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Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says


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Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says
JAN 16, 2019


Iran's nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi,gestures as he speaks to Reuters during an interview in Brussels in November. | REUTERS

GENEVA - Iran can enrich uranium up to 20 percent within four days, its atomic energy chief said on Tuesday, a comment apparently aimed at showing Tehran could quickly expand its enrichment program if its nuclear deal with world powers collapses.

Iran’s 2015 accord with world powers caps the level to which it is able to enrich uranium to 3.67 percent purity, well below the 20 percent it was reaching before the deal, and the roughly 90 percent suitable for a nuclear weapon.

President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the deal last May, calling it flawed, and reimposed sanctions on Iran. Tehran refuses to renegotiate and has said the deal could fall apart unless European signatories preserve its economic benefits for the Islamic Republic against U.S. pressure.

“If we want to come out of the nuclear deal and produce, within four days we could start our 20 percent,” Ali Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told the semi-official Fars News Agency. “But we already have stockpiles of 20 percent, and the capability.”

Salehi did not elaborate on his remark about stockpiles. Iran’s reserve of 20 percent enriched uranium was downblended, shipped abroad or turned into fuel plates for a research reactor after the nuclear deal was clinched.

Salehi told Reuters in an interview last November that Iran could resume enriching uranium to 20 percent purity — seen as well above the level suitable for fueling civilian power plants — if the 2015 deal’s trade spin-offs do not pan out for Tehran.

Iran is allowed under the deal to produce nuclear fuel under strict conditions that need to be approved by a working group set up by the signatories. Those conditions include ensuring that the fuel cannot be converted to uranium hexafluoride, the feedstock for centrifuges that enrich uranium.

SOURCE (HTTP) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...ations-atomic-energy-chief-says/#.XD6i_d_nhro
We could conduct a hot test for a nuke within a few months, but, it is not required. Iran knows that nukes nowadays are useless. No matter what the urgency/ crises/ calamity/ war/ invasion/ whatever the situation, you can't use them.
Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says
JAN 16, 2019


Iran's nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi,gestures as he speaks to Reuters during an interview in Brussels in November. | REUTERS

GENEVA - Iran can enrich uranium up to 20 percent within four days, its atomic energy chief said on Tuesday, a comment apparently aimed at showing Tehran could quickly expand its enrichment program if its nuclear deal with world powers collapses.

Iran’s 2015 accord with world powers caps the level to which it is able to enrich uranium to 3.67 percent purity, well below the 20 percent it was reaching before the deal, and the roughly 90 percent suitable for a nuclear weapon.

President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the deal last May, calling it flawed, and reimposed sanctions on Iran. Tehran refuses to renegotiate and has said the deal could fall apart unless European signatories preserve its economic benefits for the Islamic Republic against U.S. pressure.

“If we want to come out of the nuclear deal and produce, within four days we could start our 20 percent,” Ali Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told the semi-official Fars News Agency. “But we already have stockpiles of 20 percent, and the capability.”

Salehi did not elaborate on his remark about stockpiles. Iran’s reserve of 20 percent enriched uranium was downblended, shipped abroad or turned into fuel plates for a research reactor after the nuclear deal was clinched.

Salehi told Reuters in an interview last November that Iran could resume enriching uranium to 20 percent purity — seen as well above the level suitable for fueling civilian power plants — if the 2015 deal’s trade spin-offs do not pan out for Tehran.

Iran is allowed under the deal to produce nuclear fuel under strict conditions that need to be approved by a working group set up by the signatories. Those conditions include ensuring that the fuel cannot be converted to uranium hexafluoride, the feedstock for centrifuges that enrich uranium.

SOURCE (HTTP) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2...ations-atomic-energy-chief-says/#.XD6i_d_nhro

Iran MUST develop Nuclear & Thermonuclear (if possible) device ASAP. An Iran armed with Nuclear Weapons will bring stability to the region. And If IsraHELL has stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons, why other nations can't?
Iran MUST develop Nuclear & Thermonuclear (if possible) device ASAP. An Iran armed with Nuclear Weapons will bring stability to the region. And If IsraHELL has stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons, why other nations can't?

iran must and will but iran doesnt want to die but everyone wants iran to die

iran wants to be accepted but the world doesnt accept iran and they will kill iran. iran doesnt have a choice. it has to do what it has to do and that means nuclear

the world tried to kill iran many times before. they will do it again. what to do heh
We could conduct a hot test for a nuke within a few months, but, it is not required. Iran knows that nukes nowadays are useless. No matter what the urgency/ crises/ calamity/ war/ invasion/ whatever the situation, you can't use them.

You CAN use Nukes and Nukes WILL be used, but it depends on the right circumstances under right condition. You probably don't know, what hopelessness, frustration and desperation can force nations to do, which they even can't imagine in ordinary circumstances.
View media item 17793
The KSA can have thermonukes in four hours....

KSA has petrodollars and more than that a strong ally: Israel. Well, Jonathan Pollard provided them a lot of info. and the Nuclear program of Israel might be the most advanced & developed one, I believe. And as long as KSA will keep dancing to American Tunes, no harm will come to them. But Regime Change in KSA can be a game changer. :azn:
View media item 17794
The thing is there are many nuke powers around and they've come to the brink and realized that they can't use em..........time and again.........they simply couldn't do it.

Iran has noticed this, and realized this fact. Hence, we can do it, but we refuse to go nuclear.

You CAN use Nukes and Nukes WILL be used, but it depends on the right circumstances under right condition. You probably don't know, what hopelessness, frustration and desperation can force nations to do, which they even can't imagine in ordinary circumstances.
View media item 17793
The thing is there are many nuke powers around and they've come to the brink and realized that they can't use em..........time and again.........they simply couldn't do it.

Iran has noticed this, and realized this fact. Hence, we can do it, but we refuse to go nuclear.

Nukes can be used against navy ships at sea. They tested nukes on the sea. Nothing can be done about it if Iran uses them in self-defense against carrier groups. If they cry that they will nuke Iran, Iran can respond that Israhell will be wiped off the map. On civilian populations, like Hiroshima, nukes are generally banned.

There is no difference between tactical nukes and normal ICBM nukes, they will murder civilians. One in a smaller way and one in a huge way, but use of tactical nukes justifies the response with the entire arsenal of nukes, because if they can nuke 10,000 times with tactical nukes, what the heck is the difference between that a using two nukes? Using nukes on land will always harm civilians. Nuking a carrier group is completely different, unless they are like the Isrealis and using a oil tanker as cover. Then I would fire the nuke at the navy ships like the Syrians did in firing their SAMs and if a Russian plane or in this case an oil tanker is hit because of human shields, simply tell that to the UN.

Another reason why China should develop a semi-submersible fleet.
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I am sure these are for peaceful purposes as General Alladeen has suggested.
actually 20% enriched uranium is used specifically for medical purposes, Tehran Research Reactor (ironically built by the US in the 60s) uses 20% uranium to produce medical isotopes (for cancer treatment etc).

Also, 20% uranium cannot be used for nuclear weapons, that needs 90% enrichment (and then several more stages including miniaturisation of nuclear warhead to fit on a delivery vehicle (e.g. an ICBM)).
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