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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Assad is not even Shi'a. They are Alawi-Nusayriyya.

For Iranian support, they became Shias. Actually Alawiyoon are a sect similar to Druze, Bahai, and Yazidis. They also happen to be an ethnic group. They were isolated in the Mountains of Syria for most of history. The Europeans gave them support to control the affairs of Syria to prevent it from going to the Sunni Muslim majority.

which part need evidence ? the one that ISIS is an internationally recognized terrorist group?

The part where Pakistan allows its citizens to join them. That requires evidence.

As for India, our ties with India date back to thousands of years ago. They are a country like other countries.

Here you are confused again. Your relationship was with the Mughal dynasty and Afghan/Turk empires. Those were Muslim empires, to which Pakistan is the heir.

India disown and condemns Islamic era as occupation. For them, their progenitors are the Maratha bandits, who destroyed the Mughal empire by arson, pillage, rape, and murder.

We are not doing anything against Pakistan with India. If you want to talk about Chabahar, well, sorry but you can't expect us to turn down a good foreign investment because of you.

It is a little late to be playing this lie with Kulbushan Yadav, Uzair Baloch, BLF, and Afghan proxies.

It's not like Pakistan is our ally

Yes, you never considered Pakistan your ally, although we always consider Iran ours. Our help to Iran during Iraq-Iran war was promptly forgotten by Iran. Some people in Iran were still sensible.

Howevwr now it is all about sectarianism, and a Sunni Pakistan is viewed as an enemy by Shia hardliners.

Did your Arab allies condemn India officially? Did they do anything significant against them?

We deal with them independently to you. Not your concern.

And I wasn't talking about the opinion of Pakistanis about Iran in this thread. I was talking about the public opinion in Pakistan about Iran's role in Syria.

Majority of Pakistanis are indignant of Iran's negative role in Syria to prop up a bloodthirsty dictator who rapes and kills his own people.

We applaud Turkey's positive role in Syria and fully support Turks.
These Pakistanis cannot go unpunished. Measures need to be taken to identify shia terrorism otherwise this will ultimately create unrest in Pakistan. Not to mention be a major embarrassment to Arab allies and Turkey.
You are out of context.... just for the sake of clarification, Sunism in Pakistan is not aligned with Saudis or rest of the world. Pakistani Sunnis bend towards Saudi is ludicrous, it only happen when Pakistani politicians are short on cash.
But it is! If Pakistani SUnnis are not aligned with Saudi as much as Pakistani Shiites are aligned with Iran, then why did Pakistan accept billions of Saudi cash for madrassas and Saudi influenced Islam version being spread in Pakistan? ALso, if Pakistan was not aligned with Saudis, Pakistan would have activated the IP pipeline, because it makes economic sense, but Pakistan ignored that project that was good for the nation because of a backdoor alternative-cash deal with the Saudis! ALSO, Pakistan very likely took Saudi cash to allow Jundollah operate in the Pakistan- Iran order when the Iran-Saudi cold war some years ago was at its peak. ISI knew Jundollah and Jaish Ul Adl were only in Pakistan to hit Iran and IRG C across the border.

Government of Pakistan should cancel their passports and Iran should keep them.
Are you angry that Iran gave "alternative" employment to your citizens you could not provide for?

There are two questions, i have.
1- Why Pakistan allowed people to travel to Syria, while it's banned by rest of the world?
It hasnt been banned for - RUssians, Saudis, Morrocans, CHinese, Turks, Iraqis, BRITISH ISIS brides, etc. so wtf are you talking about? you're using a technicality(what the law is) to override the reality(people travel to Syria)
I have already gave the argument... when a person agree to give his life on movement of finger by the Supreme leader than vote for local leader matters not and Pakistan PM consider Iranian Mulla as SUPREME leader, what do you expect followers to do?
In recent elections, we have seen all PPP vote swung to Imran Khan, this is statistics.
What followed in Pakistan and it's foreign policy is public knowledge, not limited to Pakistan.

And how many Pakistani Shia will ‘give their life on the movement of a finger by the Supreme Leader’? Whatever number you come up with, give me a credible source justifying it.

If you can’t provide a credible source, this is just a derogatory generalization about Pakistani Shia which is against forum rules.

These Pakistanis cannot go unpunished. Measures need to be taken to identify shia terrorism otherwise this will ultimately create unrest in Pakistan. Not to mention be a major embarrassment to Arab allies and Turkey.
It’s less than a thousand fighters. Shia are estimated to be between 15% to 30% of Pakistan’s population. The number that have joined Liwa Zainabiyoun is a drop in the bucket.

Like I said before, while this is an issue and Iranian recruitment should be stopped, let’s not blow this out of proportion either and make this a Shia vilification campaign.
Pakistan PM believes present top Mulla of Iran is his spiritual leader and that of all people of Pakistan, and he said it in official statement and he's a most authoritative PM of Pakistan's history!

If you have PM in your pocket along with his cabinet and along with his authority, you consider all Pakistan serving your interests at ALL costs.

Only complication suddenly arise is COVID, i don't think families of FIGHTERs will allow their men few months to travel through Iran.
Whatever you say, man. I believe you. I mean overtime I have become fond of your trolling tactics. And I understand that you're one of us, working for us.

Here you are confused again. Your relationship was with the Mughal dynasty and Afghan/Turk empires. Those were Muslim empires, to which Pakistan is the heir.

India disown and condemns Islamic era as occupation. For them, their progenitors are the Maratha bandits, who destroyed the Mughal empire by arson, pillage, rape, and murder.

It is a little late to be playing this lie with Kulbushan Yadav, Uzair Baloch, BLF, and Afghan proxies.

Yes, you never considered Pakistan your ally, although we always consider Iran ours. Our help to Iran during Iraq-Iran war was promptly forgotten by Iran. Some people in Iran were still sensible.

Howevwr now it is all about sectarianism, and a Sunni Pakistan is viewed as an enemy by Shia hardliners.

We deal with them independently to you. Not your concern.

Majority of Pakistanis are indignant of Iran's negative role in Syria to prop up a bloodthirsty dictator who rapes and kills his own people.

We applaud Turkey's positive role in Syria and fully support Turks.

Wrong. It dates back to the time of the Achaemenid empire. Hindustan was an eastern province of the Achaemenid empire.

We never consider Pakistan our ally for obvious reasons that have been explained before. You didn't help Iran during the Iraq-Iran war. You just stayed away from it. The same day that Saddam started the invasion of Khuzestan, you sent 40,000 soldiers to Saudi Arabia to protect them.

If you want to condemn Iran-India relations, you MUST condemn Arab-India relations as well. Otherwise you're a hypocrite. And Arabs have much stronger relations with India than Iran. If you think that Iran should reduce her ties with India over you guys, you're just a bunch of self-entitled fools. And if you want to bring the Islam card in, I remind you that Pakistan is growing her relations with China even though China is killing Chinese Muslims and Uyghurs.

As for Afghanistan, we fought against the Soviets there. But then you decided to support the Saudi funded Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. And you seem quite proud of that.

We believe that our support for Assad is justified. He's a great president. You should worry about your own problems, like sending mercenaries to kill Bahraini protestors.
Safriz, for the last time. Stop making generalizations about Shia and blaming them without context. The Shia in Bahrain are a majority ruled by a minority autocracy, are they not?

What they are protesting for is proper representation. You don’t have to support them, but don’t vilify them by implying they are some kind of ‘trouble makers’ when all they are doing is something that is completely justified - protesting against an autocratic government.
Even if that were true, is Al Zainabiyoun banned in the UK? Family members being questioned is a legitimate part of any investigation. Arrests only occur if there is suspicion of material support by family members for illegal activities.

And let’s keep this in context - the estimates suggests less than a thousand Pakistani members in Liwa Zainabiyoun - many have died and others have been resettled by Iran in Iran. So the actual number that might make it back to Pakistan is pretty small.

Still an issue, no doubt, but let’s not make this recruitment a ‘sky is falling’ campaign and use it as an excuse to vilify and attack all Pakistani Shia, as several members have done on this thread.
First I am not the one who raised Shia Sunni issue of Bahrain. So please don't put the blame on me.
The other commenter said that Bahrain government recruited Pakistani citizens in police to quell Shia protests .
So I am saying that it's a law and order issue in which it does not master if Shia are involved, the state has the right to intervene by using police.
You are so focused on sectarian matters that you are not even reading and understanding the full context of the comments.

Secondly the zaynabiyyon are not recruited from UK but from Pakistan.
But I am saying that any UK citizen going to Syria to fight gets arrested under terrorism laws and passport taken away and Pakistan follow English law when no law for the specific matter is present.

Plus what will you say if Sunni people go to join Isis in Syria? You will condemn?
But defending zaynabiyoon?
Isn't that dual standard and another form of sectarianism?
It’s less than a thousand fighters.
They are more Thousands have already fought and come back over the years they might not be active now but these are assets of a foreign organization. State of Pakistan is well aware of them but doesn't wants to deal with them without a pretext. This will stay that way. We just need to make sure more of countrymen dont fall for Iranian Propaganda. Either way they will not represent a Threat such as TTP as they are more spread out and arnt a concentrated force. This still makes them a Nuisance that has the potential to do a lot of damage.

Now coming to these Persians they have to Understand most Pakistanis dont like Saudis too for Reasons ranging from mistreatment of Economic Migrants to undermining Pakistani Foreign Policy and Even for Sectarian Reasons (Not talking about Shiites here but Brelvis who are almost 50 percent of Pakistani Population.)

As far as Pakistan's Relation ship with KSA and GCC is concerned it predates Islamic Revolution and has mostly served us well Both Economically and Strategically they need to stop bringing up this Strategic and Military Relations between Sovereign powers as justification for their Recruitment of our countrymen. We used to have similar Relations with the Imperial Iran which they always seem to ignore.

Saudi State never Recruited Pakistanis individuals for their Wars the Policy of Afghan Jihad and Madrasa Funding was Mutually Agreed upon by Pakistan and KSA as a Foreign policy tool so this argument is not valid. Post Soviet withdrawal that State funding was removed and was limited to Individual donors. Having said that We need to completely ban all foreign funding of Religious Organizations.

The fact that we decided to stay away from Yemen should be enough that Pakistan valued its Relation ship with Iran enough to not get involved in that conflict. But they will still justify their state policy of using our men as canon fodder because that is what i expect from them but when a Pakistani does the similar thing that is a Problem we need to deal with.

If they were there just to protect Heritage sites they wouldn't be dying at the hands of Turkish Drones.

The fact of the matter is Iranians are full of Hubris they want us to look the other way while they go on with their expansionist interventionist policies in the state matters of Foreign power sooner or later this policy if they dont backtrack from it will bring us in direct conflict.
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The other commenter said that Bahrain government recruited Pakistani citizens in police to quell Shia protests .
So I am saying that it's a law and order issue in which it does not master if Shia are involved, the state has the right to intervene by using police.

Oh, I see. So, if a king recruits foreign mercenaries to kill unarmed protestors during a regional movement called the Arab Spring, that's an issue of law and order, but if a secular president asks for foreign assistance stopping head chopping, heart eating, armed to the teeth terrorists, that's an issue of sectarianism! Hypocrite much?

I learn a new thing every day I am on PDF. LOL
And how many Pakistani Shia will ‘give their life on the movement of a finger by the Supreme Leader’? Whatever number you come up with, give me a credible source justifying it.

If you can’t provide a credible source, this is just a derogatory generalization about Pakistani Shia which is against forum rules.

It’s less than a thousand fighters. Shia are estimated to be between 15% to 30% of Pakistan’s population. The number that have joined Liwa Zainabiyoun is a drop in the bucket.

Like I said before, while this is an issue and Iranian recruitment should be stopped, let’s not blow this out of proportion either and make this a Shia vilification campaign.
I doubt the numbers, as of now we never seen or meet any shia or any of friend or anyone or anyone ever arrest who went to Syria for war. But, it is fact shia's have emotional attachment with Hazrat Zainab a.s. This all mess up started when Daesh attacked and destroyed the graves of sahabi e rasol and grand daughter of Holy Prophet PBUH, Hazrat Zainab a.s. For example, the grave of Hazrat Hajar. sahabi e rasool

another sahabi e rasool Awais e qarni

Not only this , Daesh destroyed and looted lots of Christian site and destroyed thousands of years old prophets graves. These Daesh terrorist ruined and destroyed Syria,don't know which democracy they were bringing in Syria.
I am extremely pro heritage sites. And hate those who attack and destroy the landmarks anywhere around the world.
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And how many Pakistani Shia will ‘give their life on the movement of a finger by the Supreme Leader’? Whatever number you come up with, give me a credible source justifying it.

If you can’t provide a credible source, this is just a derogatory generalization about Pakistani Shia which is against forum rules.
You may assume and twist which ever way it please you.

PM of Pakistan hold Khamenai is his Supreme Leader and i have never met a Shia who hold any second person Supreme beside Khamenai.
If you ask of my impression, i say even Sulemani was more dear to Pakistani Shia than any Pakistani General. i'm giving no figures, only figures came thus far is from your side.

Next how is it derogatory, you are very sensitive, i same reference i asked you earlier but you ignored, when your comrades blame me does not amount to derogatory remarks to sect. less Muslims?
Here you are confused again. Your relationship was with the Mughal dynasty and Afghan/Turk empires. Those were Muslim empires, to which Pakistan is the heir.

India disown and condemns Islamic era as occupation. For them, their progenitors are the Maratha bandits, who destroyed the Mughal empire by arson, pillage, rape, and murder.

I heard this same arguments from Afghanis and Iranians, that we used to be friends with India like a squillion years ago, but wasn't Pakistan area also part of that India. Why ignore the area which turned Muslim but praise that which is still non Muslim.

My only point to the Iranian and Afghani brothers is that you are disregarding the relations between Muslim Mughals and yourself but praising the relationship when both Persia and the India was non Muslims, why are you desperately trying to make relations with India, who is butchering Muslims in Kashmir and through RSS an enemy of Muslims and enemy of your neighbour Pakistan.

This is like me saying we are brothers with Israel and USA, after all we are children of Hazrat Adam alaisalaam and Mai Hawa Alaisalaam.
It's high time Pakistan takes Iran to cleaners. Iran should know the history of Afghanistan Pakistan relationship; it was all good for Afghanis until Pakistanis kept taking their shit in the name of brotherhood. The day Pakistan had enough of it; rest is history.

Iran is playing with fire from far too long now, it's time Pakistan shall start paying Iran in the same coin. Enough of this brotherhood drama.
I don't believe in "my personal experience" stories on the internet. The Baath Party of Syria is a secular party. Period. And Assad himself is not a religious guy. Period.

That is correct, Baath party and Assad are secular, Bashar al Assad wife is Sunni. But the current scenario in Syria is different, it's become a sectarian war. This is why alot of people are commenting on the sectarian angle to the war.
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