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Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundallah chief
Wednesday, 24 Feb, 2010

its most wanted Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi who was seized onboard a flight from Dubai, Islamabad's ambassador to Tehran Mohammad Abbasi said on Wednesday.
“I must tell you that such action cannot be carried out without the cooperation of Pakistan. I am happy that he has been arrested,” Abbasi told a media conference at Islamabad's mission in Tehran.

Without elaborating, Abbasi said details of Pakistan's help to Iran in arresting Rigi would be revealed in “two or three days time.”

Rigi, the head of shadowy rebel group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), was captured on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday.

An airport official from Bishkek told AFP on condition of anonymity on Tuesday that the passenger plane Rigi was travelling in was forced to land on Iranian territory by two Iranian jet bombers.

Iran's official Press TV, quoting an unidentified source speaking on condition of anonymity, added on its English-language website that Rigi was seized along with one of his deputies.

It said they “were captured after their plane was brought down by security forces in an airport in the Iranian Persian Gulf city of Bandar Abbas.”

Declaring Rigi's arrest on Tuesday, Iran's Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi told reporters that the militant had been at a US military base in Afghanistan just 24 hours before he was nabbed.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundallah chief
Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundallah chief
Wednesday, 24 Feb, 2010

its most wanted Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi who was seized onboard a flight from Dubai, Islamabad's ambassador to Tehran Mohammad Abbasi said on Wednesday.
“I must tell you that such action cannot be carried out without the cooperation of Pakistan. I am happy that he has been arrested,” Abbasi told a media conference at Islamabad's mission in Tehran.

Without elaborating, Abbasi said details of Pakistan's help to Iran in arresting Rigi would be revealed in “two or three days time.”

Rigi, the head of shadowy rebel group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), was captured on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday.

An airport official from Bishkek told AFP on condition of anonymity on Tuesday that the passenger plane Rigi was travelling in was forced to land on Iranian territory by two Iranian jet bombers.

Iran's official Press TV, quoting an unidentified source speaking on condition of anonymity, added on its English-language website that Rigi was seized along with one of his deputies.

It said they “were captured after their plane was brought down by security forces in an airport in the Iranian Persian Gulf city of Bandar Abbas.”

Declaring Rigi's arrest on Tuesday, Iran's Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi told reporters that the militant had been at a US military base in Afghanistan just 24 hours before he was nabbed.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundallah chief

Very good news i am glad, i always knew the ISI or the Pakistani government didn't support Jundullah.

I hope you guys know that yesterday i wasn't claiming that they do, i was just telling you guys that Iran hasn't accused Pakistan, but elements within Pakistan.
Please provide proof that the ISI has helped Jundullah. This is a pretty big statement to make and no one is going to accept such a huge allegation just based on your words or the words of Iranian officials who are NOT making an official statement of policy. If it is the official stance of the Iranian government that the "ISI has helped Jundullah", please provide me with a reference, because I'd like to look at it.

And secondly, you really need to pick up a Dale Carnegie book or two. I would recommend, "How to win friends and influence people". Because I am very pro Iran and you are absolutely pi$$ing me off with your constant allegations re Pakistan.

Is it real or fake? Is his record in the NADRA database? Have you seen it? Just because someone is carrying a Pakistani ID card doesn't make that ID card genuine, and neither does it point to any ISI involvement. ID documents, passports etc. are falsified in intel ops ALL THE TIME. You are being extremely naive in pointing to this as "proof".

Are there no Jundullah operatives or Mujahadeen-e-Khalq operatives with Iranian documents and false identification?

Dubai also allowed entry to Mossad operatives who killed a Hamas official. Now Dubai is tracking them down. The US also granted H1 visas to the entire group of people who brought the twin towers down. A country granting someone a visa, again, does not mean that that nation's officialdom is complicit in any subsequent malevolent activities indulged in by the entrant/visa holder.

I am not looking for any influence or friends on the forum i am saying it as it is. I am sorry you feel that way though.

I must have said about 100 times now that i nor any other Iranian or the Iranian Government believe that Pakistan has helped Jundullah, however we do believe that Jundullah was helped by some elements within Pakistan.
You say he was at an American base in Afghanistan, that he had a UAE visa, some reports suggest he boarded the plane in UAE, he was going to a Central Asian country - clearly the ba$tard was going all over the place. If you know he was "based" in Pakistan for 7 years, I am sure you must also know his address... where did he live?

He is one person. Jundullah are about 1000 people. Rigi could live in the North pole for all i care, it still wouldn't change the fact that his soldiers are in Pakistan.

Osama bin Laden's family were "official guests" in Iran for years. Do you find us alleging that Iran was colluding with Al Qaeda to harm Saudi Arabia?

Look at the Osama bin laden family. There are over 50,000 of them. They are a huge tribe with many family members in western Europe and America. One of his relatives is a bikini model in the US.
Iran says Rigi arrested, released by Pakistan

A top commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran has information that Pakistani intelligence officials released the leader of the Jundallah terrorist group after he was arrested on their soil.

The Pakistan-based Jundallah terrorist group, which is believed to be closely affiliated with al-Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for numerous fatal attacks in southeastern Iran.

The latest of such terrorist attacks was launched earlier in October in the borderline region of Pishin in Iran's southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province, killing more than 40 people including a number of top IRGC commanders and Shia and Sunni tribal leaders.

Following the deadly attack Iranian officials accused certain foreign countries including the US, Britain, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia of supporting Jundallah.

Speaking to Fars News Agency on Friday, Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Brigadier General Hossein Salami revealed more details about Pakistan's cooperation with Jundallah.

"We have concrete data and evidence about these terrorists' safe houses; for example we know that on September 27 Abdulmalek Rigi was arrested in one street in Quetta [in Pakistan]," Brig. Gen. Salami said.

"He, however, was released after one hour with the intervention of intelligence agents of our neighboring country [Pakistan]," Salami added.

How can someone like Rigi move around in another country so freely and with such a security escort, without being watched by an intelligence organization?" he asked.

The remarks come as following the attack, Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar went on an official visit to Islamabad to discuss the deadly blast.

Tehran, on many occasions, has called on Islamabad for cooperation on broader security, asking Pakistani security officials to arrest the Jundallah leader and help disband the terrorist group.


Iran says Rigi arrested, released by Pakistan

This is what i am talking about, although it is all in the past as Pakistan has since cooperated with us on the issue.
Abi Abi Abi,

It is time for you to celebrate the arrest of Mr. Rigi, stop bragging blaming on Pakistan/ISI.

Move on !

Let's question this terrorist right now !!


Bro, this has been nothing but a huge misunderstanding because the members on here are too defensive. I never blamed the ISI or Pakistan, i was just trying to explain to some members about the situation as they thought Iran blames Pakistan, when in reality it doesn't,
Tuesday, 23 Feb, 2010
Another addition in the recently arrested top notch extremists in Afpak/ Iran region.
"Any help or intelligence sharing by PAkistan remains a guess"

Iran arrests Jundallah chief Rigi: AFP reports
Tuesday, 23 Feb, 2010 10:02 am

TEHRAN : Iran has arrested top militant rebel leader Abdolmalek Rigi who has been accused of being the mastermind of a series of deadly bombings and killings, local media reported on Tuesday.

Tehran based Arabic news channel Al-Alam said that he has been arrested in the "east of the country", while the Fars news agency is quoting the Iranian intelligence ministry saying the arrest did take place for the "Jundallah leader along with two of his group members."

No further information has been forwarded so far.

Rigi heads a shadowy rebel group called Jundallah (Soldiers of God) which has been accused by Iranian officials of carrying out several attacks in Sistan-Baluchestan.

The province, which houses a significant population of Sunni Baluchis, is a hotbed of insurgency against Shiite rule in Iran.


TEHRAN: Pakistan played a role in helping Iran arrest its most wanted Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi who was seized onboard a flight from Dubai, Islamabad's ambassador to Tehran Mohammad Abbasi said on Wednesday.

“I must tell you that such action cannot be carried out without the cooperation of Pakistan. I am happy that he has been arrested,” Abbasi told a media conference at Islamabad's mission in Tehran.

Without elaborating, Abbasi said details of Pakistan's help to Iran in arresting Rigi would be revealed in “two or three days time.”

Rigi, the head of shadowy rebel group Jundallah (Soldiers of God), was captured on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday.

An airport official from Bishkek told AFP on condition of anonymity on Tuesday that the passenger plane Rigi was travelling in was forced to land on Iranian territory by two Iranian jet bombers.

Iran's official Press TV, quoting an unidentified source speaking on condition of anonymity, added on its English-language website that Rigi was seized along with one of his deputies.

It said they “were captured after their plane was brought down by security forces in an airport in the Iranian Persian Gulf city of Bandar Abbas.”

Declaring Rigi's arrest on Tuesday, Iran's Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi told reporters that the militant had been at a US military base in Afghanistan just 24 hours before he was nabbed.
Declaring Rigi's arrest on Tuesday, Iran's Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi told reporters that the militant had been at a US military base in Afghanistan just 24 hours before he was nabbed

How credible can this claim be ?
His arrest can not be happened without Pakistani intelligence. Otherwise thousands of gulfstreams travel over the waters of persian gulf. It can't be happened without inside information.Otherwise Iranian authorities been looking for this guy for the last 10 years and was easily traveling back and forth on both side of border without a problem.
His arrest can not be happened without Pakistani intelligence. Otherwise thousands of gulfstreams travel over the waters of persian gulf. It can't be happened without inside information.

Inside information? Is there something you're not telling us lol?

I am kidding. He had been followed for a while, there were security agents on the plane with him, as soon as the plane entered Iranian airspace, the security guards arrested him and the IRIAF forced the plane to land.

Pakistan could have helped, they have done before, they handed his brother over to us.
Come on guys its obvious that Pakistan has helped in nagging this guy out of US's hands. Show some thanks.

I am sure many stories will be coming up later by questioning, but i fear lots of silly blaming will be towards US.

And oh yes, US will be very angry if Pakistan has helped Negi,,, veryyy angryyyyyy
Inside information? Is there something you're not telling us lol?

I am kidding. He had been followed for a while, there were security agents on the plane with him, as soon as the plane entered Iranian airspace, the security guards arrested him and the IRIAF forced the plane to land.

Pakistan could have helped, they have done before, they handed his brother over to us.
Are you 100% sure about this? Where did you find this information?
Looks like a possibility. Everyone can go to Dubai...
I was more believing that someone cheated him . I mean as said already someone here, just crossing Iran sky , is already so strange... maybe his friends just wanted him to be taken? so many possibilities...
Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundullah chief: envoy

TEHRAN: Pakistan played a role in helping Iran arrest its most wanted Sunni terrorist Abdolmalek Rigi, head of Jundullah, who was seized onboard a flight from Dubai, Islamabad’s Ambassador to Tehran Mohammad Abbasi said on Wednesday.

“I must tell you that such action cannot be carried out without the cooperation of Pakistan. I am happy that he has been arrested,” he told a media conference. On the other hand, Iranian Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi had said on Tuesday the entire operation was carried out by Iranian agents, and no other regional country was involved. An airport official from Bishkek told AFP on condition of anonymity on Tuesday that the passenger plane Rigi was travelling in was forced to land on Iranian territory by two Iranian jet bombers. “Rigi will be put on an open trial in Sistan-Balochistan,” Fars news agency quoted Mohammad Marzieh, prosecutor of Zahedan as saying.

Meanwhile, Jundallah has confirmed the arrest of their chief, Abdolmalek Rigi, and vowed retaliation. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Bro, this has been nothing but a huge misunderstanding because the members on here are too defensive. I never blamed the ISI or Pakistan, i was just trying to explain to some members about the situation as they thought Iran blames Pakistan, when in reality it doesn't,

I think I disagree. There is no misunderstanding, the Iranian Gov incl. Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader were quick to blame Pak when 15 Revolutionary gaurds died in Oct 09. And Now no body from the GoI is coming up to commend Pak's role in capturing the man. I frankly respect Iranians for many obvious reasons, particularly their stance towards the west for their rights. But I also feel really gutted , as a Pakistani, that it didn't take much time for Iranians to accuse Pak then and now its like taking them forever to actually say that Pak's role was critical!

I dont know what policy they are running but from what I understand they want to pressure Pak too like all the rest of the world! I dont want to accept that behaviour as a Pakistani esp from Iran and I hope we can keep working together with mutual self respect and principles based on equality!

Without meaning to be rude to my Iranian friends and You may disagree with me but that's my take on this!! All in good spirit!
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