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Iran confiscates Buddha statues

Yaara I'm no expert. But I feel, and you will agree hopefully, that if this is kept purely personal, we will have an ideal world (religious harmony wise).

But that may go against the teaching of someone's faith, even at a very personal level? So he or she may strongly believe in his or her faith at a very personal level and in doing so be beholden to spread the word to others.

The others may or may not be agreeable to such. But the person spreading the word is following his or her faith.

I think we obviously cannot have the forced conversions of olden days. But even non-violent proselytizing can have violent backlash when faiths collide.

So who is wrong? The one spreading the word peacefully, or the one lashing out?
But that may go against the teaching of someone's faith, even at a very personal level? So he or she may strongly believe in his or her faith at a very personal level and in doing so be beholden to spread the word to others.

The others may or may not be agreeable to such. But the person spreading the word is following his or her faith.

I think we obviously cannot have the forced conversions of olden days. But even non-violent proselytizing can have violent backlash when faiths collide.

So who is wrong? The one spreading the word peacefully, or the one lashing out?

Lots of things go against someone's faith. Such illogical debate I not wish to prolong. You are steering this to conversion debate. When I say keep it personal then that clearly answers it.
i know there is. before (about)5 years ago.the issue was same as other countries but suddenly they grew.Believe or not we have about 20 (maybe more) false prophets just in our state :laugh:. some of them just telling people bullshit words but some are very dangerous. they have problems with Society and harm people, some drink blood,eat fly and a guy told me master can(Allowed to) eat his/her own sh!t :.


seems we are going to export shiittttt to them
Such illogical debate I not wish to prolong. You are steering this to conversion debate. When I say keep it personal then that clearly answers it.

Actually I am still trying to understand the original statement of yours which I responded to.

I.e. the stronger they are, the weaker their faith.

But I will moved on if it does not interest you any longer.
Why is the faith of Cyrus different?

Wasn't Cyrus equally someone who spread his faith over most of central Asia by wars and conquest ?

I think , you mean another Cyrus
Cyrus the Great never spread any faith by war . in fact he let Jews go and rebuilt their temple , in Babylon he bowed to Marduk , but at the same time he let all the Gods of other cities that were brought to Babylon were taken back to their own city . Sun of Cyrus Kambojia after conquering Egypt bowed to the Gods of Egypt. in Achamenehide dynasty all the conquered lands were allowed to pray to their Gods and act according to their customs .
what happens if any country bans hijab? why not the "moderate muslim" raise his voice against acts like these?
I think , you mean another Cyrus
Cyrus the Great never spread any faith by war . in fact he let Jews go and rebuilt their temple

In fact, is it not true that many accounts postulate that Cyrus was in fact a Jew?
Wow..Amazing..Great service to humanity done...

Seriously..Iran resembles more like Fahd era Saudi Arabia!
the problem is not Buddhism. these statues used by groups who we call them newborn Mysticism s. some of these people have some serious problems.:hang2:
Problems? To Christians Muslims have "problems." Should we ban them?
Problems? To Christians Muslims have "problems." Should we ban them?

what about allowing Al qaeda and Taliban into your freedom of religious country.then
ask your question from them, they will show you what having problem means.practically.:smokin:.
Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion'

Associated Press in Tehran, guardian.co.uk, Sunday 17 February 2013 08.32 EST

Buddha statues have joined Barbie dolls and characters from The Simpsons as banned items in Iran.

Officials are confiscating the statues from shops in the capital, Tehran, to stop the promotion of Buddhism, according to a report in the independent Arman daily.

The Islamic republic has long fought against items such as Barbie toys to block western influence, but this appears to be the first time authorities have shown an opposition to symbols from the east.

The newspaper quoted Saeed Jaberi Ansari, an official for the protection of Iran's cultural heritage, as calling the Buddha statues symbols of "cultural invasion".

He reportedly said authorities would not permit a specific belief to be promoted through such items. Ansari did not say how many Buddhas had been seized, but said the "cleansing" would continue.

Some Iranians buy Buddha statues to decorate their homes and cars. Most are made in China and come from Iranian free-trade zones in the Gulf.

"As I understand, none of the customers cared about Buddhism, they only bought it for decoration," said Reza Sanaei, a shopkeeper who sells the statues.

A customer, Marjan Arbabi, said she personally did not like the statues. "But my parents have a set of five Buddha statues at their home simply because they think the statues are beautiful," she said.

Under Iran's constitution, Christian and Jewish beliefs as well as Zoroastrianism are recognised alongside Islam, the official religion. The law says that in general the rights of all non-Muslims should be observed.

Some Islamists do not support the production of any statue, as they view it as a way to promote idols. In 2010 several statues depicting prominent Iranians disappeared from Tehran's streets and squares. Their disappearance was blamed on an unnamed group with a strict interpretation of Islam that forbids depiction of the human form in art.

Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion' | World news | guardian.co.uk

When you sell Iranian symbols in your home country everywhere I will arrange a campaign against this rule in Iran
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