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Iran blasts dummy US aircraft carrier with missiles

On topic - I may be wrong but is Iran assuming a Nimitz class carrier will transit this close to the strait leaving all of its battlegroup behind, then park itself next to Bandar abbas letting all its airplanes sit pretty on deck so these speedboats can play musical chairs?
I wouldn't go so far as to say the US is "always innocent", but overall, the US is a force for good and positive change in this world, especially since the Second World War. Iran, on the other hand, is a destructive force in the region. It engages in proxy wars, spreads sectarianism, and worst of all, is the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Terrorist groups like Hizbullah, Ansarullah (Houthis), Islamic Jihad, and sectarian militias in Iraq are all backed and funded by Iran. It has even been revealed that at one point Iran gave shelter to al-Qaeda, specifically some of their top leadership, as they are both mortal enemies of the US and so made common cause with each other.

Inside Iran, the Mulla regime is extremely repressive of any political dissent, and also repressive of ethnic and religious minorities. In summary, the world would be a lot better place if Iran's present regime was toppled, and its militarism and expansionism in the region dashed to pieces.

US has been at war for 225 out of 242 years of its existence which includes bombing children in Pakistan. This is the opposite of force for good.

That seems to be a popular conspiracy theory, especially among us Muslims, but I assure you, there is no truth to it whatsoever. The US and her allies were the ones that decimated ISIS and restored some semblance of peace to the region that was effected by the barbarism and terrorism of ISIS.

ISIS was created in Camp Bucca under the watchful eyes of CIA. US has a history of arming and supporting various ISIS factions. You need to accept facts.
Well the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that a foreign intelligence agency created the Taliban. Thus far you haven't provided a shred of evidence to that effect. But in the spirit of discussion, I recommend you start here

A publicity editable website that requires little credibility of its authors is your preferred “trusted” medium?
I’d say you need to go home and do it again.
Well the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that a foreign intelligence agency created the Taliban. Thus far you haven't provided a shred of evidence to that effect. But in the spirit of discussion, I recommend you start here

This source also said its funded by CIA/ Saudi intelligence agency
A while later, the US CIA and Saudi Arabian General Intelligence Directorate (GID) funneled funding and equipment through the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISI) to the Afghan mujahideen.[92]

About 90,000 Afghans, including Mohammed Omar, were trained by Pakistan's ISI during the 1980s.[92] The British Professor Carole Hillenbrand concluded that the Taliban have arisen from those US-Saudi-Pakistan-supported mujahideen: "The West helped the Taliban to fight the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan".[93]
US has been at war for 225 out of 242 years of its existence. This is the opposite of force for good.

ISIS was created in Camp Bucca under the watchful eyes of CIA. You need to accept facts.
By the metric most Middle Eastern empires have been at war or conquering with the same percentage.
On topic - I may be wrong but is Iran assuming a Nimitz class carrier will transit this close to the strait leaving all of its battlegroup behind, then park itself next to Bandar abbas letting all its airplanes sit pretty on deck so these speedboats can play musical chairs?
one thing they are missing sir their mock-up lack electronic gears of Nimtiz class carrier and anti missile defense of carrier battle group
one thing they are missing sir their mock-up lack electronic gears of Nimtiz class carrier and anti missile defense of carrier battle group
As much as it may pain Iranians , the IRGC is a joke and comparable to the actual movie henchmen of Austin Powers or Admiral General Alladin.
This source also said its funded by CIA/ Saudi intelligence agency
A while later, the US CIA and Saudi Arabian General Intelligence Directorate (GID) funneled funding and equipment through the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Agency (ISI) to the Afghan mujahideen.[92]

About 90,000 Afghans, including Mohammed Omar, were trained by Pakistan's ISI during the 1980s.[92] The British Professor Carole Hillenbrand concluded that the Taliban have arisen from those US-Saudi-Pakistan-supported mujahideen: "The West helped the Taliban to fight the Soviet takeover of Afghanistan".[93]

The Afghan Mujahideen is not synonymous with Taliban. Taliban are only a single faction that emerged from the broader Afghan Mujahideen. In fact, the Northern Alliance which toppled the Taliban in concert with the US after 9/11 were made up of major Afghan Mujahideen factions. The present government in Kabul is likewise made up significantly of elements of the Afghan Mujahideen.
It is true the CIA and ISI helped facilitate the Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s, but Taliban didn't exist at that time. And what is wrong with the CIA and ISI helping Afghan Mujahideen to fight the evil, atheist and communist Soviet invaders? The CIA and ISI should be appreciated for that.
The Afghan Mujahideen is not synonymous with Taliban. Taliban are only a single faction that emerged from the broader Afghan Mujahideen. In fact, the Northern Alliance which toppled the Taliban in concert with the US after 9/11 were made up of major Afghan Mujahideen factions. The present government in Kabul is likewise made up significantly of elements of the Afghan Mujahideen.
It is true the CIA and ISI helped facilitate the Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s, but Taliban didn't exist at that time. And what is wrong with the CIA and ISI helping Afghan Mujahideen to fight the evil, atheist and communist Soviet invaders? The CIA and ISI should be appreciated for that.
So what are the origination of Taliban within the so called Afghan mujaheddin in 80s
And last Northern Alliance is not true afghan's but they are Tajik and Shia, where most of Afghanistan are sunni
So what are the origination of Taliban within the so called Afghan mujaheddin in 80s
And last Northern Alliance is not true afghan's but they are Tajik and Shia, where most of Afghanistan are sunni

Umm, excuse me, Tajiks are not Shi'a, they are overwhelmingly Sunni. And Tajiks are Afghan. Afghanistan is not only Pashtun, Afghanistan is ethnically diverse, it is home to a mixture of Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazara, Uzbeks, Nuristanis (Dardic people), Turkmen, Baluch, Persians, etc.
Umm, excuse me, Tajiks are not Shi'a, they are overwhelmingly Sunni. And Tajiks are Afghan. Afghanistan is not only Pashtun, Afghanistan is ethnically diverse, it is home to a mixture of Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazara, Uzbeks, Nuristanis (Dardic people), Turkmen, Baluch, Persians, etc.
But they are not Afghani and i am not talking about whole Tajikistan but Northern Alliance and how many tajik live in Afghanistan, may be in very few %
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