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Iran building new production hall for centrifuges in mountains near Natanz

I doubt that Khamenei himself is very much against nuclear weapons although the statements he made in the past shows that he is kinda against it. I am sure he can be convinced though, with solid arguments of why and how this will benefit Iran in the long term he can be convinced but i doubt the IRGC high ranking command made a effort for that and the blame is on them too. In any way, the IRGC also has failed to convince Khamenei or the lack of effort, the end result is the same. IRGC has also failed.

I think Khamenei is just getting in tune with the traitor reformists who are doing everything in their power to take away Iran's nuclear program. Rest assured that there are people in the IRGC that want to make nuclear weapons and there are also those who oppose such a move. For now, the power is in the hands of those who want Iran to be nuclear free- same policy dictated by arrogant powers. Khamenei should do exactly the opposite of what the West wants.

@Aspen let me add that we also do not know what is exactly going on. Perhaps Khamenei and the IRGC already tried to go for the nuclear weapons but betrayal and reformist surge put a hold on that. Add massive Western pressure to that as well and it might become a feasible scenario.

Generally the situation with Iran is pretty similar to Pakistan in that it took a major wake up call in 1971 war when East Pak got cut off for gov't to wake up and finally realize that Pakistan needed a nuke, and from 1971 foward, getting a nuke became number 1 priority of every single Pakistani PM until they conducted Chagai-1 nuclear test.

If anything good came out of Soleimani's assassination, maybe it was that this was the wake up call Khameini needed to be convinced that Iran needs a nuke and make it a top priority going forward. Iranians will not forget Soleimani and getting nukes would be a good way to honor his legacy and get the last laugh over US. Tolerating more US and Israeli sabotage is not worth the trouble just to avoid sanctions. If you have a nuke, you already have sanctions but then at least then Iran won't have to deal with new sabotage every week. Even if Khameini doesn't go for nukes, his successor will. There was virtually no opposition to getting nukes in Pakistan after 1971 loss of East Pak which is why I am a bit surprised that some people in Iran still resist the idea of nukes and would even consider the idea of going back to JCPOA after Soleimani.
I am a bit surprised that some people in Iran still resist the idea of nukes and would even consider the idea of going back to JCPOA after Soleimani.
There is no excuse or hiding behind some flawed logic. Anyone that wants to keep nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands has a agenda against Iranian sovereignty.
I shit you not, just a few seconds after I posted about Khameini dying and his new successor, I decided to google Iran news and this came up:

Iran's Supreme Leader Transfers Power to Son as Health Deteriorates

You cannot make this shit up. For the record, I called this before anyone else.

I shit you not, just a few seconds after I posted about Khameini dying and his new successor, I decided to google Iran news and this came up:

Iran's Supreme Leader Transfers Power to Son as Health Deteriorates

You cannot make this shit up. For the record, I called this before anyone else.

Look who the article is quoting. A terrorist disguised as a ''journalist''.
Look who the article is quoting. A terrorist disguised as a ''journalist''.

Let's wait and see what official sources say. If some more sources confirm his health is deteriorating, it will be an interesting next few weeks.

Right now I am wondering:

1. Who goes first, Trump or Khameini?
2. Will Khameini hand over power before he dies?
3. What is Mojtaba's stance on nukes?
Let's wait and see what official sources say. If some more sources confirm his health is deteriorating, it will be an interesting next few weeks.

Right now I am wondering:

1. Who goes first, Trump or Khameini?
2. Will Khameini hand over power before he dies?
3. What is Mojtaba's stance on nukes?

Bro, the article is rubbish and constitutes zionist disinformation. As another user said, its author seems to have separatist sympathies too, and is therefore no friend of the Islamic Republic. As per Iran's constitution, the Supreme Leader can't designate his own successor. I'd recommend not to lend credence to such a dubious piece.

The only thing preventing Iran from getting nukes is Khameini.

Most decision makers in Iran are in line with it.

When it comes to the liberals (reformists + centrists), not only do they oppose the development of WMD, but they'd even go much further than this. Unlike the Supreme Leader, the liberals would also accept additional limits to Iran's nuclear program beyond the JCPOA, and they would even be willing to curtail the missile arsenal (see Rohani's Noruz speech where he happily declared that Iran should look forward to JCPOA's II and III, i.e. deals on missiles and on regional policy)... The Supreme Leader is one the main actors preventing this.

so Iran can finally stop worrying about external challenges from US and Israel all the time

Some users on this forum are worrying much more than the decision makers themselves, who understand that the enemy has no viable military option against Iran, and that the psy-ops and terror attacks we see are actually proof of this (because that's the only thing they can do). The main challenge doesn't come from outside, it comes from domestic liberals and defeatists.

which is why US and Israel are absolutely desperate to prevent it.

They are every bit as desperate to curtail Iran's ballistic missile arsenal and its regional system of alliances. They never intended to be content with the JCPOA and always conceived of it as a stepping stone to put limits on Iran's missile development and to disarm Iran's regional allies. Just recently the German Foreign Minister made a remark to this effect.

This is where the danger of domestic liberals comes in. They are the ones who lie in wait to pressure the Supreme Leader and the IRGC into accepting such limitations. And these liberals are receiving a helping hand from the enemy's massive propaganda apparatus. In this situation, those who focus their wrath on the Leader / IRGC instead of the liberals are unkowingly doing the enemy a service.

They know if Iran gets a nuke, its game over.

They already have no military option against Iran. In that regard, it's game over for them already.

But imagine for a second how domestic fifth-column liberals and infiltrated agents of influence would react if Iran went for nuclear weapons. They'd possibly try to trigger another "colored revolution" like in 2009, threatening to destabilize the entire nation.

Khameini's view that going back to JCPOA is better than getting a nuke in long term or even in short term.

Brother, the Supreme Leader has no faith in the JCPOA. He had no faith in it the first time around. And he totally opposes any renegotiation, modification or additional limitations. On the other hand, the Biden regime is extremely unlikely to return to the JCPOA if certain points aren't revised to Iran's disadvantage. So chances for an effective revival of the JCPOA are slim either way.

All will depend on whether the liberals manage or not to impose their will on the revolutionaries a second time.

After taking losses left, right, and center with first Soleimani and now this,

But beyond their propagandistic and psychological value, in what way have these losses concretely affected Iran's overall geostrategic position? Why is there no invasion, no Syrianization taking place, only cowardly, token acts of terror that are rather inconsequential in the big picture?

Maybe a few high ranking IRGC people will be executed for allowing a nuclear test, who knows. In long term, such a move may benefit IRGC because while Khameini will hate IRGC for last few years until he dies, Khameini's successor will thank IRGC for doing nuclear test before his death so that the new leader can start on a clean slate and focus on other issues like economy.

If they execute people for developing nuclear weapons, then what would prevent them from getting rid of those weapons? I'm just trying to understand the reasoning, no offence.
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Let's wait and see what official sources say. If some more sources confirm his health is deteriorating, it will be an interesting next few weeks.

Right now I am wondering:

1. Who goes first, Trump or Khameini?
or Who goes first to Jail? we know who has already won that one..lmaoo
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