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1. Does Islam support ethnicity based 'nationalism' that you are blabbering about here?
2. By the same token, who the hell do you think you are to interfere in Palestine-"Israeli" business, Syrian business, Iraqi business and so on? By the way, they all consider Jordan as the worst sell out in the entire "Muslim world".

3. Like a true ignoramus, you claimed I have more important things like "poverty, famine, illiteracy" to take care of? No, I do not. Unlike Arabs, millions of "me" have not been killed in recent decades by Western and so called "Israeli" military.

4. The picture of labourers is irrelevant, if you wanted to make a point with that picture you failed, as usual, coming from a low IQ populace that worships half-British kings.

5. Here is the designer of the tallest building in your king's master's country, USA.
Lehigh University: Fazlur Rahman Khan Distinguished Lecture Series

He even designed the following for desert dwellers who worship their stupid western-stooge-of-a-king.

6. Bangladeshi pilot Saiful Azam shot down so called "Israeli" planes while Jordan lost every war against it.

Gathering of Eagles Foundation :: Azam, Saiful

7. Bangladesh can not be compared with a tiny stooge regime of half-British stooges called 'kings'. Only Dhaka city has a greater GDP than tiny stooge like Jordan.

8. Even when you count a Western award like Nobel Prizes, Bangladeshis/Bengalis won multiple times more than all desert kingdoms combined. You Western stooges have no excuse because you keep praising the West and their stooges in your country!

9. If you talk about military contribution, there are more Bangladeshi 'peacekeepers' around the world than any other country.

Desert dwellers are insignificant in this field too.

10. Except Dubai, no other desert kingdom finds a place in the 15 largest shopping centres in the world, but Bangladesh does!
The 15 largest shopping malls in the world Photos | Pictures - Yahoo! News Maktoob

And we know that there are many times more foreigners than desert dwellers in Dubai.

11. Again, it is clear that as a slave to your king/queen, you can not criticize them, but it is also clear that you can not defend their un Islamic practises. There is no need to throw a tantrum about me exposing facts about your half British stooge of a king.

12. Unlike slaves living in the desert, in Bangladesh or most other countries, even in UK, people at least protested against evil Western actions and intentions. In desert kingdoms, mindless drones only worship their kings and talk about Islam when it suits them, but when their un Islamic practises have been exposed, they have no arguments or facts to point out.

Look Bengali, we don't need any kind of brotherhood with you, you give us a bad image. You look so silly by trying to show Bangladesh as a real country. You people have been banned to enter our countries for your crimes. Iraq and Syria are Arab countries which are parts of our larger nation Arab world. While you are Bengali. I don't know how to make it any clearer to you.
if you take the history of islam you will see peace,security and prosperity for all subject.
including non believer example India, palestine,egypt many more country

Bull-stinking-**** and you know that.
I ask again, not only the desert dwellers but all Muslim members who support the desert kingdoms, can you approve of the following based on Islamic legislation?



Or maybe you will now claim this is sanctioned by Islam as well (Astaghfirullah)?

And by the way, this is how Westerners are treated by these idiots' royals (kings/queens/relatives).


Oh this is another "gem" from Jordan. The wife of Dubai's Emir is originally from Jordan.



Lest some other 'king Abdullah' feels left out, here are two 'gems' from their 'thiefdom'.

"Prince" Al Waleed bin Talal and his princess

Another Saudi princess in the devilish West

Let's wait and hear, how the Saudi/Jordanian/other Western stooges would try to sanctify all these practises in the name of Islam now (Astaghfirullah).
Arab queens are hot...:smitten:..And I always liked Rania..Glad that they move around in dress befitting royals and not in ninja costumes.

Look Bengali, we don't need any kind of brotherhood with you, you give us a bad image. You look so silly by trying to show Bangladesh as a real country. You people have been banned to enter our countries for your crimes. Iraq and Syria are Arab countries which are parts of our larger nation Arab world. While you are Bengali. I don't know how to make it any clearer to you.

lol......that was a three-pointer. If only the south asians can let go of their arab suckup.
1. You are speaking about yourself, actually, because you can not even open your mouth in KSA with your desert king's permission.

2. I did not run away anywhere, I am located in BD at the moment.

3. This thread is not, I repeat, NOT, about me or any individual member. I exposed the actions of your kings, queens, princesses. If you dare, speak about their un Islamic practises, condemn them as un Islamic, call them illegitimate leaders and prove your righteousness. If not, you only prove to all readers here, that like Blackeagle, you are slaves of your kings.

4. If you are slaves of your kings according to you, then you should not have the right to speak/write/opinionate elsewhere because you actively support all your king's decisions including the decision to declare themselves kings over you as subjects.

and who cares what you think I don't value your big mouthing. get with the reality we live much better than your pathetic life we dont care about you and your fake Ummah. my King provides my with a high quality of life not like your dirty poor country with the awami regime who are supporting genocide of the Muslims in Burma.
Look Bengali, we don't need any kind of brotherhood with you, you give us a bad image. You look so silly by trying to show Bangladesh as a real country. You people have been banned to enter our countries for your crimes. Iraq and Syria are Arab countries which are parts of our larger nation Arab world. While you are Bengali. I don't know how to make it any clearer to you.

I know why you don't know. That's because you are a slave to your king.

1. Arabs are killing themselves in Syria, in Yemen, in GCC, and also done that in Iraq.
2. Arabs have backstabbed themselves in modern history, no need for finger pointing at others.
3. GCC does not treat Jordanians as fellow citizens. They treat you as slaves while Westerners enter without any visa.
4. Westerners treat your king as slaves while you are the slave of your kings. You are basically the slaves of slaves of Westerners.
5. If I stooped to your lowly desert dwelling level, I would be calling you lots of names, but there is no need for it. Westerners, so called "Israelis", Turks, Iranians, and even Pakistanis and others call Arabs lots of names.
6. In fact, millions of Arabs have been killed, tortured, murdered, raped, slaughtered, enslaved by the West in recent years. Do you want me to post pictures and videos of these events? If you want, I can do that to enlighten you since ignorance seems to be entrenched in that desert kingdom of yours.
7. And here, you are trying to deflect GENUINE criticism against your king/queen because you are slaves of your kings by trying to create an ethnic divide? Sorry, why are you here in a Pakistani defence forum if all you care about is the Arab world? Why is USA, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey involved in Syria if the Arabs can handle their own affairs and exclude all non Arabs?
8. Do not talk nonsense. Just try to describe how any of those actions of your kings/queens/princesses can be justified according to Islamic law, if you can. If not, grow the courage to call a spade a spade, and your kings/queens as stooges of the West.
I ask again, not only the desert dwellers but all Muslim members who support the desert kingdoms, can you approve of the following based on Islamic legislation?

Comparing my country to yours was the most shocking insult. How could you compare the GDP of 161 m population country which is 113 bn to a country of 6 m population with 29 bn GDP? We don't want to share anything with you people, anything! Mind your own business. An Arab would laugh his asss off if he hears a Bengali talking like this about them. What the hell?! I can't believe my eyes...:cry:
and who cares what you think I don't value your big mouthing. get with the reality we live much better than your pathetic life we dont care about you and your fake Ummah. my King provides my with a high quality of life not like your dirty poor country with the awami regime who are supporting genocide of the Muslims in Burma.

1. Sorry, why did you respond if you do not care?
2. 80+ years of pumping oil and still your non-oil GDP per capita is only $10,000 per year (or thereabout).
3. Your citizens are notorious for incapable of doing ANY work on their own.
4. Your citizens are known for their lack of intellectual capability as you and other desert dwellers have shown all too well.
5. Unlike you, I am a vocal opponent of current BD regime, while you keep supporting your desert kings.
6. I do not like to use obscene terms, but do you know those female 'professionals' that take money for providing physical pleasure to their male clients, usually at night? Do you know how 'wealthy' Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA) was when he lived his life as Khalifa of the Muslim world?

By your false argument, you would claim it is better to be like those female 'professionals' of the night and wealthy than be like Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA), for example, and lead a less wealthy lifestyle?

7. Can you compare the number of Nobel Prizes won by all desert dwellers combined to the number won by all Bangladeshis/Bengalis combined, if you are so intent on nationalistic BS? Mind you, Nobel Prize is a Western award, so all Western stooges like your kings and you should not complain.

Comparing my country to yours was the most shocking insult. How could you compare the GDP of 161 m population country which is 113 bn to a country of 6 m population with 29 bn GDP? We don't want to share anything with you people, anything! Mind your own business. An Arab would laugh his asss off if he hears a Bengali talking like this about them. What the hell?! I can't believe my eyes...:cry:

Sorry. Your GDP is less than that of Dhaka city. Maybe your blind adherence to your king's orders did not allow you to interpret my post properly. I had clearly stated that Bangladesh can not be compared with tiny stooge regimes like Jordan.

Desert dwellers can laugh to their heart's content, but they can not utter a single word against their backward desert kings.
and who cares what you think I don't value your big mouthing. get with the reality we live much better than your pathetic life we dont care about you and your fake Ummah. my King provides my with a high quality of life not like your dirty poor country with the awami regime who are supporting genocide of the Muslims in Burma.

Fake Ummah :what: ?
What do you want to search for regarding your country? You are at the bottom in everything!

Illiteracy rate:

164 164 Bangladesh 55.9

Nobel Prizes:
Bangladesh/Bengalis >>>> all desert dwellers combined

Bangladesh >>>>> Any desert dwelling tribe

Again, no part of this thread or my post dealt with literacy rates, but like a typical illiterate, you started talking about literacy rates. Understandably so, since you can not defend the un Islamic practises of your kings/queens/princesses.
Now, let me remind all members, that this thread is NOT about any particular member. Stop personal measuring contests to prove your tribal mentality to the whole world. You should all know that the world does not consist of desert dwelling tribes alone.

I am asking again, not only the desert dwellers but all Muslim members who support the desert kingdoms, can you approve of the following based on Islamic legislation?



Or maybe you will now claim this is sanctioned by Islam as well (Astaghfirullah)?

And by the way, this is how Westerners are treated by these idiots' royals (kings/queens/relatives).


Oh this is another "gem" from Jordan. The wife of Dubai's Emir is originally from Jordan.



Lest some other 'king Abdullah' feels left out, here are two 'gems' from their 'thiefdom'.

"Prince" Al Waleed bin Talal and his princess


Another Saudi princess in the devilish West

I really feel bad for hurting you Banglar Lathial, I am sorry. But plz mind your own business. You are one of MB, and I know reasoning with you guys is impossible. Leave our countries to their people, and stop acting like you know our people and regimes more than us.

Can you follow your own advice? Do you recall that it is YOU who started this thread on Iran (a non Arab country)?

Reasoning with me is very much possible for those with reasoning abilities. Those that worship their kings, by default, have abandoned any such abilities in favour of their royal (half British) 'kings'.
The Legend and JUBA, plz let's leave him.

والله حرام نكسر بخاطره
Nobel Prizes:
Bangladesh/Bengalis >>>> all desert dwellers combined

Bangladesh >>>>> Any desert dwelling tribe

Again, no part of this thread or my post dealt with literacy rates, but like a typical illiterate, you started talking about literacy rates. Understandably so, since you can not defend the un Islamic practises of your kings/queens/princesses.

bro what r u trying prove??
i know u r very much fond of ummah
but this is a defence forum not religion's
middle east is happy with their desert n black gold
leave them in their own hands
2. 80+ years of pumping oil and still your non-oil GDP per capita is only $10,000 per year (or thereabout)

false update your info

3. Your citizens are notorious for incapable of doing ANY work on their own.

we born to be served and thats way I have a bangli HomeMade which I kicked already. we still have bangali working as trash collectors

4. Your citizens are known for their lack of intellectual capability as you and other desert dwellers have shown all too well.
thats why we have saudi members wrok at NASA as an example

5. Unlike you, I am a vocal opponent of current BD regime, while you keep supporting your desert kings.

6. I do not like to use obscene terms, but do you know those female 'professionals' that take money for providing physical pleasure to their male clients, usually at night? Do you know how 'wealthy' Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA) was when he lived his life as Khalifa of the Muslim world?

By your false argument, you would claim it is better to be like those female 'professionals' of the night and wealthy than be like Umar ibn Al Khattab (RA), for example, and lead a less wealthy lifestyle

7. Can you compare the number of Nobel Prizes won by all desert dwellers combined to the number won by all Bangladeshis/Bengalis combined, if you are so intent on nationalistic BS? Mind you, Nobel Prize is a Western award, so all Western stooges like your kings and you should not complain.

Sorry. Your GDP is less than that of Dhaka city. Maybe your blind adherence to your king's orders did not allow you to interpret my post properly. I had clearly stated that Bangladesh can not be compared with tiny stooge regimes like Jordan.

Desert dwellers can laugh to their heart's content, but they can not utter a single word against their backward desert kings.

BS and pointless

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