post and I will be very happy if you teach me.

Iran is not playing for Israel. Israel is already in your neighbourhood bro stop blaming Iran and start realising the actual treat which is sitting in Afghanistan. Pakistan and Iran are not enemies. Iran and gulf are enemies. We are not going to fight their war. We have our own war let them settle their own score them selves and let's us focus on threat that is harming us.

@CHACHA"G" you people have very short memory and blame Iran very quickly. Instead of pointing fingers in the right direction.

This just happened in Iran. The first conference happened in Islamabad.

chronicle events that i remember

isreali pm along with mossad chief visited Oman .

weeks latter terror attack on Chinese consulate .

and then weeks latter bomb blast occurred in chahbar and india showed sympathy .

some elements pointed finger on Pakistan .

UAE and arab countries were also blamed.

does it mean Pakistan is being encircled and dragged into Persian-Arab conflict?!
Okay here is another fun fact for you. Iranian border with Afghanistan is bigger than Pakistani border and terrorist incidents in Iran are far less than what happens in Pakistan. Why? They are after us not Iran. Pakistan is the main target for USA Israel and India. They need Iran to keep KSA on their side they will not damage Iran. Sorry bro you don't understand what is happening here.
The Last Shah of Iran went down in "two weeks" of the CIA ops as per the Shah...
So the obvious question - what are the agencies of Pakistan doing? Looks like they are sitting on their arses and letting every dic.k and harry do terrorism. It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs that Pakistan's own agencies have failed miserably to stop these monsters doing terrorism from Pak soils. Sorry COAS, you can put out statements every now and then, but they don't mean a shi.t.

Would have been nice that you had done some research before going on a rant, check these out



Add KSA/UAE too.
you think they are tht capable?

It said countries and I am counting 3 USA India Israel.
do agree.

So the obvious question - what are the agencies of Pakistan doing? Looks like they are sitting on their arses and letting every dic.k and harry do terrorism. It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs that Pakistan's own agencies have failed miserably to stop these monsters doing terrorism from Pak soils. Sorry COAS, you can put out statements every now and then, but they don't mean a shi.t.
according to u nato fails too . so west should dismantle nato

most probably through raw .

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