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Iran demands $1 m guarantee for release of Indian vessel

Historical fallacy on your part. You have all the resources in front of you, yet you still deny the truth.That's the case with most Indians. You like to skew history when it benefits your argument. Let's view history with a singular lense.

There is nothing cowardly about accepting Islam. Whether late or early, we are thankful for the message spreading to us. Pakistan today has the most elite warriors always engaged in war. We are not not pathetic and docile people like Indians.

Sufis spread Islam within the subcontinent. It was not spread by the sword like you Islamo-phobes believe, otherwise you Hindus would not exsist.

What exactly did the Punjabi Muslim do? Invaders who got past Peshawar could then only be stopped at Karnal or Panipat because they went through Punjab undisturbed. It is true that the armies of both Nadir Shah and Ahmed Shah Abdali were harassed in Punjab on their return with Mughal booty, but their attackers were Sikhs, not Muslims. Punjab was a quiet state. Punjabi Muslims neither rebelled against Mughal Delhi nor fought any invader whether Afghan or Persian. Was this because the Punjabi did not want to fight other Muslims? Not really, because he did not even resist being conquered easily by Sikhs.
It is the Englishman who 150 years ago gave the Punjabi Muslim a rifle and taught him how to use it. But this did not require any martial background. The British Bengal army was full of UP Brahmins (like Mangal Pandey). It is only after this formation of the modern regiments, that Punjabi Muslims are called martial by writers like GF MacMunn. After the English left, the record of Punjabi Muslims at war under their own generals is not sterling. I count one draw and one loss and I’m being charitable. Against the Pashtun Talib the record is not encouraging, despite the thousands of martyrs. Nadir Shah said of Indian Muslims after the battle of Karnal that they “know how to die, but not how to fight”.

Are Punjabi Muslims martial? Do they have a history of war and conquest or at least of resistance to conquest? I ask because there’s no evidence of their martial character in our history. No general, no subedar, no thanedar, no wazir, no bakhshi of the Mughal empire was a Punjabi Muslim so far as I know.
Is the Pakistan army martial? – The Express Tribune

So much for elite warriors.

And on the Pakistani Punjabi Character,lets see what the afghans, have to say:
First, the Pakistani Punjabis. You know how these guys always try to project an image of the Hindu ("brahmin/bania") as treacherous, cowardly, cunning, wily, evil... mooh pey ram ram, bagal mey chhuri etc. Well, in reality, that is exactly what the Pakistani Punjabis themselves are like. They are survivors who will act tough but readily bend over for any stronger force at any time(US, China etc). Meanwhile they will scheme to restore their supremacy via taqqiya at a later date.

While transferring this image (truly representative of themselves) onto the Hindu, the Pakistani Punjabis have created a mythology around themselves as the true guardians of Islamic purity/empire/strat-depth etc.
Of Pashtuns and Pakistani(Muslims) Punjabis
Now what a Baloch has to say on Pakistani Punjabis:
Yes, and the Punjabis are like that because they, like the Brahmans et el are also of Hindu origin and culture which they all are so desperate to deny. As for these stereotypes, the Punjabis (historically known simply as Hindus, Jats and so on by Middle Eastern and Central Asian travellers, poets, court chroniclers etc during the Middle Ages up until the British era) were the ones who were being ridiculed by their conquerors as being all the above!

Interesting then that these ***** now try to project these historical stereotypes onto Hindu-Indians, when historically Hindu was a catch-all ethno-cultural label for all subcontinental people, particularly for those Indians living in closer proximity to the subcontinents border with the Iranian and Afghan worlds. Thus all the negative stereotypes applied to Hindus throughout the ages apply as equally to these '*****' as they do to modern Hindu-Indians!

See, it is the Punjabis that, historically, were the servant and were contemptible to both their conquerors and within their own Hindu civilization, whether that contempt came by virtue of existing at the bottom of the Hindu caste system or due to their abhorrence in the eyes of their Islamic conquerors. This explains their deep rooted inferiority complex, meekness yet passive aggressiveness and hollow sense of superiority. All typical Punjabi personality traits.
Of Pashtuns and Pakistani(Muslims) Punjabis

Like I said before the Afghans,Iranians,Baloch,Sikhs laugh at the Pakistani Punjabi Bravado. Look at what they call you hindko.
By submitting to them and their religion like cowards?

Shows your valour. :lol:

The first region to fall to Islam was you guys with Afghanistan.

No wonder that trace of cowardice runs till now.

Funny guy running your mouth when you are from Sikkim. The only reason you were not conquered was because your little kingdom had nothing of value then. I could understand if the Maharashtrans was bragging of success at least they defeated the Mughals but peasants from sikkim? :lol:

Not to mention when small kingdoms like Nepal and Bhutan did invade your petty state they easily overran the whole thing. :rofl:
Historical fallacy on your part. You have all the resources in front of you, yet you still deny the truth.That's the case with most Indians. You like to skew history when it benefits your argument. Let's view history with a singular lense.

There is nothing cowardly about accepting Islam. Whether late or early, we are thankful for the message spreading to us. Pakistan today has the most elite warriors always engaged in war. We are not not pathetic and docile people like Indians.

Sufis spread Islam within the subcontinent. It was not spread by the sword like you Islamo-phobes believe, otherwise you Hindus would not exsist.

The funny thing is when they throw Pakistanis converting at Pakistanis when Islam is a source of pride for every Pakistani Muslim. As if it is supposed to bother Pakistanis but for some reason only the Baniyas are the most bothered. :lol:
This will get settled and Pakistanis will get back to getting bombed :omghaha: as usual.

I remember the Chinese and Pakistanis jumping up and down this way during the Italian- Indian crises. That was settled and the Italians are facing trial in India now. The Pakistanis and Chinese were nowhere to be seen then.

I can foresee the same fate with this incident as well which is nothing compared to that, then they will run away again.

some idiot kids just never learn.

india is facing a period of utter humiliation

Says the citizen of a country which has been getting bombed every single day by little computer planes coming from one foreign country through another foreign country . Day after day , month after month, year after year.


Iran is just asking for fine for the oil leak their waters.I am sure there will be a compromise. We will work something out. Two mature nations are involved.
They marched through and we gave them a pass to loot and rape Dehli. :rofl:

kyun thak rhae ho....everyone knows...what were you....and what are you...you can change everything but not history buddy,you are no different same race same people.

Please don't post off topic stuff. Please stick to the topic.

BTW, I have been doing research on Tsherings. Can you tell me in which year the GoI started to recognize Tsherings as Scheduled Tribes?

Oh and these guys are posting off-topic stuff so I simply responded.

Dude, I don't know what you're talking about.

Tshering is a first name having the same meaning and context as Chiranjeev.

If you are interested in researching, research on Bhutia community.
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This is really bad... India supa powa should order its air force ASAP to bomb Iran nuclear site
Funny guy running your mouth when you are from Sikkim. The only reason you were not conquered was because your little kingdom had nothing of value then. I could understand if the Maharashtrans was bragging of success at least they defeated the Mughals but peasants from sikkim? :lol:

The only reason your 'hole-E' warriors were humiliated were because you though we mountain dwellers are a pushover and fought. The same mentality that is today equivalent of 1 Pakistani = 10 Indians was then 1 gazi = 10 Kafirs. And the funny part is, the gazis had more numbers on their side, thanks to reinforcements from Afghanistan and modern day Pakistan regions who came on horsebacks.... ONLY to get their a$$es handed back.

I must thank these 'gazis' for their sacrifice: their remains made fine fertilizer to our terrace cultivation in the mountains. Just like manure. :D

Not to mention when small kingdoms like Nepal and Bhutan did invade your petty state they easily overran the whole thing. :rofl:x

The fact is, I am still a Buddhist as my ancestors were, free from ideological subservience to an alien land, unlike you.

Your country didn't even exist when the land where you belong to was being ravaged by Islamic invaders.

Whereas today we continue to be the same as we were always.
These hindus are hilarious... Making up stories... You were slaves. Your woman danced in courts for over 1000 years. You begged for safety from Muslims.

And now you are saying we are one in the same?? LOL

We Pakistanis look nothing like you slaves. It was your Indian Rajput tribes offering their women to be spared.

Let's just get real.
These hindus are hilarious... Making up stories... You were slaves. Your woman danced in courts for over 1000 years. You begged for safety from Muslims.

And now you are saying we are one in the same?? LOL

We Pakistanis look nothing like you slaves. It was your Indian Rajput tribes offering their women to be spared.

Let's just get real.
Identity crisis of pakistanis..as usual :lol:
As for the topic,the ship was polluting iranian waters,bbc reported and 1million$ aint a huge sum.
Pakistani monkeys are getting too excited,Iranian ship was seized a couple of days back too.
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