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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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I see what you mean by bending to Saudis.
You should have reported to Saudi and Pakistani authorities for mistreatment of Pakistanis, which is a crime in Saudi.
I can help you, if you point the case to me or if any one on pdf ever come across a case of labor law violation or mistreatment, post it here and since i worked their and know how seriously authorities take it, that case can be resolved with financial compensation.
In case of Pakistan, i can't help for that you need to find some Iranian mulla or minister type.

I dont know about high end jobs but laborers surely get abused a lot in GCC states. Problem is most people dont report it to authorities for fear of getting their Visa cancelled or deported. In most cases people who report abuse get sacked and loose their work. People fear joblessness more than abuse of their employers.
Did you knew that Iran lost thousands and thousands of regular police and security personnel on the Pakistan border since 1979 ? The Pakistanis were never serious about guarding their side of the border.
I know that bro. Iran already fenced off a big section of the border with Pakistan. ISI probably let Jundollah operate on teh border, and the amount of drugs and gunmen that come from Pakistan to Iran is alot more than the ones going in the opposite direction. how do we know this? lets compare # of Iranian border guards vs Pakistani border guards killed over the past 10 years. Iran has lost 100s of border guards to armed elements coming from Pakistan, that is the fact..Iran just got serous about dealing with it..but might have left some loopholes in case it needs asymmetrical action, but on an average regular day, i think Iranian border guards are more likely to die than Pakistani border guards, on the Iran- Pakistan border.

For Iranian support, they became Shias.
Assad was never full SHia and never will be, so this is a bogus claim. Iran doesnt even want Assad to become Shia..you are just exposing your bias against Shia.
Actually Alawiyoon are
Are you calling them a made up slur? This isnt cool.

It's high time Pakistan takes Iran to cleaners.
THe only place that Pakistan is ready to do that is on PDF.
Iran should know the history of Afghanistan Pakistan relationship;
Iran does. Do you have any memory of the suffering Iranians had in the history under Afghanistan with Taliban in charge? pls dont tell 1 sided stories.

Iran is playing with fire from far too long now,
Do you think Iran maybe found out that this fire wasnt as hot as Iran thought it was? I mean, you are dealing with a country that has effective deterrence against the world's sole superpower- you are going to have to do alot more than talk tough as PDF warrior would do.
it's time Pakistan shall start paying Iran in the same coin.
Get to it! yo should have been doing this already....lets see what you can do then.
Enough of this brotherhood drama.
Its not brotherhood or anything else BUT national priorities, interests and ideology. Iran and Pakistan mind the different businesses that pay them respectively.
According to the Syrians. Syria is not our country for us to call you occupiers. lol The buffer zone you were granted was discussed and approved in trilateral agreements between Turkey, Iran and Russia. And you retreated from those lines. Your loss, not ours.

What matters to us in Syria is that Syria remains an Iranian ally and we can build our Tehran-Mediterranean Sea road. And we're doing that as you can see from the title of this thread.
Don't speak as it's all over, you actually better wish that it is :D
That is correct, Baath party and Assad are secular, Bashar al Assad wife is Sunni. But the current scenario in Syria is different, it's become a sectarian war. This is why alot of people are commenting on the sectarian angle to the war.
Ok, i agree its a sectarian war, SO WHAT?? doesnt sectarian war have 2 sides? my issue is when people know this and then want to play "chicken or egg" game aka who came first. it takes 2 to tango, so who else is tangoing with Iran? ghost soldiers in SAA? please! people need to grow up and smell reality.
. This can't keep going on forever, you can't be lucky all the time.
Ha vent you heard of the assassination of Soleimani and other military accidents involving Iran? My point is, We accept this already.
Nice strategic coup by the Brigade.

It seems all of the major world transit routes are under the control of Pakistanis.

Ok, i agree its a sectarian war, SO WHAT?? doesnt sectarian war have 2 sides? my issue is when people know this and then want to play "chicken or egg" game aka who came first. it takes 2 to tango, so who else is tangoing with Iran? ghost soldiers in SAA? please! people need to grow up and smell reality.


Please enlighten us about this sectarian war in Nigeria.

Not much news comes out from there. Last bit to come out was the military shooting 100s dead to enforce lockdown and social distancing.
Assad is nothing less than ISIS in brutality, in case you want to convince people that Assad is an angel, etc.
But we agree Assad is still not ISIS right? to me, thats all that matters, the other points are semantics.
What concessions are you talking about? No barrel bomb has been thrown since then. I dare both Putin and your likes to try again.
Ok, hold Idlib...with HTS as your co-soldiers....its only a matter of time b4 you leave Syria. You wanted to play savior for Syrian Sunnis? then go ahead and feed them, and do everything..in the end, its still not your land in any legal table or document.
show us when your government issued a warning to your citizen not to join them

another sectarian post

Pakistan took concrete action and arrested affiliated people of Daesh.

Here you go:

According to Lt. General Asim Saleem Bajwa, the former official spokesperson of the Pakistani military’s media wing, 309 ISIS members have been arrested by Pakistani law enforcement and paramilitary forces. The detained include foreign nationals from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Despite these numbers, the Lt. General denies claims of an official, organized presence in Pakistan. Rather, he claims that “the group now operates on the Afghan side of the border.”


I totally agree with you, except the last paragraph. Most Pakistanis don't mind being part of a sectarian war, as long as they support Sunnis. I have never seen Pakistani members complain about helping Saudi Arabia crush unarmed Shia protestors in Bahrain. Somebody here called that an issue of "law and order".

@AgNoStiC MuSliM Hate against Sunnis from Iranians should not be tolerated.
i don't remember about Syria but when qamishli was under siege by ISIS it was Iran that used to drop ammunition and drug and food for them to keep fighting not turkey. on the contrary you opened your borders for Sunni jihadists to keep ISIS in fighting shape.

during Iran-Iraq war there were soldiers from 22 Arab states in our prisons as POW. you think if Iranians were raping their fellow Arab sisters they would fight alongside of us?? those people who fought in Syria were religious people they would not do that.

i don't get what you mean.
The border was open because there was an internal battle between the government and gulenists infiltrated in top positions that’s why turkish security forces suffered over 1.5K casualties against pkk as these terrorists were allowed to entrench themselves inside Turkey
ISIS/DAESH isn’t founded nor sponsored by Turkey they used the opportunity during internal crisis just like pkk did
You know that turkish army was the only one actually fighting against them plus countless number of innocent people killed in ISIS/DAESH attacks in 2015&2016
Since you want to compare ISIS terrorists and shia militias/terrorists then can you give me example when they(zainebeyoun brigades) attacked Iran or Assad??? The answer is never since they are their proxies
Your argument is weak about the 22 arab soldiers since Iraq is defacto divided country on sectarianism
If they cared about each other they wouldn’t be shithole country run by foreigners(Iran US and others) as they are now
About the last part
You see things from iranian perspective without trying to understand how an average syrian feels there is ongoing demographics replacement sponsored by Iran everyone knows this
Maybe if same thing happens in Iran you might finally see how syrians feel when someone is stealing your country in front of your eyes
I think I gave my example many times, being a victim of sectarian violence. Did we ever get justice ? ... I failed to understand when and where Iranian came in. Pakistan has huge Shia population and 95 pecent don't even know if any Iranian exist somewhere in Pakistan. Don't drag Pakistani shia in your sectarian rift. Pakistani shia are the victim of sectarian violence and you know very well. They never raise arm against state and talk against Pakistan. Unlike TTP and Taliban or Mullah Sufi Mohammad who went Afghanistan with 10,000 men to fight against NATO and came back Pakistan with 100 men ..

This is off topic and takes us away from discussing the issue, which is Iran's use of Pakistanis as terrorists. It deserves its own thread.

He is a nobody; nothing but doing lip-service. Have a look at the posturing of Iran during 27 feb... don't forget what they were doing. They are no friends of Pakistan. Uzair baloch, kulbhushan yadev, BLA... just name it. The only thing that's keeping that afloat is that Pakistan is busy with other rodents in neighborhood. But Pakistan can't keep ignoring this front for too long now.

No, we cannot. Pakistan has been hit by Iran at our lowest points. Iran would have celebrated if Indians won on Feb 27, esp that iblees Sulemani.

Friendship is over. It is time Pakistan treat Iran like how Afghans treat Iran, as an enemy neighbor which does not respect accepted norms of behavior.

Actually we need to come together with Afghanistan and form one policy on how to deal with Iranian lack of respect for our citizens and our borders.

Anyway, i said before if Pakistani shia went to fight in Syria is wrong. But ,if any emotional shia Pakistani went to protect those holy sites which are attacked by ISIS..this is there personal choice. I think you are not following what I wrote before. I pretty much sum up the whole situation. As of now , we only see some random picture of Pakistani went to Syria, but no solid ground prove.

Fighting as a foreign force for another country, in a second country, is treason. We must give death penalty to these people.

Then we will see who joins proxies of other states, and against Pakistani interests.

Same law should apply to any citizen of Pakistan, regardless of religion.

I think for now, we need to stop pilgrims into Iran and Iraq.
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