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Iran Equips IRGC with Large Numbers of 'Qiam 1' Ballistic Missiles

Woulda coulda shoulda. As I said so far your super duper rebranded Scuds destrpyed only own bases. Your pathetic regime fears from teenage girls who go out in streets to protest.
Dont worry, they will soon slam into telaviv,ashdod,haifa,ashkelon and ofcourse dimona if you try something stupid.

Funny you talk about teenage girls, the Israeli airforce is even afraid of 5 year old little palestinian girls
Dont worry, they will soon slam into telaviv,ashdod,haifa,ashkelon and ofcourse dimona if you try something stupid.

Funny you talk about teenage girls, the Israeli airforce is even afraid of 5 year old little palestinian girls
These girls protests with Palestinian flags in middle of Tel Aviv and no one touches them:



how is qiam 1 a scud c?
provide evidence.

I know you just a troll, but if it is so ancient then why is your country shitting its pants about these ancient missiles?:rofl:
They know Irans missile capabilities, the Israeli ministry of war (defence ministry in other normal countries) sends their little useless hasbara agents to troll the internet. 500 is one of them
They know Irans missile capabilities, the Israeli ministry of war (defence ministry in other normal countries) sends their little useless hasbara agents to troll the internet. 500 is one of them

What do you expect from them? they have no life so they come here and troll.
what did Hezbollah do to them with their "ancient" weapons?:lol:
how is qiam 1 a scud c?
provide evidence.
Except the paintjob everything else is virtually the same:


I know you just a troll, but if it is so ancient then why is your country shitting its pants about these ancient missiles?:rofl:
Only ones who **** in pants are mullahs, they even scared of protesting teen girls. Fact.

what did Hezbollah do to them with their "ancient" weapons?
Hezbollah did with ancient rockets the only thing they can do: terrorising civilians.
it looks the same?
maybe you use triangle missiles in Israel, but as I know all missiles look like that.
stop the BS, this thread was not anti Israel until you made it so.

This uses a thrust vectoring technology, did the scud c have that?

You're just a mentally challenged person, either you are a genius who can tell what a missile is by looking or you're just imbecile.

It looks the same hahahahaha man what joker.
did Gambit tell you that?
it looks the same?
maybe you use triangle missiles in Israel, but as I know all missiles look like that.
All missiles have boxes at sides, round thing below, triangle above and so on and so on? :lol: Sorry, but suped duper new missile is nothing but copy of half century old Scud.
if you think this missile is too ancient no problem just travel to your favorite country(israel)
them we will learn you what is the meaning of CEP(20 metre for qiam-1)

Could you provide a quote for that please the SS-1c has a cep of 900/450m would be suprising for anyone to have been able to reduce that to 20m
how is qiam 1 a scud c?
provide evidence.


Actually probably a B not a C theC has a range reported at 600k this missile from the article has a range of 300 which is equivilent to the B.

Think rather than just attacking her because he/she is Israeli. There are very few truly "new" missiles each is an improvment/variant of a previous type.

The Qiam 1 is a ringer for a Shahab, if you allow for the new guidance system and vectoring. Does that make it a scud, technically not but niether is some one an idiot for pointing out the great number of similarities it certainly is son of scud at least.
What is the difference between thrust vectoring nozzle and graphite thrust vectoring vanes. I know about thrust vectoring nozzle, Here nozzles gimbals to certain angle to maneuver the missile.

If I'm not wrong the graphite is great for very high heat resistance, plus easy to use and manufacture.
it looks the same?
maybe you use triangle missiles in Israel, but as I know all missiles look like that.
stop the BS, this thread was not anti Israel until you made it so.

This uses a thrust vectoring technology, did the scud c have that?

You're just a mentally challenged person, either you are a genius who can tell what a missile is by looking or you're just imbecile.

It looks the same hahahahaha man what joker.
did Gambit tell you that?
Yes. Deflector vanes in the rocket's nozzle to effect steering is very old technology...

This New Ocean - Ch1-3
Goddard's life for the next 20 years was devoted to making those "necessary preliminary experiments." Working in the 1920s in Massachusetts with financial support from various sources and in the New Mexico desert with Guggenheim Foundation funds during the succeeding decade, Goddard compiled an amazing list of "firsts" in rocketry. Among other things, he carried out the first recorded launching of a liquid-propellant rocket (March 16, 1926), adapted the gyroscope to guide rockets, installed movable deflector vanes in a rocket exhaust nozzle for stability and steering, patented a design for a multistage rocket, developed fuel pumps for liquid-rocket motors, experimented with self-cooling and variable-thrust motors, and developed automatically deployed parachutes for recovering his instrumented rockets. Finally, he was the first of the early rocket enthusiasts to go beyond theory and design into the realm of "systems engineering" - the complex and hand-dirtying business of making airframes, fuel pumps, valves, and guidance devices compatible, and of doing all the other things necessary to make a rocket fly. Goddard put rocket theory into practice, as his 214 patents attest.
Robert Goddard experimented with these steering devices decades ago. While deflector vanes are not very sophisticated, they are very reliable because of their mechanical simplicity, but because of their simplicity they are best for maintaining stability instead of effecting maneuvers. Do not confuse the two -- stability and maneuverability.

Further, do not associate thrust vectoring with maneuverability. In rocketry, the term 'thrust vectoring' usually imply a assured method of maintaining stability in a body that have high inherent longitudinal flexibility in flight, meaning the rocket (or missile) actually flexes because of its loooooooooooong body and that can create instability if not compensated.
Woulda coulda shoulda. As I said so far your super duper rebranded Scuds destroyed only your own bases. Your pathetic regime fears from teenage girls who go out in streets to protest.

I think the many Scuds did hit Israel in the first Gulf War, but you do not have to remember.
I think the many Scuds did hit Israel in the first Gulf War, but you do not have to remember.
If you launch a missile at US and it landed in the middle of the Nevada desert, destroyed a lot of cacti and killed a bunch of endangered species of desert wildlife, then yes, you can rightly say that your missile hit US. But did you hit Nellis AFB? That is the question.
Hezbollah did with ancient rockets the only thing they can do: terrorising civilians.

And israel terrorizes the homeless Palestinians and its neighbours with high tech weapons and every type of WMDs. Now, which is worse?

If you launch a missile at US and it landed in the middle of the Nevada desert, destroyed a lot of cacti and killed a bunch of endangered species of desert wildlife, then yes, you can rightly say that your missile hit US. But did you hit Nellis AFB? That is the question.

I believe the Iranian scientists are good enough to fire one within 20 yards of the nuclear reactor at Dimona!
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