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Iran helps Venezuela in its time of need

Oh but Baboon Arabia brainwashing Sunni youth across the Middle East with the garbage called Wahhabism is okay? Saudi Arabia building mosques across the Middle East and Europe to spread its fascist garbage they call religion is ok?

Wake up man, if you really cared about Shiites in your country you would stop your fellow Pakistani Sunnis from blowing themselves up in Shiite civilian areas and schools.

Stop racism and insulting Sunnis and Pakistanis, no matter what a random guy says.
I don’t know a single Sunni who is like what you described.
Oh but Baboon Arabia brainwashing Sunni youth across the Middle East with the garbage called Wahhabism is okay? Saudi Arabia building mosques across the Middle East and Europe to spread its fascist garbage they call religion is ok?

Wake up man, if you really cared about Shiites in your country you would stop your fellow Pakistani Sunnis from blowing themselves up in Shiite civilian areas and schools.
You simply cant preach hatred against the companions of Prophet(S.A.W) and talk about unity among Muslims. Now tell your fellow to stop preaching hatred so we could actually have peace.

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Lol imagine if Al Qaeda had a country. Iran is no different from them. If there was an award for playing on sectarian lines then Iran would definitely win it.
Well as far as I know once upon time former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Adel Kalbani said isis have the same beliefs as we do (shocking) ... so lets put imagination aside & talk about reality ...
Not to mentioned all these groups such as Taliban, al qaude etc etc were created due to wahabi schools and madares established in Pakistan Afghanistan borders back in 80s bankrolled by KSA UAE and run by their ideology by the help of CIA ... interesting point is the leader of ALQ was a Saudi called bin laden the name of group is Arabian and their goal to establish Islamic caliphate base "Qaede" "Base" was also Arabic. all other terrorists groups do enjoy the same story Arabic name and share the same ideology of isis and AQ like Al Shabab, Boko Haram and Al nusrah ...
Iran only fault is being among sectarian countries ...

With glorious flag of Iran ... Iranian-made gasoline for our brothers

5 days to Venezuela
U.S. Seeks Ways to Halt Iran’s Oil Sales to Venezuela

The Trump administration is weighing new sanctions and other legal steps as it seeks to block Iranian oil exports to Venezuela, according to U.S. officials, as the Islamic Republic attempts to make inroads into the U.S.’s age-old sphere of influence in Latin America.

The possibility of new U.S. sanctions and legal action comes as five Iranian gasoline tankers make their way toward Venezuela, offering a potential lifeline to the embattled regime of President Nicolás Maduro, according to U.S. and Iranian officials and shipping website TankerTrackers.com

Iran has warned it will retaliate against the U.S. if it blocks its ships. As crude markets recover from the disarray of a demand-eroding coronavirus pandemic and a devastating price rout, the Islamic Republic has seized an opportunity to use its oil to curry favor with U.S. rivals, including Venezuela and Syria.

Iran’s outreach to Venezuela is meant to help it “gain a positional advantage in our neighborhood as a way to counter U.S. interests,” Admiral Craig Faller, who heads the U.S. Southern Command in the Caribbean, told a videoconference organized by the Florida International University on Monday.

The Venezuela-bound convoy of tankers carries Iranian oil-products worth around $45 million, said Russ Dallen, an economist at Caracas Capital Markets. U.S. pressurerecently halted shipments of refining products from Russian, Spanish and Italian companies that had previously delivered limited relief from the country’s chronic gas shortages, he said.

Iran’s burgeoning efforts to build a trading and political outpost in Latin America present a challenge to the U.S.’s nearly two-century-old Monroe Doctrine, which opposes international interference in the Western Hemisphere.

The Trump administration has been debating how aggressive its response should be, the officials said. The U.S. Navy has deployed a flotilla of destroyers in the Caribbean to crack down on narcotics smuggling. Military personnel on those ships could theoretically board the Iranian vessels for inspection, the U.S. officials said.

Some U.S. officials have advocated restraint, arguing that the U.S. should only intervene if the Iranian shipments become a permanent fixture, according to people familiar with the matter.

Those backing that position are wary of an escalation of tensions after Washington and Tehran narrowly avoided a full military conflict following a U.S. strike that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in January.

On Monday, Adm. Faller played down the possibility of the U.S.’s Caribbean fleet being used to stop the Iranian vessels. “With respect to Venezuela, our focus has been to share intelligence, trying to figure out what Maduro and his cronies are up to,” he said.

Instead, U.S. officials are looking at measures that would deter Iran from repeating deliveries to Caracas, including sanctioning the tankers’ crews—which could severely restrict employment opportunities and limit Iran’s ability to staff future vessels going to Venezuela.

The officials said the U.S. could also try to confiscate the ships, through a U.S. court proceeding called “forfeiture action” for violating American law. The process was unsuccessfully used last year to seize the Grace 1, a Syria-bound Iranian tanker.

But with Venezuela unlikely to cooperate with such an order, the legal tool would have to be used when the vessels stop to refuel in ports on their way to Iran, the officials said.

Well as far as I know once upon time former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Adel Kalbani said isis have the same beliefs as we do (shocking) ... so lets put imagination aside & talk about reality ...
Not to mentioned all these groups such as Taliban, al qaude etc etc were created due to wahabi schools and madares established in Pakistan Afghanistan borders back in 80s bankrolled by KSA UAE and run by their ideology by the help of CIA ... interesting point is the leader of ALQ was a Saudi called bin laden the name of group is Arabian and their goal to establish Islamic caliphate base "Qaede" "Base" was also Arabic. all other terrorists groups do enjoy the same story Arabic name and share the same ideology of isis and AQ like Al Shabab, Boko Haram and Al nusrah ...
Iran only fault is being among sectarian countries ...

Get back on topic. Anti-Sunni rant is over.
I think it's about time they do something if that's the plan. They cannot let it get too close to Venezuela.
As far as I know as I said earlier Venezuela has announced that it is gonna escort the tankers once they entered its economic zone. But I don't think cowboys would let it go so easily as it just means a huge blow to their regime of sanctions but also they do know the fact that Iran would retaliate as we have already summoned Swiss ambassador wrote letter to the UN chairman, IMO and stated that any action would result in severe outcomes ... but also I think american want this tension as it could raise oil prices & could give trump a strong image for white supremacist supporting him. By the way so complicated ... :lol:
but everyone knows thats risky, including the US.
Many thing have happened btw Iran and the US since current administration got into oval office that we'd been thinking risky, crazy even stupid ...
Get back on topic. Anti-Sunni rant is over.
Well first tell it to the one that attacked Iran.
Secondly what I said is well-known facts ...I'd be glad to see if you could refute them.
isis ideology is as same as Saudis ideology something that once was mentioned by former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca Adel Kalbani not me go after him telling him anti-Sunni rant is over.
I didn't mention Sunni in my post and it wasn't against them .. however:

Over 100 Sunni scholars declare Wahhabis to be outside mainstream Sunni Islam:

This statement implies that Salafists, also called Wahhabis, are not part of the mainstream Ahl as-Sunnah or Sunni Muslims, despite the fact that they are trying to hijack the term Sunni by labeling themselves as Sunni Muslims.​

PS: Don't quote me again as I wouldn't reply as it is not on topic ... I replied to be polite ..
Well first tell it to the one that attacked Iran.
Secondly what I said is well-known facts ...I'd be glad to see if you could refute them.
isis ideology is as same as Saudis ideology something that once was mentioned by former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca Adel Kalbani not me go after him telling him anti-Sunni rant is over.
I didn't mention Sunni in my post and it wasn't against them .. however:

Over 100 Sunni scholars declare Wahhabis to be outside mainstream Sunni Islam:

This statement implies that Salafists, also called Wahhabis, are not part of the mainstream Ahl as-Sunnah or Sunni Muslims, despite the fact that they are trying to hijack the term Sunni by labeling themselves as Sunni Muslims.
PS: Don't quote me again as I wouldn't reply as it is not on topic ... I replied to be polite ..

If you post sectarian hate against Wahabbis, I will be obliged to respond. You cannot post incendiary rants and then say don't reply.

As far as I am concerned (as a Sunni Muslim Hanafi and one who is a student of Islamic fiqh,) I consider both Wahhabis/Salafis and Shias in the same category, which is thay they are Muslims with some differences in aqeedah from traditional Sunni Islam. Most Sunnis feel the same way.

The Pakistani poster who trolled the thread is banned, but your answer was to go on attacking Sunni Muslims. You specifically went on a hate rant against Pakistan. What kind of logic is this?

Did you miss my first post in this thread praising Iran's strong policy in Latin America?

Finally, Daesh ideology is outside of Islam, they are not a product of KSA, Turkey, UAE, or any Muslim country. Mossad trained Daesh and US supplied them with weapons, ammo, and vehicles. Ban ki Moon once alluded to this fact as well.

Daesh are Khawarij, do you remember them? Commiting any minor sin makes one 'wajibul qatl,' their leader changes their religion to justify murdering Muslims, taking prisoners of war from Muslims is suddenly halal, sound familiar?

They waged war on Muslims, then they murdered Hazrat Ali (RA) for compromising with Muawiya.

It is an old enemy which has been brought back to spread chaos among Muslims.
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