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Iran criticizes Turkey's "secular Islam"

how many Jews found refuge in Iran and other countries of the region while the European countries from which they hailed (judaism isnt an ethnicity by the way) shunned them and villified them?

what a form of gratitude

actually it IS a race, and it is the most racist religion on earth.
Remember the jewish tribes, they were all for sons from a single father.
in todays age, they are not a race

you have Arab jews, european (ashkenazi jews) ....hell, you even have Ethiopian jews (my sympathies to them)
Not only you were captives(slaves) of the Babylonians as has been mentioned in many historic sources including your own Jewish sources
No. Jews were not slaves in Babylon. They lived pretty good in Babylon actually.

your temples and your cultural heritages had been destroyed too. just like all other nations that when they conquered others they imposed their religion, beliefs and culture on the defeated nation the Babylonians had done the same thing.
No, Babylonians did not try to impose their religion on Jews. In fact Babylon captivity boosted Judaism. There Jews developed daily prayers and universal monotheism.

And I disagree with the last sentence. Because we don't support you guys it doesn't mean that we don't do what is good for Iran.
Supporting Arab terrorists and making threats is good for Iran? Iran is increasingly isolated and loses tens of billions of dollars every year. What for? Just to gain popularity among the Arabs which will fade out next day you stop payements to them?

About the Iraq-Iran war, I guess we talked about it once with each other. Do we need to talk about it again?
There is nothing to discuss there. Israel supported Iran and now Iran is attacking Israel.

how many Jews found refuge in Iran and other countries of the region while the European countries from which they hailed (judaism isnt an ethnicity by the way) shunned them and villified them?

what a form of gratitude
Jews were third class citizens in Islamic Iran.

Since 1979 Arab population of Israel grew 3 times, while Jewish opulation of Iran dropped more than 3 times.
No. Jews were not slaves in Babylon. They lived pretty good in Babylon actually.

No, Babylonians did not try to impose their religion on Jews. In fact Babylon captivity boosted Judaism. There Jews developed daily prayers and universal monotheism.
According to you?
tell me, what's the difference between captives and slaves in more than 2400 years ago?

Supporting Arab terrorists and making threats is good for Iran? Iran is increasingly isolated and loses tens of billions of dollars every year. What for? Just to gain popularity among the Arabs which will fade out next day you stop payements to them?
well, I agree with that, but sorry to say this: It's none of your business. It's our business and we know how to take care of it. Israel is also being increasingly isolated, especially after 2009.

There is nothing to discuss there. Israel supported Iran and now Iran is attacking Israel.
We aren't attacking Israel. Proxies don't count and even if they count then you're attacking Iran as well.
Israel didn't support Iran, I disagree and I guess I've already told you why I think so.

Jews were third class citizens in Islamic Iran.
Prove that. They have two representatives in the Iranian parliament and that's completely fair based on their population. How have you come up with that judgement when you have never been to Iran and from what I see in your comments you have no idea of how life is in Iran?
Unlike Ashkenazi Jews, Persian Jews are proud of their Persian heritage and have never denounced their Iranian/Persian culture.

Since 1979 Arab population of Israel grew 3 times, while Jewish opulation of Iran dropped more than 3 times.
You could talk about the Jews in Iran and I would welcome that, but please don't talk about Arabs in Israel because I won't agree with you on that even if you keep discussing it for years.
According to you?
tell me, what's the difference between captives and slaves in more than 2400 years ago?
That was just population transfer. They were not slaves, no one says that.

well, I agree with that, but sorry to say this: It's none of your business. It's our business and we know how to take care of it. Israel is also being increasingly isolated, especially after 2009.
Israel is just accepted into OECD. Cool isolation. Also its Iran itself who choses isolation for itself. I really dont know why.

We aren't attacking Israel. Proxies don't count
Proxies count. These proxes killed many hundreds of Israelis.

and even if they count then you're attacking Iran as well.
There is no any proof for it. But even if Israel caused explosion on IRCG base or Stuxnet thats not similar to blowing up pizza parlors or diring thousands of Grad rockets at civilian neighborhoods.

Israel didn't support Iran, I disagree and I guess I've already told you why I think so.
Israel provided essential weapons and spare parts which could not be abtained elsewhere.

Prove that. They have two representatives in the Iranian parliament and that's completely fair based on their population. How have you come up with that judgement when you have never been to Iran and from what I see in your comments you have no idea of how life is in Iran?
Unlike Ashkenazi Jews, Persian Jews are proud of their Persian heritage and have never denounced their Iranian/Persian culture.
I talked about histrical persecution since 7th century. In modern Iran Jewish population is rapidly dropping. Mainly old people remain.

You could talk about the Jews in Iran and I would welcome that, but please don't talk about Arabs in Israel because I won't agree with you on that even if you keep discussing it for years.
I merelly stated the simple fact: Arab population in Israel is rapidly growing, Jewish population in Iran is dropping.
That was just population transfer. They were not slaves, no one says that.
Population transfer? Do you become the captives of a country if you do population transfer?

Israel is just accepted into OECD. Cool isolation. Also its Iran itself who choses isolation for itself. I really dont know why.
Just because Israel has been accepted into OECD it doesn't mean Israel isn't more isolated.

Proxies count. These proxes killed many hundreds of Israelis.
And your proxies have killed many Iranians as well.

There is no any proof for it. But even if Israel caused explosion on IRCG base or Stuxnet thats not similar to blowing up pizza parlors or diring thousands of Grad rockets at civilian neighborhoods.
What about supporting the PJAK, Jundullah and other terrorist groups? and recently MEK?

Israel provided essential weapons and spare parts which could not be abtained elsewhere.
Do we need to talk about the reasons again? Do we need to talk about Iran contra again? Do we need to talk about Saddams' anti-Jewish ideology?

I talked about histrical persecution since 7th century. In modern Iran Jewish population is rapidly dropping. Mainly old people remain.
lol. What historical persecution?
Wrong, I got two Jewish friends who are in their 20's and they live in Tehran.

I merelly stated the simple fact: Arab population in Israel is rapidly growing, Jewish population in Iran is dropping.
Not everyone wants to live in a theocratic nation like Iran. But this is not really about "Turkey's secular nation" per say, I think it's more to do with a tussle between the two nations over Syria.
Please educated me on the Islamic World if I am mistaken. Turks are a warrior tribe, as recently as 200 years ago, the Ottomans were very powerful. The Arabs are not associated with warrior tribes for more than a thousand years already, although they had their hey-day. The Persians have not been expansionist for something like 2000 years.

My distrust of Turkey comes from the fact they prefer not to ally with Iran against Israel and the West, but instead remains a part of NATO. Also, Turks sympathize with Uighur minority groups and some of their separatist elements in Western China.

Sir you summed up your reasons in the last sentence. And that I can understand. You remind me of the double standards and the irony of what the West sees as just cause and terrorism. Case in point, Iraqi Kurds during Saddam regime were freedom fighters and honourable people but cross the border into Turkey, same people, same race, same language, customs and cause these people were branded as terrorists by the West.

Now coming to your first paragraph, Turk’s Ottoman empire was just like any Eastern and Western empire and to expand and conquer are its essential part be it through diplomacy or conquest so Turks didn’t do anything different from the rest of the Empires. Apart from their alleged support of Ulgers as you put it, the only conflcict I know are their immediate borders with Greece and PKK.
But that was long time ago. We talk about the modern Turkey of Kamal after the world wars the old empire is dead, the Arabs have their own states now.

I don’t know why you decided that Arabs are not a warrior race, far from it they have been warriors throughout the known history and have fought as Auxiliaries for whatever empire that had influence over their land. Their own feuds lasted for decades that started on petty disputes. After emergence of Islam they also morphed into an empire and followed the similar formula of the empires with their conquests of Constantinople, Persia, Spain, Africa and Asia. So sir I don’t know what are you talking about when you say Arabs are not a warrior race. And by the way, this has nothing to do with Islam, the so called Caliphate was nothing but Kingship after the 4 Caliphs 3 of whom were murdered by a tribe which felt marginalised due to the emergence of Islam. And what followed afterwards was more like an empire rather than an Islamic welfare state which was the concept given by the founder of Islam we call Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

You let off Persians lightly because Sun set on their empire 2000 years ago when they were crippled by the Rival empires of their times. By that token maybe after 2000 years Turks would also be seen as favourably as Persians (too bad we wont be around to find out).

Now talking about distrust, re Turkey’s siding with West vs. Iran well its open for debate national interests always come first. I cant judge Turkey on that just like I don’t want to be judged over the Pakistan’s support of China over its treatment of Uighur. Iran’s regime is not making it easy for anyone to side with their extremist views specially there is a lot of bad blood between them and the Arab monarchies also their support of the Palestinians which is commendable should not be in any way violent and fanning the war fever.

It hasn’t helped before and it is not going to help now. I cant say any more on this because this argument is going on from the day when the victors of 2nd world war decided that the Palestinians had to pay the price for the atrocities of Nazis. Like I said in the previous email, Turkey despite its relations with Israel and part of NATO has done more in recent times by suffering the death of many of its citizen when its relief ships to Palestine were attacked by Israeli forces, compare that to any Arab Sheikh what have they done so far apart from building another F1 track, or 7 star hotel or yet another record breaking skyscraper?

Its all noble of Iranians to criticise the secularism of Turkey but the picture in Iran or Saudi Arabia is also not very pleasing. Remember you don’t need to preach the converted by your actions but actually the rest of the audience, the kind of stories that come out of Iran and Saudi Arabia are not something that do justice to very name of Islam, where the emphasis seems to be on punishment and torture rather than forgiveness , correction and rehabilitation.
Population transfer? Do you become the captives of a country if you do population transfer?
That was the policy: population was tranferred and there it assimilated and dissapeard. That what hapened to 10 tribes of Israel kingdom. But Jews did not assimilate, they preserved their religion and culture. They were not any slaves.

Just because Israel has been accepted into OECD it doesn't mean Israel isn't more isolated.
Until 1990-es Russia, China, India, East Europe, Central Asia countries did not even recognize Israel - thats more than half of the world. Today Israel has excellent relations with these countries.

And your proxies have killed many Iranians as well.

What about supporting the PJAK, Jundullah and other terrorist groups? and recently MEK?
We dont support them.

Do we need to talk about the reasons again? Do we need to talk about Iran contra again? Do we need to talk about Saddams' anti-Jewish ideology?
Everything has reasons, still it does not change the fact that it was a big help.

lol. What historical persecution?
Persecution since 7th century.
That was the policy: population was tranferred and there it assimilated and dissapeard. That what hapened to 10 tribes of Israel kingdom. But Jews did not assimilate, they preserved their religion and culture. They were not any slaves.
And was it because of this population transfer that the Babylonians had destroyed your temples that Cyrus ordered to rebuild your temples?

Until 1990-es Russia, China, India, East Europe, Central Asia countries did not even recognize Israel - thats more than half of the world. Today Israel has excellent relations with these countries.
You certainly know that Russia and East Europe have sizable Jewish populations living in there, so It's very reasonable if they recognize Israel after the USSR collapse in 1991. Israel has big supporters, so I'm not surprised if today it apparently has good relations with the countries you mentioned.

We dont support them.
But there are allegations that you're supporting them. They are allegations, but still...

Everything has reasons, still it does not change the fact that it was a big help.
Well, We also supported and helped you during the Shah era and even during the Islamic revolution when we bombed Osirak for the first time It was a help for you too because we both know Saddam's mentality and his radical pan-Arab and anti-Persian and anti-Jewish ideology.

Persecution since 7th century.
Be precise please. Which persecution you mean? I have never read about persecution of Jews in Iran ever.
If Turkey becomes hostile to China. It will surely support terrorism in Western China.
You are sick and racist...

We never ever support terrorism unlike Iran,Iraq and Syria ... Tell me which terrorist organization that founded by Turks ? Just give me a god damn name.

We care Uighurs coz they are our brother. But it doesn't mean we support their terrorist acts. We always support Uighurs as part of China.

Tell me that dont you care chinese minority in Malaysia, India, Russia, Mongolia even Turkiye? Or do you deny them?

Stop creating bs stories from your azzhole about Turkiye and look at yourself who is terrorist supporter. You are supporting terrorist lover Iran and Syria. Before throwing mud on us think that twice.

Here Pakdef is your playground. No one stops you while talking about my country and mud throwing. This is shame of Pakdef.
TrMhMt > yeah you should not give lessons to others especially when yourself you had many racist words
in this forum

every country having its bad actions. Even Turkey.
Israel accused some of your organisations to be on the humanitarian boat but being a strong support to Hamas
so what? now you are going to say me you don't support Hamas?

About Uighurs , what you say is not matching about what your country says.
Your country should clearly says you don't support the terrorist activities.

Before talking, watch your pkk supporter country than come here .....

Before talking, watch your pkk supporter country than come here .....
Iran is supporting PKK?
ahahah the best joke of the year

edit: ah i guess you didn't get i am Iranian living in France but not French
ok i guess it is all about France then. So let me explain something.
There are some political personalities and associations that they strongly support kurds
and most of them are so ignorant that they think PKK = kurds and Kurds all want to be independant and should take part of Turkey as their territory
But not all people are like this.
The fact PKK having a real support is not from France as far as i know. The support of other countries: i guess you know what are the countries who support them. right?
Iran is supporting PKK?
ahahah the best joke of the year

Are you denying?

There were/is Pkk camps in Iran. The militants crossed the borders and killed thousand of Turkish citizens. Do you deny this? 2 months ago you have captured M. Karayilan and you have released him. Still do you deny these are?
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