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Iran criticizes Turkey's "secular Islam"

And MIT says there is a hospital in Tehran which belong pkk. That hospital is still active.

Where is that hospital?
And last time I was sleeping God told me that there is a hospital in Ankara which belongs to PJAK, Jundullah and MEK and the Turkish people frequently donate blood to there for the terrorists that have gotten injured and are hospitalized in there. stop spreading rumors and nonsense please.
Here we go again ...

which hospital? Where is it? Name??

dude one page before you were denying that pkk camps in Iran and wanted proof from me. I gave them to you.

Now you are acting the same act that you have done before... Please help yourself and Google it. Sure you will find it.
I am correcting my mistake.

Hospital is located in Urumiye ...
there is no such thing between Turkey and Iran.

@ TrMhMt :
Iran, Turkey plays a dual
if you could be honest to say this is from a turk newspaper

and yeah it is not in the wiki link you give ... lol
can you pleas tell me why iran supports cruel asad regime.because asad is a shia.the majority of syria is sunni.so if syria revoulation succeed a sunni will take power in syria.thats why iran supports asad.iran try to protect asad regime.iran afraid that turkey along its western allay will remove their favourite asad regime.
Here we go again ...

which hospital? were is it? Name??

dude one page before you were denying that pkk camps in Iran and wanted proof from me. I gave them you.

Now you are acting the same act that you have done before... Please help yourself and Google it. Sure you will find it.

You talked about the PKK hospital in Tehran but you didn't name it. (apparently you now claim that it is in Urumiya. Would you show us the hospital on google maps or google earth?)
The story you've pasted from a guy who claims has some first-hand information is not so credible. There are many guys within the Iranian system that say stories about how Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to support Azeri separatists in Iran. No one buys them. If you believe in such things, then you must come up with reputable sources. As I said, Iran never officially claimed that it had captured Karayilan, Turkish newspapers claimed that without Iran's official announcement. So you can't be sure and say that Iran had captured him but later released him.
Turkey has many pro-West elements in the military and the system. Some of them may like to accuse Iran of things that are false, that doesn't mean that what they say must be taken as credible as long as these issues haven't been brought up and discussed seriously between Iran and Turkey.

---------- Post added at 08:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ----------

can you pleas tell me why iran supports cruel asad regime.because asad is a shia.the majority of syria is sunni.so if syria revoulation succeed a sunni will take power in syria.thats why iran supports asad.iran try to protect asad regime.iran afraid that turkey along its western allay will remove their favourite asad regime.

Assad himself isn't a Shi3a. You even lack the basic knowledge about him. The Baath party which is ruling over Syria now is a secular party made up of Sunnis, Shi3as, Christians and other minorities.
The same can be said about Bahrain. Why no one cries against the bloodshed that is currently taking place in Bahrain?
can you pleas tell me why iran supports cruel asad regime.because asad is a shia.the majority of syria is sunni.so if syria revoulation succeed a sunni will take power in syria.thats why iran supports asad.iran try to protect asad regime.iran afraid that turkey along its western allay will remove their favourite asad regime.
hey you are speaking about Turkey and Iran what's the matter with Syria now?
you said something wrong : there is nothing of a suni shia matter ! what you say is showing you totally ignore the relations between our two countries. wonder why we don't need visa to go Turkey if we have so much problems LOL

About Syria , this is more complicated than this.
Syria is not an Islamic state. Nothing to do with Iran. And alawis are considered as a sect
you should check why Syria is a friend of Iran. then you get your answer.

and please stop fantasming about religion for explaining all
If you haven`t gotten by now, when i say Persians i mean those that support the Iranian Ayatollah regime that constantly proclaims that they will destroy Israel.
Thats disinformation war campaign by your own government, and you are the victim :azn: Iran government NEVER said they will destroy Israel, ever.

Stop talking BS ...

You are only denying nothing else. This is Turkish newspaper, This is wiki, This is claim of MIT blaaahhhh blllaaahhhh.

Everyone knows that you were/is supporting pkk. Ask yourself only one time. Why nobody likes Iran in this region(except Asad)? You are really cheeky that we have never seen before. You claim Sauds are evil bad, Turks are evil bad, Iraqis are evil bad, Other arabs and their countries are evil bad, They are puppet of Eu and Us.

But only you and your precious leader Asad is good....

What pathetic .....

Edit: I am done.

Stop talking BS ...

You are only denying nothing else. This is Turkish newspaper, This is wiki, This is claim of MIT blaaahhhh blllaaahhhh.

Everyone knows that you were/is supporting pkk. Ask yourself only one time. Why nobody like Iran in this region(except Asad)? You are really cheeky that we have never seen before. You calims Sauds are evil bad, Turks are evil bad, Iraqis are evil bad, Other arabs and their countries are evil bad, They are puppet of Eu and Us.

But only you and your precious leader Asad is good....

What pathetic .....

Edit: I am done.

You are a certificated retarded. right?
My precious leader Assad? lol. Since when he's my leader? lol

Everyone knows? Then everyone knows you're supporting the Azeri separatists in Iran.
When did I say this is wiki? this is claim of MIT or so? You need to come up with credible sources. That's a very basic fact when you want to have constructive discussions.
Actually in this region your country Turkey has pretty good relations with us, Iraq has pretty good relations with us, Oman has very good relations with us, Pakistan has very good relations with us, Afghanistan has very good relations with us, Turkmenistan has very good relations with us, Armenia has very good relations with us. Except a few US backed monarchies in the region everyone else has very good relations with us and from what I see, although many countries are provoked by the USA against us, everyone in the region has accepted Iran's role, even Saudi Arabia knows that Iran does have a voice in the region. so you failed to launch a psychological warfare on this thread if that's what you meant.
Your failure to back up your claims doesn't justify your tone.
No one here said that Turks are evil, Did I say that? Do you live in your own self made hallucinations or you read my posts? Did I say Iraqis or Saudis are evil? check all of my posts on PDF so far, where have I said that?
it seems you are not ashamed to build lies .

This is A Turkish newspaper which says this ... so because one newspaper full of hatred towards Iran is writing this, then it is TH TRUTH? ah i see . LOL

Wiki? it is very sad that you quote a wiki that is not saying at all what you say. there is nothing about this story in the link. It is only about the past, before we get troubles with PJAK. So nothing is matching with your words.
But still you say this is in this wiki link ... hoping people don't read it.

Hospital? Arian explained you well... and still no news no name of hospital.
seems you like so much to hate our country. Wonder why.
I do business with Turkey and have financial participation in a company in your country. SO i know well Turkey, which is my wife's favorite country.
People there are different than you. I wonder how it comes you are such fanatic anti Iranians.

And by the way, I don't support Asad at all.
And what do you think Russia and China supporting him? why focus only on Iran?

We don't say Saudis are evil bad. The people who say this are a minority of fanatic OR racists.

I rarely see someone say bad about Turkey in Iran. Wonder where you get such stupid idea.

And you are quite pathetic again:
you blame Iran (your words) for the PKK bases in Iran
WHEN everyone knows the bases are in Iraq !! and USA your friend never cared to fight them or even help you on this matter.
I wonder why.
Again i was giving a link about Blackwater providing weapons to PKK
and no answer from you.... that shows how pathetic you are.
Thats disinformation war campaign by your own government, and you are the victim :azn: Iran government NEVER said they will destroy Israel, ever.

Your gov. never said that?

I am speechless .....

You have extremely perfect denying mechanism.
Your gov. never said that?

I am speechless .....

You have extremely perfect denying mechanism.

You should check the source, I did. For example, Ahmadinejad's "we will wipe Israel off the map", problem is - he didnt said that, it was fake mistranslation which became cornerstone of Israel policy towards Iran.

What Ahmadinejad said was: "Israel regime will fade from the pages of history, like USSR did before." And in the same speech later: "Human rights of Jews, Palestinians, and Arabs must be respected."

Do you see anywhere "we will wipe Israel off the map"? Take with a truckload of salt what pro-Israel and pro-US media is saying, and check the source.

Dude I dont know Iranian language. All the media say the same thing. And IMO saying we will wipe israel off the map or Israel regime ........ is the same thing.
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