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Iran inaugarates large missile base near Hormuz Straits


Feb 28, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran`s elite Revolutionary Guards unveiled an underground missile
base at an undisclosed Persian Gulf location near the mouth of Hormuz on Friday, Iranian state mediareported, at a time of heightened tension between Tehran and the United States.

"The base is one of several bases housing the Guards` Navy`s
strategic missiles," the state media quoted the head of the Guards,
Major General Hossein Salami, as saying.

Last year, the Guards said Iran had built underground “missile cities” along
the Gulf coastline, warning of a “nightmare for Iran’s enemies”.

"These missiles have ranges of hundreds of kilometres, enjoy pinpoint
accuracy and huge destructive power, and can overcome the enemy’s
electronic warfare equipment," Salami said.

Many years ago IRGCN made statements that they are every where and no where and that even coalition naval forces would be taken by surprise by the seemingly sudden appearance of speed boats out of no where. These assets being based in these facilities scattered along the entire coast and the islands gives an idea as to how rapidly certain forces can be deployed and withdrawn by IRGCN.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of these can even support ghadir subs.
Many years ago IRGCN made statements that they are every where and no where and that even coalition naval forces would be taken by surprise by the seemingly sudden appearance of speed boats out of no where. These assets being based in these facilities scattered along the entire coast and the islands gives an idea as to how rapidly certain forces can be deployed and withdrawn by IRGCN.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of these can even support ghadir subs.

It wouldn't be too unfeasible to have some sort of underground dry dock for these Ghadirs that can go in. sit on a platform connected to rails, the water then drains out of the docking area, and the ghadir is then transported deeper into the facility by rail for maintenance and rapid rearmament.
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