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Iran demands $1 m guarantee for release of Indian vessel

The ties of Ancient India and Persia goes way back.

Just like when Nader Shah looted Dehli.


At least they were looters, not losers like Chinese. Indians respect looters, not losers.

Nadir Shah's invasion of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When a rumour spread that Nadir had been assassinated by a female guard at the Red Fort, some Indians attacked and killed Persian troops during the riots that broke out on the night of 21 March. Nadir, furious at the killings, retaliated by ordering his soldiers to carry out the notorious qatl-e-aam (qatl = killing mercilessly, aam = publicly, in open) of Delhi.

Almost immediately, the fully armed Persian army of occupation turned their swords and guns on to the unarmed and defenceless civilians in the city. The Persian soldiers were given full licence to do as they pleased and promised a share of the booty as the city was plundered.

...All across the city, gunshots were heard, explosions were set off, shops were looted and houses were set on fire. Clouds and plumes of fire and smoke were soon seen in every part of the city. Persian troops stood outside the burning buildings and then slaughtered the Indians as they made their way out, trying to escape from the fire, smoke and flames. Men were chased down alleyways and killed. Women were assaulted, raped and abducted, some had their breasts hacked off whilst others chose to commit suicide. Children had their bellies ripped open whilst babies were torn from their mothers' arms, swung by their ankles and had their heads smashed against walls. The cries, shrieks and screams of those being killed, chilled everyone who heard them.

In the words of the Tazkira:

"Here and there some opposition was offered, but in most places people were butchered unresistingly. The Persians laid violent hands on everything and everybody. For a long time, streets remained strewn with corpses, as the walks of a garden with dead leaves and flowers. The town was reduced to ashes."

It has been estimated that during the course of six hours in one day, 22 March 1739, something like 20,000 to 30,000 Indian men, women and children were slaughtered by the Persian troops during the massacre in the city. Exact casualty figures are uncertain, as after the massacre, the bodies of the victims were simply buried in mass burial pits or cremated in grand funeral pyres without any proper record being made of the numbers cremated or buried.

The city was sacked for several days. An enormous fine of 20 million rupees was levied on the people of Delhi. Muhammad Shah handed over the keys to the royal treasury, and lost the Peacock Throne, to Nadir Shah, which thereafter served as a symbol of Persian imperial might. Amongst a treasure trove of other fabulous jewels, Nadir also gained the Koh-i-Noor and Darya-ye Noor diamonds; they are now part of the British and Iranian Crown Jewels, respectively. Persian troops left Delhi at the beginning of May 1739. Nadir's soldiers also took with them thousands of elephants, horses and camels that were laden with the booty that they had seized.

The plunder seized from India was so rich that Nadir stopped taxation in Iran for a period of three years following his return.
What, so you mean that India is going to continue not buying ANY Iranian oil at all? Since India did not buy any Iranian oil last month?

Who knows, maybe. If Saudi Arabia and Iraq is willing to pick up the slack, then India might just do that. All the Indian refineries are facing insurance issues due to the sanctions on Iran, its their call at the end of the day.
Who knows, maybe. If Saudi Arabia and Iraq is willing to pick up the slack, then India might just do that. All the Indian refineries are facing insurance issues due to the sanctions on Iran, its their call at the end of the day.

Saudi and Iraq are of course willing to undercut Iran whenever possible.

If India stops buying Iranian oil, then that's only China/Turkey/UAE/South Korea/Japan left buying Iranian oil.

And apart from China the rest are in the American camp. That would be dire news indeed.
This is an erratic move by the Iranian government which makes no sense. India has maintained good relations with Iran. Then again, this goes to prove that there are no friends in international politics
This is an erratic move by the Iranian government which makes no sense. India has maintained good relations with Iran. Then again, this goes to prove that there are no friends in international politics

are there friends in national politics?

aaj badi yaad aa raha hai bollywood ki...

it reminds me of the famous song of 1964 sangam film...

dost dost na raha... pyaar pyaar na raha...

(translation: friends are no longer friends, love is no longer love) :sleep:
By submitting to them and their religion like cowards?

Shows your valour. :lol:

The first region to fall to Islam was you guys with Afghanistan.

No wonder that trace of cowardice runs till now.


We joined in as we always have done.

Lahore was the capital of the Mughals.

See the world back then treated Pakistanis and Indians very differently.

They came to us to become allies.

We all came to you to destroy and enslave. :omghaha:

Reality is you folk over there are just jungle dwellers and the whole world thinks that of you including us. :chilli:

We joined in as we always have done.

Lahore was the capital of the Mughals.

See the world back then treated Pakistanis and Indians very differently.

They came to us to become allies.

We all came to you to destroy and enslave. :omghaha:

Reality is you folk over there are just jungle dwellers and the whole world thinks that of you including us. :chilli:

Joined them because you had no honour to save your own civilization like the terrible cowards.

First they put a sword on your neck and then they asked you to convert and like the slaves you were, you fell to their trap.

Even in the jungles of Himalayas, we fought and kicked out your 'ghazis' out when they tried to conquer us.

Those who died fighting the war in our land, died the deaths of heroes, unwilling to submit to an alien ideology.

And today, you stand at the cross-roads of whether you are Arabs, Turks or Persians. :lol:
Joined them because you had no honour to save your own civilization like the terrible cowards.

First they put a sword on your neck and then they asked you to convert and like the slaves you were, you fell to their trap.

Even in the jungles of Himalayas, we fought and kicked out your 'ghazis' out when they tried to conquer us.

Those who died fighting the war in our land, died the deaths of heroes, unwilling to submit to an alien ideology.

And today, you stand at the cross-roads of whether you are Arabs, Turks or Persians. :lol:

Throats cut?

People of Indus valley have been monotheists before Islam.

Our mystics spread the word and our tribes accepted when Bin Qasim landed in 7th century.

We were merely reunited with our monotheistic beliefs which your people took from us many centuries before. We have nothing to do with you.

f you look at the massacres in the sub continent, all are in your side of the border. Google it and see for yourself what official verified sources say.

We only took North India which has always belonged to the people in the Indus Valley.

Oh and one more thing.

The word Hindustan describes the people of the Indus River.

Comes from the word Sindhu which Pakistanis created through Sanscript.

This turned into Al-Sindh, Hind by the Arab travellers to give our community a name.

British turned Hind into Hindustan / India.

I think it is you who has the inferiority complex and identity crisis.
By submitting to them and their religion like cowards?

Shows your valour. :lol:

The first region to fall to Islam was you guys with Afghanistan.

No wonder that trace of cowardice runs till now.

Historical fallacy on your part. You have all the resources in front of you, yet you still deny the truth.That's the case with most Indians. You like to skew history when it benefits your argument. Let's view history with a singular lense.

There is nothing cowardly about accepting Islam. Whether late or early, we are thankful for the message spreading to us. Pakistan today has the most elite warriors always engaged in war. We are not not pathetic and docile people like Indians.

Sufis spread Islam within the subcontinent. It was not spread by the sword like you Islamo-phobes believe, otherwise you Hindus would not exsist.
Instead of denying the allegation of oil spill India should make it clear exactly what it had done that Iran had to detain its vessel.
Throats cut?

People of Indus valley have been monotheists before Islam.

:woot: Is this what they teach you at home?

Come on don't make a prat of yourselves.

Ask any non-Indian researcher on the subject and he'll tell you the otherwise.

Our mystics spread the word and our tribes accepted when Bin Qasim landed in 7th century.

You needed an arab invader to tell you what is right.

Another bunch of lies told by those who converted to their successors to hide the shame.

We were merely reunited with our monotheistic beliefs which your people took from us many centuries before. We have nothing to do with you.

Good joke.

IVC monotheist. :lol:

Man, you're determined to oppose us even if it defies all logic.

If you look at the massacres in the sub continent, all are in your side of the border. Google it and see for yourself what official verified sources say.

Afghanistan and Pakistan had one of the most flourishing Buddhist civilization alongside Hindus.

Until all their records were destroyed by invading Islamic armies.

If Taliban can destroy Bamyan Buddha in this century, it is not difficult to imagine at all what would these invaders have done centuries ago, when there was no video camera, no press, no media at all to show this to the world.

We only took North India which has always belonged to the people in the Indus Valley.

Yeah and I am the next emperor of England. :lol:

Anything is justifiable for you, no matter even if it doesn't make sense to you alone, isn't it?

Anything against Indians and their faiths eh?

Oh and one more thing.

The word Hindustan describes the people of the Indus River.

Comes from the word Sindhu which Pakistanis created through Sanscript.

This turned into Al-Sindh, Hind by the Arab travellers to give our community a name.

British turned Hind into Hindustan / India.

We don't call ourselves as Hindustan except by Urdu-loving dumb poets and lyricists.

The official naming of our country is done in the same way as Chinese have done:

For China:

English: China.

Mandarin: Zhōngguó

For India:

English: India.

Hindi/Sanskrit: Bharat.

And what the eff is sanscript? :blink:

There was no Pakistan when Sanskrit was the language of the entire subcontinent. :lol:

This is epic trolling from you!

Calling Sanskrit as Pakistani.

I think it is you who has the inferiority complex and identity crisis.

On the contrary, we are still who we are since thousands of years.

While you submitted to the whims of a bunch of desert dwellers who themselves till date have failed to interpret their own religion. Each one interprets it in different way and continue killing each other. :D
Hey and salam to all of you my dears, am new here and studying in 10th standard, my 9th marks is 421 out of 550. My family condition is poor and am want to continue my studies but it is unlikely, am also want to join a cadet college and later join PAF, Pak army or pak navy As an officer, so am here to know about the cadet colleges in pakistan under government. Anyone one here who can guide me about this?

For information: am from khyber agency, FATA, peshawar pakistan.

Please don't post off topic stuff. Please stick to the topic.

BTW, I have been doing research on Tsherings. Can you tell me in which year the GoI started to recognize Tsherings as Scheduled Tribes?
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