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Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi

TEHRAN: Iran has arrested Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of Sunni militant group Jundallah, Iranian state television reported on Tuesday.

“Rigi was arrested in eastern Iran,” a source told Arabic language al Alam television.

Rigi was accused of masterminding a series of deadly bombings and killings inside Iran.

DAWN.COM | World | Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi


It seems US Plans failed once again :azn:

Iran arrested Rigi but where is Pakistan's help ? Rigi was arrested inside Iran AFAIK.
I believe as per Hafeez Saeeds Prosecution Pakistan wants courts to convit him first.
CNIC on Rigi lands Nadra into trouble

ISLAMABAD: The recovery of a Pakistani Computerised National Identity Card from the possession of Abdolmalek Rigi, an Iranian terrorist and head of Jundallah group, has put a question mark on the Nadra’s “self-proclaimed secure” registration system.

The card was recovered by Iranian security personnel when Rigi was arrested while travelling on a flight heading to an Arab country via Pakistan on Feb 23.

The interior ministry claimed that it was a fake card, and not issued by the National Database Registration Authority.

Iranian authorities are reported to have informed Pakistan about the recovery of the CNIC carrying photograph of Abdolmalek Rigi and sought an investigation into the matter, but the government did not make it public.

However, the interior ministry had to issue its point of view only when a TV channel telecast the news about Rigi’s identity card.

The recovery of CNIC from the terrorist leader has thrown a challenge to security of Nadra’s database and its official slogan “deception no more”.

At the time of arrest Rigi was allegedly carrying a CNIC bearing number 42201-5884556-1 issued in the name of Saeed Ahmed, son of Ghulam Haider. The card shows his year of birth as 1978.

A press release issued by the interior ministry said: “Rigi’s brother, also an Iranian national, possessed a fake national identity card of Pakistan, who was later extradited. Pakistan has always claimed that Rigi has not been staying here and the stance has been ratified by his recent arrest while holding Afghan passport.”

Rigi’s card was found to be original when checked through a general procedure of Nadra by simply sending an SMS message to a number, 7000.

A senior Nadra official told Dawn that the card was issued in 2004 while the authority had acquired the facility of biometrics and facial scanning in 2005.

The facility enables Nadra to record finger and thumb impressions as well as facial features.

He said Rigi’s card was fake because it showed a thumb impression on the card despite the fact the biometrics system in Nadra started working in 2005. No thumb impressions of applicants were taken before introduction of the system, he added.

The official also rejected reports that Nadra had issued over 25,000 fake CNICs to foreign nationals. “First of all, this is impossible and, secondly, Nadra has nothing to do with the registration of foreigners because it is done by the National Aliens Registration Authority (Nara).”

He said Nadra’s system was so secure that it foiled over 250 attempts of getting fake CNIC in a day. It had so far prevented from issuing over 85,000 fake cards, he added.

However, the official did not rule out the possibility that CNICs would have been issued to some Afghan nationals who were born in Pakistan and managed to get the cards on the basis of manual ID cards issued to their parents over two or three decades ago.

“But these manual ID cards cannot be used for any transaction and traced whenever they are used,” he added.
its quite embarassing for Pakistan I think.

but im glad they released this article. This will increase pressure on NADRA to make absolutely SURE that NIDs are issued to Pakistanis......and ONLY Pakistanis. More foolproof measures should be taken so that counterfeiting would be impossible.

I think Iran and Pakistan should have an identical NID layout and system. That way we can keep database on suspicious people. We lie along the Central Asia - Europe trafficking/smuggler line. That in itself is enough reason to upgrade our law enforcement capabilities in that region.

I'm also glad that this agent Rigi has been caught. I have seen interviews of his in the past (being of Iranian origin, it was easy for him to learn Urdu). Some of what he says I agree with. But his methods were way wrong; he waged war against his own country, and we know who supported this man and his 'movement'

similar to Mujahideen-e-Khalq --which was supported not just by Americans and some EU countries, but also Iraq under Saddam's baathist regime

Despite some past and current differences on certain issues, Iran is a friendly country. I would imagine that if/when the criminal (moharb) elements enter Pakistan, we would stop them immediately.

Iranians should remember that Rigi's brother was arrested by our security agencies and extradited to Iran. The triangular rugged region in between Iran Pakistan and Afghanistan is extremely difficult territory to monitor. It's easy for such elements to criss-cross here and there. Important thing is to take action when the intelligence comes in. Iranian border guards (a skilled force) and our Frontier Corps/Rangers are jointly working together to stop terrorist, human traffickers, drug smugglers etc.

those are my thoughts
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It truly is good news for Iran and Pakistan. I have been hoping this ba$tard would be captured soon. Now it's time to get the info from him and do to his evil movement what the Turks did to Abdullah Ocalan's PKK.

Anyone here who is insinuating that Pakistan/ISI would have helped Rigi, is either foolish or ill-motivated. Pakistan and Iran have always cooperated to stabilize Irani/Pakistani Baluchistan and even if one gets all real-politik abou this, there is absolutely no conceivable scenario in which Pakistan would ruin its relations with Iran over a terrorist group which enjoys such minimal support that everyone understands it is doomed to eventual failure. And that failure might now have been exacerbated with this arrest.

well said my Lahorisher brother. :tup::tup:
most of baloch insurgents are sitting in dubai and planning against us ... india is there to guide them .... same is in indian consulates in afghanistan ... and i read some role of iran too in creating insurgency in pakistan... same is for other arab countries there is no sympathy for us as their brother muslim country , same is for turky and others ... i think now as a nation we should review our policy... we respect arabs and they are taking it in other means ... we should clear to every are one that we not down to any one .. our love and sympathy shouldn,t be taken as our weakness....

lets not get carried away though. At least on government level, we have good relations with most those countries. We are a strong country, we dont need sympathy from anybody. Strong country never needs sympathy, the people just need eachother.

I am aware of certain Baluch "nationalist" elements in Dubai. I'd be more concerned about Oman. Oman is a friendly country, but it is well known among Pakistani analysts that Oman has fair share of Baluch rebels settled there

they make trouble in those countries too.......drugs, smuggling, etc. :hitwall:
Iran hangs Jundullah chief Abdolmalek Rigi

* Lawmaker says Tehran to file lawsuit in international courts against UK, US for supporting Jundullah leader

TEHRAN: Iran hanged the convicted leader of a Sunni Muslim rebel group on Sunday for his involvement in deadly attacks in the Islamic state, state television reported.

Predominantly Shia Muslim Iran arrested Abdolmalek Rigi in February, four months after his Jundullah group claimed a bombing that killed dozens of people, including senior officers of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards.

“Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged at dawn today...he was convicted for many crimes like being behind many deadly attacks...and killing dozens of innocent people,” state television said.

A Tehran Revolutionary court sentenced Rigi to death and the Supreme Court upheld the sentence, the Fars news agency said, adding that Rigi was executed inside Evin prison in the presence of “the families of some of the victims”.

“Rigi’s charges also included armed robbery, kidnapping, drug trafficking and the formation and leading of the terrorist Jundullah group,” Fars reported.

“The hanging showed Iran will not let its territory be used by criminals...With the execution of Abdolmalek, the disgraceful stigma of our tribe was eliminated,” Rigi tribe chief Bashir Rigi was quoted by IRNA as saying.

Lawsuit: A leading lawmaker, Parviz Sorouri, said Iran planned to file a lawsuit at relevant international courts against Britain and the US for supporting Rigi, ILNA news agency reported. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Death to the terrorists

No mercy from my side :)
It is amazing how the Iranian captured Rigi. They forced landed the flight carrying Rigi to Bishkek from Dubai within Iranian air space. This sort of operation is more of an Israeli style.
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It is amazing how the Iranian captured Rigi. They forced landed the flight carrying Rigi to Bishkek from Dubai within Iranian air space. This sort of operation is more of an Israeli style.

And the world did not hear about the international air liner being forced down to land and no one heard what the crew and passengers had to say about the experiences ?? An event of such nature happens and the world doesn't knows about it ????

And they couldn't catch him for years, but all of a sudden when the suicide attack happens in Iran killing their important commanders and the heat comes onto Pakistan, within a few months of that, he gets captured under very strange and unclear circumstances.

How he was captured and who helped in that or to be exact who handed him over are best known to people who know such things, we people heard what the Iranian govt and Pakistani govt wanted to make us hear.
western silence on this development is quite astounding!!!

it was hardly reported there

it appears this extremist outfit "Jundollah" has appointed a new head
It was a failure for them. And they dont publish their own failures.

BTW I am expecting a news that "jundullah was trying to make peace in Afghanistan but ISI helped iran to capture it to achieve its own goal." You never know what western media can come up with.
And the world did not hear about the international air liner being forced down to land and no one heard what the crew and passengers had to say about the experiences ?? An event of such nature happens and the world doesn't knows about it ????

More over it should have become an international outcry if Iranian did force land an international airliners. Everyone is watching on Iran , after all. I have heard from my colleagues that he was simply handed over to Iranian by ISI and there was nothing like forced landing. It reminds me of the capture of PPK leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1998 when he was handed over by Mossad to the Turks but there were conflicting stories. Very similar circumstances.
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