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Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

its a might makes right situation. turkey would not dare touch a Russian navy ship regardlss of whether its armed in the bosphurus, unless it was already at war with Russia. so it makes sense for Russia to do that.

Iran putting a navy flag on it without any escorting firepower might even make it a more enticing target for the US to capture. and return Irans debt on parading captured soldiers and then showing them pity and "hospitality" by feeding them.etc.etc..

the escort option is actually far more effective then some people give it credit for though. the point is not to battle the US navy in the atlantic. its to massively increase the risks associated with the act.

taking a commercial ship is easy. Iran and the UK just did it recently. its considered a hostile international incident

you cannot do that to a warship. you have to open fire on it or force it to surrender. it is magnitutes of order higher and an act of open war essentially.

there are risks and benefit though. since trump is too dumb to realize this and his Zionist advisers might trick him into doing exactly this to provoke a war. so its still an open debate.

Sending a bunch of toys compared to a US carrier group near the US backyard will not work in my opinion. It will be interpreted in the media as Iran making a military move in the US backyard and the US won't let Iran do that because it will make them look like a paper tiger.
Sending a bunch of toys compared to a US carrier group near the US backyard will not work in my opinion. It will be interpreted in the media as Iran making a military move in the US backyard and the US won't let Iran do that because it will make them look like a paper tiger.

that's exactly the issue with trump. that's the point his Zionist advisers led by Pompeo will be screaming. and hes looking for a distraction from the economy, corona etc..

so there is a real risk... but the numbers wont matter as much in this scenario. whether its 2 ships or 10 in that ... the US navy is designed for open blue water warfare... its their absolute strength... if they wanted a confrontation they could probably wipe out 10 as easily as 2.. so 10 might even give trump more reason to accept the challenge and send a massive fleet for a Cuban missile crisis like showdown....
that's exactly the issue with trump. that's the point his Zionist advisers led by Pompeo will be screaming. and hes looking for a distraction from the economy, corona etc..

so there is a real risk... but the numbers wont matter as much in this scenario. whether its 2 ships or 10 in that ... the US navy is designed for open blue water warfare... its their absolute strength... if they wanted a confrontation they could probably wipe out 10 as easily as 2.. so 10 might even give trump more reason to accept the challenge and send a massive fleet for a Cuban missile crisis like showdown....
Exactly. Hence, it's better not to send anything with those tankers. And that's exactly what we did.
Your analysis is not rooted in reality. You have this Hollywood movie notion that the US is going to just start firing on a warship in international waters over a tanker carrying gasoline. I mean that couldn’t be further from the truth. US Navy ships get harassed constantly by Iranian speedboats and don’t respond with lethality, why? Because it’s international waters and while Iran’s conduct is unprofessional as long as it’s not lethal threat then there isn’t justification for use of force. Same would apply in this scenario, US has no basis to board the tanker much less fire on a Iranian warship that is in accordance with UN charter in protecting freedom of navigation of seas from rogue elements.

If Iran did have an Atlantic capable Force, it would send an escort just to flex its muscle on the world stage. Both sides know full well how to play this game. It’s peacocks flaring their feathers. That’s all.
In which world do u live ??!!!!!
US believe Jungle law, if they want to stop tankers, they would sink all escorts.
After what happened to JCPOA and general Soleimani, everything is possible.
Or maybe because they are near our borders and we have considerable fire power close to our borders? Our fire power far from our borders will be negligible. If the US wants to challenge the UN freedom of navigation in international waters by seizing a tanker, do you think coming up for an excuse to attack those naval assets will be difficult? You know how the US distorts reality and rotates it 180 degrees. Don't you?

So, let's say that the US attack those defenseless tankers. What prevents us from giving them a response near our borders? Are there no US ships near us or what?

You are missing the point. You have to understand the Chess board and how the chess pieces work. You are merely trying to look at the chess piece and say the chess piece can do this, without taking time to think what the board is showing you.

Why is the US doing this? Because Iran is sticking its nose to US sanctions and helping a South American country which historically has been US Backyard. It’s like US helping Azerbaijan or Afghanistan against Iran sanctions.

Is the point of this to grab the tankers?
No. The US could careless about the tankers it’s more about sending a message to the world that it doesn’t tolerate meddling in its backyard and also because US has an obsession with its rival Iran.

If US wanted they could take the tankers because they not escorted. While Iran could also do a tit for tat for in PG it’s more difficult as there active military patrols and waterway is narrow.

Now if Iran set a flotilla the whole PR gamble because much more complex and dangerous.

Thus the US would almost certainty stand down, not because it’s weak. Not because Iran can do damage. That is all irrelevant. Geopoltics is all about making moves on the chess board without throwing everything into chaos.

At the end of the day if two rational players are sitting across from each other. The player that is the US would decide that while it is easy to take the pawn off the board (seize ships) and maybe even have low consequences it is the fear of the unknown that will stop it from doing so (Iran escort)

After all, US received Iranian missile attack on a base that housed US forces. It could easily have unleashed a fierce counterattack, but it looked at the board and saw it took down a knight (Solemani) and only lost a pawn (injuries and material damage). If it continued, the fear of the unknown (escalation/war) ment it couldn’t control the movement of the board.

Hence why Iran would send a flotilla. It can read the board and understands the right move to make. It has nothing to do with distance, firepower, whose got the better ship....it’s all about the chess board.

Cuban Missile Crisis is a perfect example of the chess board.
Lol. Iran's only friend is 12000km away from Iran. Maybe that's the reason they are friends.
Idiot first there are no permanent friends secondly Iran has whole resistance axis and millions of revolutionary Muslims as its assets. Within 40 years Iran Islamic republic has carved a zone of influence stretching from South America to Yemen to Lebanon and right till Pakistan and India.
Idiot first there are no permanent friends secondly Iran has whole resistance axis and millions of revolutionary Muslims as its assets. Within 40 years Iran Islamic republic has carved a zone of influence stretching from South America to Yemen to Lebanon and right till Pakistan and India.
Lol imagine if Al Qaeda had a country. Iran is no different from them. If there was an award for playing on sectarian lines then Iran would definitely win it.
that's exactly the issue with trump. that's the point his Zionist advisers led by Pompeo...

Correction...led by Kushner, the little boy that could is the head of the snake, not Pompeo or host of other puppets. The entire Iran/Israel file goes through Kushner......
Lol imagine if Al Qaeda had a country. Iran is no different from them. If there was an award for playing on sectarian lines then Iran would definitely win it.

Al Qaeda would be able to launch satellites?
Have 60% female majority in universities?
Have female math Nobel prize (field prize) winner?
Make submarines?
Make 80 SWU gas centrifuges?
Make Nb-Ti superconducting magnets?
Make turbofan engines?
Make accurate cruise missiles?

Let me tell you what could Al Qaeda do if they had a country:
Sell oil, cut head and send jihadis everywhere. There are a few countries who are doing this pretty well.
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Al Qaeda would be able to launch satellites?
Have 60% female majority in universities?
Have female math Nobel prize (field prize) winner?
Make submarines?
Make 80 SWU gas centrifuges?
Make Nb-Ti superconducting magnets?
Make turbofan engines?
Make accurate cruise missiles?

Let me tell you what could Al Qaeda do if they had a country.

Sell oil, cut head and send jihadis everywhere. There are a few countries who are doing this pretty well.
Israel is way ahead of Iran and it is still a pariah terrorist state. You argument is invalid.
Can they legally blockade our ships? Are the sanctions against Venezuela UN sanctions or unilateral by the U.S.?

Either way, the shipment of fuel should have been touted as humanitarian aid from the beginning and not just commerce or whatever this is....we need to learn to use the same lingo and double meaning as our enemies. Calling it humanitarian aid and then getting it blocked will show their true colors to the world....we must chip away at this false image they've built up since WWI.
When was the last time they cared about law?
Israel is way ahead of Iran and it is still a pariah terrorist state. You argument is invalid.

Now you are anti-Israel?
Watch out!
Your masters are all lined up to hug your terrorist pariah state. :)
Lol imagine if Al Qaeda had a country. Iran is no different from them. If there was an award for playing on sectarian lines then Iran would definitely win it.
idiot comment ! pro whahabbis:)
every normal observer will know that saudia fires and escaltes all divisions in islamic world inbehalf of USA
may he is frustrated that alqaeda did not exist any more - wish iran like that :)
idiot comment ! pro whahabbis:)
every normal observer will know that saudia fires and escaltes all divisions in islamic world inbehalf of USA
may he is frustrated that alqaeda did not exist any more - wish iran like that :)
For West, you are a terrorist country. For majority of Muslim countries your country is a nuisance and sectarian.
You are an Iranian so you would definitely defend your country but being a Pakistani and your country's recruitment of Pakistani Shias for your dirty war in Syria doesnt bode well in my country. I hope you understand it and wont start thumping your chest like a monkey.
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