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Iran attempted missile launch from submarine, US officials say

Good, Iran needs strong Air Force and Navy ..in fact all Muslim countries must focus on navy and Air force more if they want to stand a chance in any future Conflict .
First of all, I'm an amateur in the field of defense tech so be nice.

Time after time Iran reveals apparently very modern weapon systems. But when it comes to implementing those weapons into the military defense structures of the country, Iran at least partly fails to do so. But why?

I'm asking myself this question since years. There must be a structural failure somewhere in the Iranian military-industrial complex. Why can't Iran transform such weapons into military deterrence?
do you need VLS to launch cruise missile from subs ?
No,one can also launch from existing torpedo tubes,like everything both methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Iranian midget submarine missile test reportedly fails
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 May 2017

Iran's attempt to test launch a missile from one of its midget submarines has failed, Fox News reported two US officials as saying on 3 May.

The Nasir, which was unveiled on 15 April, could potentially be launched from a 533 mm torpedo tube. (MODAFL)

The officials said the test was carried out in the Strait of Hormuz using a Yono-class submarine: a North Korean design that is produced in Iran as the Ghadir. It was not stated when the failed test took place.

There were reports in February that Iran had test-fired a submarine-launched cruise missile called the Nasir.

When images of the Nasir were released for the first time in April, it appeared to be based on the Nasr anti-ship missile, the Iranian version of the Chinese C-704, that has an air-breathing engine rather than a solid-fuel motor as well as a booster that together would give it a significantly longer range than the 38 km listed for the Chinese missile.

A consignment of Nasirs was then handed over to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN) in a ceremony on 22 April.

While the Iranian media made no mention of the Nasir being a submarine-launched missile during its coverage of the handover ceremony, with the addition of folding control fins it could potentially be encapsulated so that it could be launched from the 533 mm torpedo tubes on both Iran's Ghadir and 'Kilo'-class attack submarines.

There has been speculation - but no evidence - that Iran received 3M-54 Club submarine-launched anti-ship missiles from Russia for the three 'Kilos' that were delivered in the 1990s.

Meanwhile, there have also been indications that Iran is working on its own submarine-launched missile. Most notably, in February 2015, Iranian television showed footage of a sub-surface launch of what IRGCN commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi described as a "very special weapon".

That test appeared to be a failure as the footage showed the missile producing a double exhaust plume, suggesting its launch capsule was not discarded correctly or its motor was venting from the side of its airframe.


That test appeared to be a failure as the footage showed the missile producing a double exhaust plume, suggesting its launch capsule was not discarded correctly or its motor was venting from the side of its airframe.

Some people in this forum are more qualified to write for Janes than this idiot who doesn't know what that smoke is! :hitwall:
First of all, I'm an amateur in the field of defense tech so be nice.

Time after time Iran reveals apparently very modern weapon systems. But when it comes to implementing those weapons into the military defense structures of the country, Iran at least partly fails to do so. But why?

I'm asking myself this question since years. There must be a structural failure somewhere in the Iranian military-industrial complex. Why can't Iran transform such weapons into military deterrence?

This is partly true, but Iran's very modern weapons are the ones that are being mass produced. Air defence systems (some of which are equipped with AESA radars), precision guided ballistic missiles, long range anti ship missiles, ATGMs, etc. Iran has had projects in the past, like the Zulfiqar tank project, or the Saeqeh project. Both of these were based on old designs (the Zulfiqar less so, but it was still not up to par with modern standards).

The only very modern weapon I can think of right now that wasn't mass produced was the Shafaq advanced trainer/light fighter, but that was because the Russians pulled out of the joint project, taking their engines with them.

That test appeared to be a failure as the footage showed the missile producing a double exhaust plume, suggesting its launch capsule was not discarded correctly or its motor was venting from the side of its airframe.

Some people in this forum are more qualified to write for Janes than this idiot who doesn't know what that smoke is!

Its a reasonable assumption. By the way, this idiot is the same one who you praised for reviewing the Bavar-373 honestly.
Are you an eye-witness to the test in question? If yes, then provide evidence of its success. If no, then accusing others of lying is a sign of insecurity.

Failures can be expected in trials. Don't be sensitive about it. On the bright side, you learned something from it.

Americans have fielded an incredibly vast and comprehensive surveillance system around the world through which they can observe important developments in regions of interest. Expect them to disclose developments that normal people are not privy of.
Using anonymous officials is an old and outdated tactic.
I call them liars bases on their records. they gave the news, the burden of proof is on them.
Are you an eye-witness to the test in question? If yes, then provide evidence of its success. If no, then accusing others of lying is a sign of insecurity.

Failures can be expected in trials. Don't be sensitive about it. On the bright side, you learned something from it.

Americans have fielded an incredibly vast and comprehensive surveillance system around the world through which they can observe important developments in regions of interest. Expect them to disclose developments that normal people are not privy of.

For a start this article/report is from fox news which is hardly any sort of reliable source when it comes to anything let alone another nations classified military programs,personally I would take any claims from them with not just a grain of salt,nor even a pinch of salt,nor even a tablespoons worth,in fact I would take any fox claim with an entire salt mines worth of salt and thats at a very minimum,for instance this report has some major errors,it claims that iran launched a musudan irbm yet there has never been any convincing proof in the slightest that iran even has or ever even received this missile,it has never been paraded unlike all of irans other missiles and there has never been any evidence of any testing or ongoing test program for a missile of this type which one would certainly expect and lastly if fulfills no role in the iri missile forces as its range is greater than what is needed to reach israel but far to short to reach western europe.Another mistake is the claim that the dprks taepodong is "identical" to irans shahab,this is ludicrous the taepodong is a multistage slv whereas the shahab is a single stage medium range missile.In addition they seem to be confusing the dprks testing of slbms with cruise missile launching and ridiculously try to claim that "officials believe Tehran is not far behind[the dprk]" when in fact iran has no subs capable of launching slbms and the dprk has,as far as we know,yet to try to launch a cruise missile from a submarine.Most of this "report" is just a rehash of the same old claims and accusations against the dprk and iran with some unsubstantiated "new" claims thrown in to "sex it up".
The americans may have fielded an impressive global surveillance system but when it comes to things like dprk and iri missile tests then they`re pretty much limited to radar observations and perhaps if its a satellite launch then they can use e/o satellites to try and keep an eye on the facility or perhaps they might get lucky and spot a test out in the field or at a military facility but thats pretty much it,by comparison the iri and dprk will no doubt have full telemetry from the test missiles and far more data available to them on the weapons performance and the success or failure of the test,now of course propaganda on both sides has its role as well,we see in the western media for instance the continuous downplaying/denial of both iri and dprk successes while talking up the failures or even outright scoffing at the potential threat that their weapons pose ie "yes they`re testing weapons but those tests have been failures just like you would expect".Now I`ve no doubt that the iri and dpk play the same game and very likely wouldnt admit it even when a test did fail,now personally I think that if the us or anyone else for that matter is going to claim that someone elses test has failed then the burden of proof is on them to prove this claim especially if its coming via fox news,but thats just my opinion.
According to US officials, the submarine launched cruise missile is named "Jask-2"


This is worrying, as it(like Khorramshahr MRBM) shows that there is leak of information somewhere in the Armed Forces or MOD.
They are calling the missile Jask-2. I don't think it was a covert test so to speak. The submarine was probably not totally submerged or just dived before the test so US army units present there could see what submarine is doing the test.

If Iran wanted to keep the test secret, straight of Hormoz with its high traffic is the worst place to do the test.

This is partly true, but Iran's very modern weapons are the ones that are being mass produced. Air defence systems (some of which are equipped with AESA radars), precision guided ballistic missiles, long range anti ship missiles, ATGMs, etc. Iran has had projects in the past, like the Zulfiqar tank project, or the Saeqeh project. Both of these were based on old designs (the Zulfiqar less so, but it was still not up to par with modern standards).

The only very modern weapon I can think of right now that wasn't mass produced was the Shafaq advanced trainer/light fighter, but that was because the Russians pulled out of the joint project, taking their engines with them.

Its a reasonable assumption. By the way, this idiot is the same one who you praised for reviewing the Bavar-373 honestly.
Not really. If it were a failure, the MOD would never publicize the video. The double exhaust can have other reasons as well just like the one I explained earlier in this thread.
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could be same jask2 show in supreme leader visit navy exhibition 2012

سامانه پرتاب موشک «جاسک 2» با قابلیت نصب برای پرتاب از زیر سطح به سمت اهداف سطحی از دیگر دستاوردهای ارائه شده دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم دریایی امام خمینی است.

similar concept

Heres a model of a canister/capsule
obsolet old soviet russian design rebuilt with help of northkorea

Fateh is northkorean for sure.
Qaher will never fly. Maybe as rc toy again.
The same old Israeli recruits working in social media..paid to provoke some Iranian members so maybe in reaction they reveal something useful!!! This is why they often give very outlandish and crazy claims... Very old and childish technique...

This guy is the same Zionist clown... Iranian members ignore these clowns or you served them..

Is n't this Foxnews outlet from 2017!? But we had cruise missile launched from subs today..They predict that today's launches will be failed or what? am i wrong?
Iranian midget submarine missile test reportedly fails
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 May 2017

Iran's attempt to test launch a missile from one of its midget submarines has failed, Fox News reported two US officials as saying on 3 May.

The Nasir, which was unveiled on 15 April, could potentially be launched from a 533 mm torpedo tube. (MODAFL)

The officials said the test was carried out in the Strait of Hormuz using a Yono-class submarine: a North Korean design that is produced in Iran as the Ghadir. It was not stated when the failed test took place.

There were reports in February that Iran had test-fired a submarine-launched cruise missile called the Nasir.

When images of the Nasir were released for the first time in April, it appeared to be based on the Nasr anti-ship missile, the Iranian version of the Chinese C-704, that has an air-breathing engine rather than a solid-fuel motor as well as a booster that together would give it a significantly longer range than the 38 km listed for the Chinese missile.

A consignment of Nasirs was then handed over to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN) in a ceremony on 22 April.

While the Iranian media made no mention of the Nasir being a submarine-launched missile during its coverage of the handover ceremony, with the addition of folding control fins it could potentially be encapsulated so that it could be launched from the 533 mm torpedo tubes on both Iran's Ghadir and 'Kilo'-class attack submarines.

There has been speculation - but no evidence - that Iran received 3M-54 Club submarine-launched anti-ship missiles from Russia for the three 'Kilos' that were delivered in the 1990s.

Meanwhile, there have also been indications that Iran is working on its own submarine-launched missile. Most notably, in February 2015, Iranian television showed footage of a sub-surface launch of what IRGCN commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi described as a "very special weapon".

That test appeared to be a failure as the footage showed the missile producing a double exhaust plume, suggesting its launch capsule was not discarded correctly or its motor was venting from the side of its airframe.


That test appeared to be a failure as the footage showed the missile producing a double exhaust plume, suggesting its launch capsule was not discarded correctly or its motor was venting from the side of its airframe.

Some people in this forum are more qualified to write for Janes than this idiot who doesn't know what that smoke is! :hitwall:

Those xbox boys think themselves as military expert, sounds totally ridicules...when people don't have scientific and technological background, they do some idiotic analysis and that is IHS janes so far i know...

the number of armaments in fateh class sub should be increased up to ten. i just read somewhere ,the next one will equipped with AIP and bigger in size. hope so..
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