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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Whoever they fight against; it's not war of Pakistan. And iran is actively involved in these terrorist activities inside and outside Pakistan. This can't keep going on forever, you can't be lucky all the time. Pakistan is no Saudi arabia or UAE, if you guys have any doubts ask Afghanistan and India. Iran is running out of her luck by instigating and recruiting Pakistanis for their terrorist activities.

BTW, war of Pakistan is Kashmir, where Supreme disciple of Supreme Leader, pulled the plug and pointed to resolve the conflict with talks.
Your correct 100%. Bashar al Assad never promoted shia islam in Syria, he was like a secular person who was arab nationalist and Baathist. I am not saying he was good or bad but the sectarian angle was not there. So many top western sunni scholars used to visit Syria for Islamic studies.
I always wanted to visit Syria, feel heart broken.

One point for all PDF members to note is, back in the days when Iraq was attacked to kill Saddam Hussein, the western media was pushing for a war in Syria to destroy Assad, they even accused Saddam of moving his nuclear and chemical weapons to Syria, but they got stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan and couldn't move to Syria.

Then when Hizbollah and Israel 34days war took place, I remember the western media and Israeli leadership clearly saying Syria funds Hizbollah and this is why the operation failed. Israel generals/minister made clear statements that our next move on Hizbollah will be different. I was assuming the usa will attack Syria but never imagined an internal war. Quiet frightening.

Back to topic, since the Syrian war has turned in to a sectarian war, and many Pakistanis are fighting on behest of Iran, this is why some Pakistanis are upset. We do not want to be part of a sectarian war, we dont want extremist coming back to Pakistan.
I totally agree with you, except the last paragraph. Most Pakistanis don't mind being part of a sectarian war, as long as they support Sunnis. I have never seen Pakistani members complain about helping Saudi Arabia crush unarmed Shia protestors in Bahrain. Somebody here called that an issue of "law and order".
I think I gave my example many times, being a victim of sectarian violence. Did we ever get justice ? ... I failed to understand when and where Iranian came in. Pakistan has huge Shia population and 95 pecent don't even know if any Iranian exist somewhere in Pakistan. Don't drag Pakistani shia in your sectarian rift.

I'm not aware of your victimization but how is it linked with Syrians, kindly explain?
BTW, war of Pakistan is Kashmir, where Supreme disciple of Supreme Leader, pulled the plug and pointed to resolve the conflict with talks.

He is a nobody; nothing but doing lip-service. Have a look at the posturing of Iran during 27 feb... don't forget what they were doing. They are no friends of Pakistan. Uzair baloch, kulbhushan yadev, BLA... just name it. The only thing that's keeping that afloat is that Pakistan is busy with other rodents in neighborhood. But Pakistan can't keep ignoring this front for too long now.
Oh, I see. So, if a king recruits foreign mercenaries to kill unarmed protestors during a regional movement called the Arab Spring, that's an issue of law and order, but if a secular president asks for foreign assistance stopping head chopping, heart eating, armed to the teeth terrorists, that's an issue of sectarianism! Hypocrite much?

I learn a new thing every day I am on PDF. LOL
Does Syria had a government to government contract for military assistance? No?
Likewise ISIS and Taliban may like help from Pakistani Sunnis ? They too are being killed?
Does Bahrain has a recruitment contract with Pakistan? Yes,?
Is Bahrain using Pakistani policeman to interfere in another country? No?
Is Iran using Pakistani Citizens to interfere in another country and maligning Pakistan's name? Yes?

So same as Some Shia are going to syaria after being recruited by another country Iran, if Pakistani Sunni go join ISIS in Syria ? It's all the same and no difference.
What new you are gonna bring to the table? except to justify the terrorists?
You can't understand this mentality... which place a human being as Supreme authority, instead of Allah.
You do realize that many of these so-called rebels later joined the ISIS. Right? This video is from the time that the ISIS wasn't a thing yet. It was still recruiting people.

What latest campaign? The campaign that you submitted to Putin, gave unimaginable concessions and sat under the statue of Ekaterina The Great? Is that what you mean by the language of brute force? :D
Assad is nothing less than ISIS in brutality, in case you want to convince people that Assad is an angel, etc.

What concessions are you talking about? No barrel bomb has been thrown since then. I dare both Putin and your likes to try again.
Does Syria had a government to government contract for military assistance? No?
Likewise ISIS and Taliban may like help from Pakistani Sunnis ? They too are being killed?
Does Bahrain has a recruitment contract with Pakistan? Yes,?
Is Bahrain using Pakistani policeman to interfere in another country? No?
Is Iran using Pakistani Citizens to interfere in another country and maligning Pakistan's name? Yes?
So same as Some Shia are going to syaria after being recruited by another country Iran, if Pakistani Sunni go join ISIS in Syria ? It's all the same and no difference.
Yes, Syria had a military agreement with us to protect them in case of emergency. And they officially requested us to be there.
Saudi Arabia brought their tanks in Manama to suppress unarmed protestors. Pakistani troops aided Saudis in the crackdown: https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/07/2011725145048574888.html

I am sure that if some terrorist group starts blowing up places that are holy for Sunni Muslims, Sunni Muslims will go there as well.
I'm not aware of your victimization but how is it linked with Syrians, kindly explain?
Anyway, i said before if Pakistani shia went to fight in Syria is wrong. But ,if any emotional shia Pakistani went to protect those holy sites which are attacked by ISIS..this is there personal choice. I think you are not following what I wrote before. I pretty much sum up the whole situation. As of now , we only see some random picture of Pakistani went to Syria, but no solid ground prove.
Assad is nothing less than ISIS in brutality, in case you want to convince people that Assad is an angel, etc.

What concessions are you talking about? No barrel bomb has been thrown in Idlib since then. I dare both Putin and your likes to try again.
So you're comparing Assad with the ISIS? LOL

Why would they attack you when you accepted to retreat from all strategic areas you held? Attack Syria again and see how long it will take you to sit under the statue of Catherine The Great again. Your army literally lost the fight to a war-torn country which has been in the century's largest civil war for almost 9 years! Next time you want to talk about brute force, find an example that doesn't make you look bad.
I totally agree with you, except the last paragraph. Most Pakistanis don't mind being part of a sectarian war, as long as they support Sunnis. I have never seen Pakistani members complain about helping Saudi Arabia crush unarmed Shia protestors in Bahrain. Somebody here called that an issue of "law and order".

I disagree with those who call it law and order. The Bahrainian regime did wrong, they crushed the Majority shia population only because they did protest, oppressive regime.

Majority Pakistani public does not follow or believe in those so called sunnis your talking about. They are a new sect which emerged a few hundred years ago. They declared the Muslim ummah as Mushriks and even declared the Ottomans who were Sunnis as Mushrikeen.

But you must understand the Pakistani point of view, we already went through sectarian wars, ttp terrorism and on top many Pakistanis are now fighting in Syria. Why should Pakistan public go fight others wars. When the Afghanistan Jihad took place against Russia, many top scholars opposed this move because USA and CIA were involved. We are still paying for it.

Why does Iran recruit Pakistanis to fight in Syria?
But ISIS does not represent any state, it is clearly a terrorist organization then is Zainabiyoon a terrorist organization as well? As far as I know, they represent Iran on battlefield. That's what makes such exception interesting.
ALl countries here- Turkey, Iran, Pakistan all support different "terrorist" groups. can we work with this correct assumption? i guess i'm trying to say that you are only playing semantics here.
Anyway, i said before if Pakistani shia went to fight in Syria is wrong. But ,if any emotional shia Pakistani went to protect those holy sites which are attacked by ISIS..this is there personal choice. I think you are not following what I wrote before. I pretty much sum up the whole situation. As of now , we only see some random picture of Pakistani went to Syria, but no solid ground prove.

How can an individual protect the sites?
May be he was emotional to the point of madness and people with such behavior should be off loaded from planes, specially when it's flying to Syria and Iraq!
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