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Iran could enrich uranium to 20% within four days, nation's atomic energy chief says

If you think it is useless, U are grossly mistaken friend. US in its new doctrine -Rumsfeld after 2002- specifies that they are free to use nuke weapons against opponents. However what kind of opponnents these barbaric US leaders mean ? In fact against defenseless opponents, and especially those without nuke weapons. Remember during the Korea's war they did not hesitate to slaughter milllions of civilians, they were prompt to use nuke weapons against China. However when Stalin objected that he has nuke weapons too, US receded. During Vietnam's war they want to use nuclear weapons against North Vietnam, however Mao threatened to use it too. US moved back. In 1991 Bush Sr, and its team threatened Iraq to use against civilian Iraqis as solution regarding the poorly performances of US air coalition. Saddam's fear, he mistakenly ordered his army to retreat. During his retreat US profited to slaughter his army, one of the worst crime in human's history, made by the barbaric US leaders. This coward slaughter was turned by US media as 'great victory'.
Do not mistake US are ready to use nuclear weapons against Iran except if Iran does have. I think, due the close relations between Iran and North Korea, it is absolutely certain that Iran could have nowadays nuclear tactical weapons very quicly, if it is not already done. For Iran it is an absolutely vital, it is a matter of life or death.

The US has no moral compass. In an era where Uncle Sam is witness to the deterioration of his own hegemony, it is likely that they will resort to dire and Machiavellian tactics. Do not be surprised if Iran has already acquire nuclear weapons, or in de facto has the ability to stand as a nuclear armed power.
The US has no moral compass. In an era where Uncle Sam is witness to the deterioration of his own hegemony, it is likely that they will resort to dire and Machiavellian tactics. Do not be surprised if Iran has already acquire nuclear weapons, or in de facto has the ability to stand as a nuclear armed power.
It is not a matter of debate or I don't know which computation. If Iran does not have nuclear weapons its population is directly threatened.
US asked Putin to not sell to iranian army any surface to air missiles, in order to bomb Iran with their aircraft.
US asked Putin to not sell to iranian army any anti ship missiles, in order to invade Iran with their navy.
US asked Putin to not sell to iranian army any aircraft, in order to bomb Iran with their aircraft.
US asked Putin to not allow iranian to develop missiles, in order to deny Iran the right to defend itself.
US asked Putin to not sell to iranian army any tanks or artillery, in order to invade Iran with their ground forces.
US asked Putin to not sell to iranian army any even assault riffles heavy machine gun, in order to protect their soldiers and armor vehicles when they would invade Iran.
After these shits will claim an easy victory during the war because of their so-called "invincibility" of their technologies, sodliers, economy etc....
See what's happen recently Saddam Hussayn, Ghedaffy, Milosevic all the three complied, and trust US, they gave up any weapon industries, any defensive aim. See the results Libya, as Iraq are in the stone age with each year several hundreds thousands disabled or died. With North Korea -that we will call NK to simplify-. US 1990's wanted a regime's change. They decided to start with Iraq at first in order to secure Israel before all. After 2003, D. Rumsfeld said that they will implement "sanctions" against NK, and if is not enough to overthrow the regime, they will do it with military. Until NK exploded its first nuclear weapon. After NK developed ICBM, and SLBM US invited KIm. Why ?
To encourage him to not sell its supersonic cruise missiles to those opposed to US. This is Pax Americana!
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