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Iran demands $1 m guarantee for release of Indian vessel

Very South Asian of you to make light of a topic like rape. You clearly don't belong in the West with such enlightened attitudes but would enjoy company among the pack wolves in Indian cities who rape lonely women in ambulance cars, and live to brag about it.

Unless you were not serious.

South Asian?

And what the hell are you?

Another Kalaa Engrez. :lol:
Another self hating Hindu with inferiority complex.

I'm Atheist.

Atheist > Muslim/Hindu/Christian (any religion)

All right so I've changed my nationality, how does that suggest inferiority complex??? People migrate all the time, and I believe they should adopt the customs of their new country and integrate into new way of life.

West >>>> Any crappy Middle-East country
I would really like to say how anxious were the normal chinese citizens when USA carrier was near japan, their tactical thinking(not all but some political science enthusiasts thinking) was that carrier is too close to beijing.People here who say Indian army and navy are war mongering, please check your CCTV, Everytime i went for dinner they displayed fleet formations and their positions in ocean with a expert explaining the situation in detail and its fallout.Please don't say i'm false chinese friends.Infact the chinese experts assumption was, AGNI 5 launched by India gave quite a jitters in china.The chinese experts said on TV why is India fooling its people with only limited range till china when it can launch till usa with this missile.That's a ICBM my friend acknowledged by chinese experts.

It really depends; unlike you lot, we are not emotionally imbalanced.

$ 1 million is a small price to pay for the strategic exchange we can have in Chahbahar.[/QUOTE]
It really depends; unlike you lot, we are not emotionally imbalanced.

$ 1 million is a small price to pay for the strategic exchange we can have in Chahbahar.

The shocking part is you have to pay the money to Iran. The small price will increase to double price, India will grow frustrated with Iran.
Mumbai, Aug. 19:

Iran has demanded $1 million as guarantee to release Desh Shanti, which was detained by Iranian naval authorities last week for allegedly causing marine pollution.

The Shipping Corporation of India-owned vessel, which is currently at the port of Bandar Abbas, has been subjected to repeated inspections (port state control) by the Iranian maritime authorities, an official said.

Apparently, the third round of inspection has found a minor fault in the alarm system of the ship’s engine room oil leak-control equipment, he said.

Iranian inspectors have recorded it as deficiency, though it was rectified immediately, the official said. Following this, India’s maritime administration has despatched surveyors to inspect the vessel.

According to information available, three surveyors of the Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) based in Dubai, have been asked to proceed to Iran.

Since the ship is also classed with the Lloyds Register, its surveyors are also likely to join the IRS team. India is expected to decide whether to furnish the $1 million guarantee to release the ship or wait for the inspection reports.

The ship, with oil cargo of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, has been held up there since last Tuesday.

According to officials, the ship was cleared by the port state control authorities of Iraq before loading the cargo from there. The Indian vessel was 85 nautical miles and 400 nautical miles away from the two areas where the Iranian authorities allegedly noticed the oil slick. The India oil tanker is double hull and in good condition.

SCI officials had already denied allegations that its ship has discharged oil ballast water to Iranian waters.

The way the Iranian naval guard detained the Indian ship has baffled many in shipping circles. Normally, if a ship is found guilty of causing oil pollution, the maritime authorities issue notices and initiate procedures for its inspection. In this case, it was the Iranian naval authorities who took control of the ship.

Shipping trade believes the SCI vessel is being detained on flimsy grounds. Even the demand of $1 million guarantee is seen as a “face-saving” strategy.

Meanwhile, an Iranian vessel was detained by Indian maritime authorities at Kandla port in Gujarat. No details could be gathered.

Iran demands $1 m guarantee for release of Indian vessel | Business Line

I would really like to say how anxious were the normal chinese citizens when USA carrier was near japan, their tactical thinking(not all but some political science enthusiasts thinking) was that carrier is too close to beijing.People here who say Indian army and navy are war mongering, please check your CCTV, Everytime i went for dinner they displayed fleet formations and their positions in ocean with a expert explaining the situation in detail and its fallout.Please don't say i'm false chinese friends.Infact the chinese experts assumption was, AGNI 5 launched by India gave quite a jitters in china.The chinese experts said on TV why is India fooling its people with only limited range till china when it can launch till usa with this missile.That's a ICBM my friend acknowledged by chinese experts.

It really depends; unlike you lot, we are not emotionally imbalanced
This is amusing because Indians were so keen on becoming Iran's friend they even sent laborers to help build Chabahar port hoping they would get something out of it, now they receive a bill of $1 million in order to release their captive oil tanker.
this is what iran is doing right now asking india to pay $1million to release the vessel to teach india a lesson

Do you think we can't get back to Iran if they are really asking? ;) New regime in IRAN, so we deal with new rules,nothing new or something to hate.:)
Pakistan, Italy, china, srilankra, bangadesh, maldiv and now iran all giving handprint on india face like this

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