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Iran attempted missile launch from submarine, US officials say


Sep 24, 2016
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Iran attempted to launch a cruise missile from a submarine in the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday but the test failed, two U.S. officials told Fox News.

An Iranian Yono-class “midget” submarine conducted the missile launch. North Korea and Iran are the only two countries in the world that operate this type of submarine.

In February, Iran claimed to have successfully tested a submarine-launched missile. It was not immediately clear if Tuesday’s test was the first time Iran had attempted to launch a missile underwater from a submarine.

North Korea in 2015 conducted a successful ballistic missile test from a submarine for the first time.

Iran attempted to launch a cruise missile from a submarine in the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday but the test failed, two U.S. officials told Fox News.

An Iranian Yono-class “midget” submarine conducted the missile launch. North Korea and Iran are the only two countries in the world that operate this type of submarine.

In February, Iran claimed to have successfully tested a submarine-launched missile. It was not immediately clear if Tuesday’s test was the first time Iran had attempted to launch a missile underwater from a submarine.

North Korea in 2015 conducted a successful ballistic missile test from a submarine for the first time.

They had already tested that:


We're also not 100% exactly what type of weapon that video showed being launched. The odd exhaust pattern is unique and the closest existing match was the Soviet RPK-family of missiles.

It's possible this was the first test of a torpedo-tube based canister design from the Ghadir. I'm curious as to whether the Ghadir has the appropriate fire control radar necessary to carry such a weapon or if something other mechanism it to be used.

We're also not 100% exactly what type of weapon that video showed being launched. The odd exhaust pattern is unique and the closest existing match was the Soviet RPK-family of missiles.

It's possible this was the first test of a torpedo-tube based canister design from the Ghadir. I'm curious as to whether the Ghadir has the appropriate fire control radar necessary to carry such a weapon or if something other mechanism it to be used.

I think I know what the odd exhaust is.

It is probably the hydroactive propellant similar to what is used in the Hoot supercavity torpedo. We know Iran builds the hoot torpedo. So they probably are using the same concept for the booster phase of the missile to move it through and out of the water into the air where its airborn propellant can start.

However it seems like the water stage booster is integrated into the body of the missile and does not detach or at least we cannot see it in that video. In that case, the hydroactive propellant, being still wet, will continue its reaction in the air as well. That black smoke is attributed to the hydroactive propellant.
This wasn't launched from a sub, It was launched from a surface vessel, the projectile 1st goes under water then pops out...

It is the same weapon tested using the torpedo launcher of that boat.
They hate saying Iranian-made ... even if we reveal Fateh middle class they'll call it Iranian submarine resembled to North Korean Kim class ... if Qaher flies as MoD promised it would be like Chinese J Xi Xu
It will take time to sink in. But it eventually will.

ازمایش موشک کروز ضد کشتی از زیردریایی کلاس غدیر
گزارش یک نهاد آمریکایی: ایران زیردریایی با موشک کروز ضد کشتی برای تنگه هرمز می سازد
آژانس اطلاعات دریایی آمریکا نهاد زیر نظر وزارت دفاع آمریکا در گزارش جدیدی می گوید ایران طرح های بلند پروازانه ای برای تقویت زیر دریایی های خود بعد از رفع تحریم های نظامی در سال ۲۰۲۰ دارد. از جمله ساخت زیردریایی بعثت که توانایی حمل موشک های کروز ضد کشتی برای مقابله با کشتی های آمریکایی در تنگه هرمز را دارد. تایمز اسرائیل در گزارشی به نقل از آژانس اطلاعات دریایی آمریکا نوشت: از سال ۲۰۲۰ فشارها و بخشی از تحریم های نظامی علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران برداشته می شود و این به تهران امکان می دهد که توان نظامی خود را تقویت کند. یکی از بخش های بلندپروازانه ایران، تقویت نیروی زیردریایی های ایران است.
پیش از این حسن روحانی رئیس جمهوری ایران از ناوشکن جماران و زیردریایی طارق بازدید کرده بود. وی به تازگی نیز دستوری برای ساخت پیشران هسته‌ای در نیروی دریایی صادر کرد که با بازتاب هایی در غرب روبرو شده بود. گزارش آژانس اطلاعات دریایی آمریکا در ۴۴ صفحه تنظیم شده و بتازگی منتشر شده است.

US officials say Iran has test fired Underwater launched cruise missile launch from Ghadir class submarine ASCM

Iran attempted to launch a cruise missile from a submarine in the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday but the test failed, two U.S. officials told Fox News.
An Iranian Yono-class “midget” submarine conducted the missile launch. North Korea and Iran are the only two countries in the world that operate this type of submarine.
In February, Iran claimed to have successfully tested a submarine-launched missile. It was not immediately clear if Tuesday’s test was the first time Iran had attempted to launch a missile underwater from a submarine.
I don't understand one thing here. People think it is a failed test but missile launched successfully from a Sub under water. The missile successfully got out of water and exited booster phase. Now these were the two difficult parts. the rest is the easy part and I think it was a big success on Iran to achieve such a mark.
They had already tested that:

obsolet old soviet russian design rebuilt with help of northkorea

They hate saying Iranian-made ... even if we reveal Fateh middle class they'll call it Iranian submarine resembled to North Korean Kim class ... if Qaher flies as MoD promised it would be like Chinese J Xi Xu
Fateh is northkorean for sure.
Qaher will never fly. Maybe as rc toy again.
I don't understand one thing here. People think it is a failed test but missile launched successfully from a Sub under water. The missile successfully got out of water and exited booster phase. Now these were the two difficult parts. the rest is the easy part and I think it was a big success on Iran to achieve such a mark.
saying some weapon has failed is a psychological tactic to force the enemy to reveal some information about it. in fact it shows how desperate they are.

Iranian defense minister said our previous missile launch was successful, the one which american liars said has failed during reentry phase.
This wasn't launched from a sub, It was launched from a surface vessel, the projectile 1st goes under water then pops out...

I'm confuse, why the hell would they launch it into the water and then ejected into the air? Is it a torpedo or anti ship missile?

I don't understand one thing here. People think it is a failed test but missile launched successfully from a Sub under water. The missile successfully got out of water and exited booster phase. Now these were the two difficult parts. the rest is the easy part and I think it was a big success on Iran to achieve such a mark.

Most likely this is a recent test and the U.S. was watching.
Atleast Russia does too
why so much puch to include just mention NK and Iran?

Atleast Russia does too
why so much puch to include just mention NK and Iran?

When Pakistan was looking order German subs, I remember Germany was also looking at options for this type setup
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