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Iran banning the morality police

This shit is bananas. Hijab, no hijab etc doesn't matter. People are on streets because of economic hardships imposed by western world sanctions.

Iran was done dirty by USA since 1950's and mullahs toke advantage of that. But fact remain modern world is shaped by western economic order. Learn from Gulfi arabs. Take full advantage of world hunger for oil/gas. Which isn't permanent and Iran have wasted many decades already.
Or discard it entirely.. it's not worth the few sterling and trouble to go through just to trademark it.. ousting own PM in coordination with foreign entities and then trying to murder him in broad daylight.. is far much too trouble trying to preserve such an abomination.
It was a joke; copyrighting the name. Just like news the Philippine Air Force acquired something and we see news the “PAF” is buying such and such.
explain this part to me and say why you guys only accept one part of the book and when it come to this part you tends to forget it
Guess you missed the part where I said “everything else aside”.
I was talking about the burning of hijab. Maybe actually read and see what I wrote before replying

the symbols of Islam is not Hijab its
Those are pillars of Islam you mentioned.
I said hijab is a symbol of Islam because hijab is made mandatory in the Quran so burning it is akin to rebelling against the Quran since covering of the hair was something clearly mentioned in the Quran and made mandatory for women.
Again, read what I wrote before you reply
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears. Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers-in-law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, their fellow women, those ˹bondwomen˺ in their possession, male attendants with no desire, or children who are still unaware of women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet, drawing attention to their hidden adornments. Turn to Allah in repentance all together, O believers, so that you may be successful.
- Surah [al-Nur 24:31]

O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies. In this way it is more likely that they will be recognized ˹as virtuous˺ and not be harassed. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
-Surah [al-Ahzab 33:59]

Scholars have interpreted these verses as proof that hijab is mandatory. It’s is unanimous amongst Muslim scholars that hijab is mandatory.

In Hadith:

Narrated `Aishah:

May Allah bestow His Mercy on the early emigrant women. When Allah revealed: "... and to draw their veils all over their Juyubihinna (i.e., their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms)..." (V.24:31) they tore their Murat (woolen dresses or waist-binding clothes or aprons etc.) and covered their heads and faces with those torn Muruts.

-Sahih al-Bukhari 4758

It does not get more clear than this

the religion is not mandatory and according to whom burning hijab is a sign of kufr
Covering the hair for women is something which is mandatory in Islam and made mandatory in light of Quranic and Hadith evidence.
Burning something to go against the Quran and Hadith is an act of kufr. By burning hijab you’re rebelling against the verses of the Quran which make hijab mandatory and you’re denying those verses. Denying verses if the Quran knowing they’re from the Quran is an act of kufr.
It’s clear to see you still live in a Stone Age mentality. Have you seen how many Iranian women are protesting these abusive laws? A lot. Women aren’t men’s property. They are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves what they wear. If it’s Islamic traditional clothes, or more modern liberal clothes, both it’s okay as long as it’s their choice.
practice what you preach. isnt netherlands the country most bigoted towards muslims after france?

I am against taliban style enforcement of morality. Immorality should be shunned but punishments etc only serve to make things worse, as seen in Iran.
Its a good move from Iran. I think the Mullah are finally waking up if they want to stay in power for longer time.
It's fake news. They intend to take other measures but compulsory Hijab will not be abolished.

The original news is from here and they are talking about the "Guidance Patrol", which was was abandoned long ago. What is currently active in Iran, is called the "Morality Police" or "پلیس امنیت اخلاقی", not the "Guidance Patrol."
Its a good move from Iran. I think the Mullah are finally waking up if they want to stay in power for longer time.

It's a stupid move and will NEVER happen. Take it from me, I'm Iranian. The Islamic Republic is not going anywhere.
Fact: you can’t prove me wrong using the Quran or Sunnah
Fact: you have no valid argument
Fact: your trying to engage in a religious debate by talking emotions
Fact: your opinion is null and void when it comes to Quran and Sunnah
Fact: you can bark as much as you want it won’t change any facts I said
Fact: your ignorant

I have no interest in engaging in a useless religious debate with you.
All I am doing is pointing out that you could not care less about religion and only want to control people.
Proof is in the bolded part. You hypocrites can't even follow the Quran where it says not to curse others... yet here you are, holy warrior of Islam hypocritically not even following.
In my version of Islam, I don't believe in abusing others for disagreeing with me. Your version is clearly different than mine.
I dont get the need for morality police. Is Iran a Family oriented Society like India Pak ?

IF Yes, than girls are smart enough to wear what is OK with their families. Ofcourse there are always some lunatics, but overall, family oriented societies rarely need policing when it comes to nudeness etc.
Critics slam magazine online for celebrating wearing of the item on a non-Muslim white woman, despite increasing pressure on Muslim women in France who wear the hijab

Vogue France initially published the photograph of Julia Fox with the caption 'Yes to the headscarf!' before removing the words following mounting criticism (Screengrab/Instagram)
Those are pillars of Islam you mentioned.
I said hijab is a symbol of Islam because hijab is made mandatory in the Quran so burning it is akin to rebelling against the Quran since covering of the hair was something clearly mentioned in the Quran and made mandatory for women.
Again, read what I wrote before you reply
what about not lying or don't bribe or usury
and is it really made mandatory ? some argue that it was made mandatory for the wives of holy prophet

Let them draw their veils over their chests, and not reveal their ˹hidden˺ adornments
nothing mentioned about hair , I argue it mean they cover their chest

and honestly in Arabic text the first part about their private parts it is mandatory but the second part about veil and it cover chest its not mandatory and its encouraged
it says don't show their adornments except what can be seen and guess what the hair is also is shown and can be seen and is not part of the hidden adornment
O Prophet! Ask your wives, daughters, and believing women to draw their cloaks over their bodies.
again no mention of head and it say tell them to do so it won't say they most do so , it only state if they do so they will be recognized as virtuous people .
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This shit is bananas. Hijab, no hijab etc doesn't matter. People are on streets because of economic hardships imposed by western world sanctions.

Iran was done dirty by USA since 1950's and mullahs toke advantage of that. But fact remain modern world is shaped by western economic order. Learn from Gulfi arabs. Take full advantage of world hunger for oil/gas. Which isn't permanent and Iran have wasted many decades already.
pretty much, its all about money, control, power, western world order
Like anyone gives a f about Hijab or no Hijab :rofl:

Although Iranian people should be very, very careful of a US-friendly/ corruptible elite class, as Iran is a powerhouse
They'll never let it rise beyond a certain point no matter what

Look at our country, we are a powerhouse too in population, resources, and geography, but the first thing they (the world order)did was impose a corrupt elite class whose sole purpose was sucking off the foreign powers for their petty gains- same in Egypt, Turkey before Erdogan with their military, Arab world at large only now GCC monarchies are showing a semblance of independence
So now we are a joke, Iran should fear this
as the target on their back is much bigger than ours, Iranian people need to be very careful
Burning something to go against the Quran and Hadith is an act of kufr.
its not
Kafir is an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam.
hijab is not tenets of Islam

Muslim belief/doctrine is often summarized in "the Six Articles of Faith",[60] (the first five are mentioned together in the Quran 2:285).

  1. God[61]
  2. His angels[61]
  3. His Messengers[61]
  4. His Revealed Books,[61]
  5. The Day of Resurrection[61]
  6. Al-Qadar, Divine Preordainments, i.e. whatever God has ordained must come to pass[61]
According to the Salafi scholar Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali, "kufr is basically disbelief in any of the articles of faith.
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