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Iran blasts dummy US aircraft carrier with missiles

But they are not Afghani and i am not talking about whole Tajikistan but Northern Alliance and how many tajik live in Afghanistan, may be in very few %

One-third of Afghanistan is Tajik. How can you say Northern Alliance is not Afghan? Have you ever heard of the Lion of Panjsher, Ahmad Shah Massoud? He is considered a hero by many Afghans for his brave resistance to the Soviets. He was a commander of the Northern Alliance before Al-Qaeda assassinated him two days before 9/11.
One-third of Afghanistan is Tajik. How can you say Northern Alliance is not Afghan? Have you ever heard of the Lion of Panjsher, Ahmad Shah Massoud? He is considered a hero by many Afghans for his brave resistance to the Soviets. He was a commander of the Northern Alliance before Al-Qaeda assassinated him two days before 9/11.
Give me proof for that i don't believe in your blabbering
This is clearly an aggressive and hostile act by Iran which exposes their evil nature and intention to create mischief rather than peace. As a Pakistani Sunni Muslim, I sincerely hope Pakistan modifies its policy vis-a-vis Iran and stop viewing it as an ally. American war on Iran is a distinct possibility. In the event armed conflict does break out, Iran will surely be focused on its western front and the Persian Gulf attempting to stave off a land invasion and devastating attacks by America and her allies Israel, KSA, etc. If Pakistan is smart they will seize the opportunity to assault Iran from the east and seize control of Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan province, which ought to be annexed into Pakistan's Baluchistan province.
He is a fake
On topic - I may be wrong but is Iran assuming a Nimitz class carrier will transit this close to the strait leaving all of its battlegroup behind, then park itself next to Bandar abbas letting all its airplanes sit pretty on deck so these speedboats can play musical chairs?
In that range they will be useless. Doesnt matter how many ships are escorting the carrier.

Iran has the capability to target them from 2500+ KM distance. This includes cruise missiles and ballistic anti ship missiles.

Moreover this kind of exercise supposes that American Battle group has advanced to that distance. It is realistic, given the fact that NATO navy combined will be too strong. IRGC shows its coastal defense capability in case Americans successfuly suppresses Iranian Navy and and then advances to that distance. Actually IRGC is impenetrable in this distance. This also supposes that American or NATO navy forces have successfuly have destroyed mines, Iranian submarines, Iranian Navy fleet and they have successfuly managed to save themself from barrage of cruise and ballistic anti ship missiles.
In that range they will be useless. Doesnt matter how many ships are escorting the carrier.

Iran has the capability to target them from 2500+ KM distance. This includes cruise missiles and ballistic anti ship missiles.

Moreover this kind of exercise supposes that American Battle group has advanced to that distance. It is realistic, given the fact that NATO navy combined will be too strong. IRGC shows its coastal defense capability in case Americans successfuly suppresses Iranian Navy and and then advances to that distance. Actually IRGC is impenetrable in this distance. This also supposes that American or NATO navy forces have successfuly have destroyed mines, Iranian submarines, Iranian Navy fleet and they have successfuly managed to save themself from barrage of cruise and ballistic anti ship missiles.
The question is how would Iran even locate the carriers from that far? AFAIK, Iran does not have extensive ELINT capabilities. I doubt China or Russia would be willing to provide Iran targeting information either in times of war. And this is not even considering the extremely difficult technology associated with anti-ship ballistic missiles. Even the effectiveness of something like the DF-21D remains to be seen.
Iran does not have extensive ELINT capabilities
You must be joking buddy.

Iran has hundreds if not thousands of drones watching American fleet. IRGC also claimed that Noor Satellite provided an a rough estimation of their dummy carriers location. Let's suppose its temporal Resolution is almost 90 minutes, no info available about Noor, it can help drones to march to the location of Battle group.

Iranian radars are covering thousands of Kilometers in Persian Gulf. Don't underestimate them. They knew the exact location of RQ4 even before taking Off.
You must be joking buddy.

Iran has hundreds if not thousands of drones watching American fleet. IRGC also claimed that Noor Satellite provided an a rough estimation of their dummy carriers location. Let's suppose its temporal Resolution is almost 90 minutes, no info available about Noor, it can help drones to march to the location of Battle group.

Iranian radars are covering thousands of Kilometers in Persian Gulf. Don't underestimate them. They knew the exact location of RQ4 even before taking Off.
What is Iranian over the horizon radar have range of thousands of kilometres please post the specifications of that radars and over the horizon radars is only for detect/track not to engage the targets, and what you are talking about their lastest SAMs on their ships and on land could allow your UAV to pass their land???
and as you say your noor satellite gives rough estimation but not enough accurate information to target their carriers at red sea Mediterranean sea or south of Arabian peninsula/diego garshia
The question is how would Iran even locate the carriers from that far? AFAIK, Iran does not have extensive ELINT capabilities. I doubt China or Russia would be willing to provide Iran targeting information either in times of war. And this is not even considering the extremely difficult technology associated with anti-ship ballistic missiles. Even the effectiveness of something like the DF-21D remains to be seen.
Here, Iran targeting a ship from 2000 KM away. Enjoy



The video link
But in wartime Iran simply won't know where US carriers are ... the drones have limited ranges and have to scout a massive area to hunt US carriers. It's not like the US is going to park their carriers right next to the Iranian coast. I'm not doubting Iranian's ballistic missile capabilities (even if anti-ship ballistic missiles are the pinnacle of ballistic missile technologies), I am simply saying without a very large ELINT or recon network locating the carriers would be extremely difficult.
russia has equipped navy with hypersonic missiles which will easily destroy u.s carriers
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