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Iran attacked again and FC reply with same tune

Really ???
Are you out of your mind?
US drone fried him.

I was talking about Latifullah Meshood

And about your first claims.
And what was outcome? more than 5 million Afghan refugees .in Pakistan and never ending problems.
Big claims are indeed good if it give prosperity to your own people.
Now both Russia and US is in 1000 miles away.
You are right .We are nothing at that time and also we dont want to be.

We are actively engaging in there only after rise of insurgency in our area.
And in sense that is also your fault.

what claims that were simple questions ..... You mistook it as I have not used '?' ( now edited)

In 1973, while Zahir Shah was in Italy, undergoing eye surgery as well as therapy for lumbago, his cousin and former Prime Minister Mohammed Daoud Khan staged a coup d'état and established a republican government.

Exactly what I was pointing that we had no role in the internal Afghan political struggle, nor we were interested it till the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

'Our policy toward Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion was more of a compulsion than the matter of choice.'
India's Claw of Death...Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iran.

more like ...

I have made my point.
I have given the proof ....
deep down in ur heart u know d truth as well.....
I won't stretch it any further
Next time ..... I will reply back when I find a credible source in ur comment which u even know that doesn't exist....

firstly thats no way near a proof, I pity your thinking for even calling it a proof, it depicts how you get blinded by your media.
I indeed know the truth that you guys are war mongers and such events only justify your large budget or else people eventually would question why is India the biggest customer of weapons in the world.connect the dots. but you never would like to hear that part of the story would you? coming up with a report of the most bigoted news agencies and claiming them to be authentic is somewhat pitiful i'd say, since I prefer not to scroll down for hours in dawn's page and search for the news i came across tonnes of times you claiming to be the victor is hilarious, but i got just the guy for you @Windjammer has owned plenty of yoru folks who came up with exact news, have fun beefing up with him. since its his habit to own people like you.

The world knows the war in Afghanistan and Iraq was a wrong decision because neither WMDs were in Iraq nor OBL was found in Afghanistan.

lol how cute if you really think NATO came in your country just to get Osama then we all should applaud your logic, no wonder you cry like babies and blame everything on pakistan.its cute.
maybe you should ask your refugees who ahve infested every city of ours to go back to the country of saints called afghanistan,
why bother living in the country you detest so much.
India's Claw of Death...Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iran.
this has nothing to do with neither kashmir nor india ...

no offence but seriously ? iran is india's claw of death ?


pakistanis want to nuke iran :yahoo: kuwala !! :angel: :lol::lol:

dudes feed your ppl first , but anyways correct your borders or smell the shit hitting the fan :coffee:

Well done FC. :pakistan:
dadash , khodetam midooni ke ma moghaser nistim :(

kam shahid dade iran ? be har haal shoma pakistani hastid va ma ham entezar nadarim biayn az maa defa konid , ama khodaeesh hagh ru ham zire paa nazarid dige
firstly thats no way near a proof, I pity your thinking for even calling it a proof, it depicts how you get blinded by your media.
I indeed know the truth that you guys are war mongers and such events only justify your large budget or else people eventually would question why is India the biggest customer of weapons in the world.connect the dots. but you never would like to hear that part of the story would you? coming up with a report of the most bigoted news agencies and claiming them to be authentic is somewhat pitiful i'd say, since I prefer not to scroll down for hours in dawn's page and search for the news i came across tonnes of times you claiming to be the victor is hilarious, but i got just the guy for you @Windjammer has owned plenty of yoru folks who came up with exact news, have fun beefing up with him. since its his habit to own people like you.

lol how cute if you really think NATO came in your country just to get Osama then we all should applaud your logic, no wonder you cry like babies and blame everything on pakistan.its cute.
maybe you should ask your refugees who ahve infested every city of ours to go back to the country of saints called afghanistan,
why bother living in the country you detest so much.
Not worth replying
Pak-Iran tension is nothing more than BALLOON OF AIR
And we are enjoying it....for change of taste..instead of BASHING indians all the time :enjoy:
It is Pakistan's foreign policy failure. Iran has always been our strategic depth especially during 1965 war. Both countries should resolve the difference in a sober manner to the utter disappointment of US and Saudi Arab

if attackers keep training and crossing the border into Iran and China.I expect they might have to step in and baby sit the area :agree:
25,000 Chinese and Iranian PEACE KEEPERS make sense.
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