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Iran expresses gratitude to Pakistan over release of border guards

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Oh, I very much know. I have dealt with their kind. They act more European then the Europeans themselves. Eating pork, drinking alcohol, partying with other people of the like. They lose all their senses, its disgusting to watch.

To get cosy with the yankees they also tried to push us under the train and will do again if got a chance. Suck their Supa dollar reserves dry while doing nothing - - - - - -
So don't get cocky over such a victory.
I was not being cocky. You are. My post was directed against a member who was saying Iran should do the same as Modi and attack Pakistan. You instead of castigating him are slicing my reply. Bravo,. Shows your pro Indian bias.

I like Iran. But India is a existential enemy to Pakistan. You show pro India leaning, all you do is become a enemy of Pakistan. You have become oily, gas rich version of India. Iranian's need to understand we have real on the ground dispute with India marked in blood running through Kashmir in red blood. This is not some infantile mullah induced tantrum like you have against USA or Israel, both of whom you have no border or disputes. Before 1979 you were fcuk buddies. Mullah came along and turned everything on their heads.

Our dispute with India is fudamental and has been there since India and Pakistan were created as countries from the British Raj. Governments have come and gone but that dispute has remained. Right now the dispute is premised on nuclear deterance.

And you post has more smell of a Ganghoo then a Persian ...

Pakistan needs to police its border.
I agree. I know we have a law/order issue in the south west margins of the country and that space has been used by smugglers/terrorists to cause trouble.

Or we can kiss our neighborly relationship good bye.
This is where you need to show some sense. Pakistan state has not done this on purpose but because of resource constraints. Party because the threat from your Indian friends consumes vast majority of the defence capability leaving the western tracts unsecured.

Kill the terrorists or we do it ourselves.
So you think it is wise to push Pakistan and force it to react with a hostile posture? You think that would be worth it compared to the few incidents you get at the moment? Don't you have your hands full with US and Israel?
Iran refuses to get its act together, these groups were funded and supplied by Iran. Now that the snack is biting the same hand that feeds it, is when Iran is crying like a bit$h

Aww, Persian bravado. It's very cute.
Move even ur finger and Tehran would fall with in minutes. I suggest you realise the posostion your in, before it's too late.
Actually m8 its YOUR country that the terrorists are operating in NOT iran,so if anyone should get its act together it should be YOUR government and military,because they`re on YOUR territory.Of course the other option could simply be that rather than not having your act together ie simple incompetence,that its instead by deliberate choice of the government or some factions in the military that these terrorists are allowed to freely operate inside pakistan....and attack iran.You`ve got to admit tho` either way it looks pretty bad for pakistan.
Sadly most of the posters in this thread espousing jingoistic bravado seem to be pakistani.
To get our 4 border guards freed Iran had to release few dozen very dangerous drug dealer and people smuggler criminals from our jails today. Mostly Afghani, but also many Pakistani baloch criminals.

This is how it works unfortunately in that part of the world. This is why they kidnap our border guards because we stand in their criminal way.

More than 100,000 Afghani/ Pakistani are in Zahidan, Mirjaveh Taftan and Saravan jails! Can you imagine that number?

Take it easy man.... really... need to take it easy...
Vast majority of Iranians study in madrassas and are brainwashed into thinking that every opposite sect is an enemy can't blame them its part of the madrasa doctrine to say relevant.
No sorry my friend,I think you`re more than a little[!] bit mixed up there,for some reason you`re confusing shiites with sunni wahabists,which actually seems really funny when one considers just how many saudi funded sunni wahabist madrassas there are not only in a poverty stricken country like pakistan but the rest of the sunni world too.I`m afraid the only ones pushing a blatantly sectarian narrative here are the saudis and co....and of course the brainwashed sunni wahabists who believe it.
You would`ve preferred india and iran to act militarily together in coordination then,perhaps an air strike from the iaf and a missile strike from the irgc?,or perhaps the irgc could`ve launched the missiles just as pak was celebrating turning around what had been a military embarrassment into a propaganda victory with the mig21 shootdown,talk about raining on paks parade[lol]
I think it would be a lot smarter for pak to only play host to one terror group at a time on its soil,otherwise its bound to get potentially nasty,as I`m sure the last thing pak wants is to risk alienating both iran and india,especially at the same time.
Hahaha kidoo we are not Arabs,IRGC or whatever can try luck,for every one of their's we are capable of firing 10 back with pin point accuracy.
See bacha we are in this game for 35 years.Old stocks very old are lying around and we are looking forward to use them.

No sorry my friend,I think you`re more than a little[!] bit mixed up there,for some reason you`re confusing shiites with sunni wahabists,which actually seems really funny when one considers just how many saudi funded sunni wahabist madrassas there are not only in a poverty stricken country like pakistan but the rest of the sunni world too.I`m afraid the only ones pushing a blatantly sectarian narrative here are the saudis and co....and of course the brainwashed sunni wahabists who believe it.
Pakistan is very poor when compared with first world countries like Iran.
Disrespecting Islam is something I've noted here among you boyz. It is a disgrace that you hate your own culture.

Yazeediat reigns Supreme in mullah iran
A women can get 100+ lashes just for criticizing the regime. But then what to expect from a mullah

You can bullshit all you want, however at the end of it.........it is you who stand exposed. A self hating colonized person. No wonder your country is in the mess it finds itself in. lol

Hey dude it's an Islamic democracy. We verbally thrash our minsters heck even the serving generals for their shortcomings as we perceive on daily bases. Much like A Hussaini Land!
But it was the sunnis who made it what it is today,ie blowing up civilians in vast numbers all over the world.

Hey guys see the difference this mullah graduate will never admit his screw ups

This is the very basic thing inculcated in a Madrassa, to blame everyother sect for whatever happens. The dumber the mullah fan following the longer the core nucleas stays alive

Hey mullah boy we have tamed the deobandi afhan mullahs do you also want us to put a Leash on their Iranian counterparts?
To get our 4 border guards freed Iran had to release few dozen very dangerous drug dealer and people smuggler criminals from our jails today. Mostly Afghani, but also many Pakistani baloch criminals.

This is how it works unfortunately in that part of the world. This is why they kidnap our border guards because we stand in their criminal way.

More than 100,000 Afghani/ Pakistani are in Zahidan, Mirjaveh Taftan and Saravan jails! Can you imagine that number?

Stop threatening the State for the matters as such. Its not going to solve the problem at all. Pakistan do have many observations and never used such language despite Kulbhushan operating from Chabahar & Ozair Baloch to be saved by Iranian authorities in Dubai as he had the visa as well. Let's not get there. Your border guards were kidnapped from inside Iran. Do you know what that means? First of all, tighten your own security that led them inside Iranian border & then even let them to kidnap. Pakistan worked with Iran and did not discount any such parties.

Most of BLA/BLF operators use to have valid visa of Iran and even used to flee when hammered by Pakistani Authorities.

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