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Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

now he shud change the name of his organisation to jundshaitan ... Good for this *** he is now so busted ! weldone Iran
And if turns out that pakistan has nothing to with the guy ,the govt of iran should issues an apology to pakistan.

some people of my country are becoming crazy :hitwall:

the video above by Simorgh making me nervous.
let's calm down.
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evil mullah rageme keeps on barking

pakistan should disgrace iran for its black propoganda on every forum.
BBC News - Iran 'arrests leader of Sunni militants Jundullah'

Iranian authorities have arrested the leader of the Sunni Muslim militant group Jundullah, according to reports on state television.
The Arabic language channel al-Alam said Abdolmalek Rigi had been held in eastern Iran, but gave no more details.
He is said to be behind a series of deadly bombings and killings in Sistan-Baluchistan province.
Last October 42 people, including six Revolutionary Guard commanders, were killed in a suicide bombing in Zahedan.
The Fars news agency, quoting the Iranian intelligence ministry, said the arrest took place of the "Jundullah leader along with two of his group members".
The official IRNA news agency later said he had been travelling in a plane to an Arab country via Pakistan before his arrest.
"His plane was ordered to land and then he was arrested after the plane was searched," Iranian lawmaker Mohammed Dehgan was quoted by news agency AFP as saying.
Press TV, the Iranian state-run English language service, said Mr Rigi had been in a US military base 24 hours before his capture.

It alleged the US had issued Mr Rigi with an Afghan passport.
It also said he had recently travelled to "European countries".

None of these claims could be independently verified.
Jundullah was founded in 2002 to defend the Baluchi minority in the poor, remote and lawless region of south-east Iran.
Mr Rigi has claimed in the past that the group

There are too many stories and all sound strange, the arrest the travel , the passport, the presence at American base in Afghanistan.

All these things are very strange.
Anyone here who is insinuating that Pakistan/ISI would have helped Rigi, is either foolish or ill-motivated. Pakistan and Iran have always cooperated to stabilize Irani/Pakistani Baluchistan and even if one gets all real-politik abou this, there is absolutely no conceivable scenario in which Pakistan would ruin its relations with Iran over a terrorist group which enjoys such minimal support that everyone understands it is doomed to eventual failure. And that failure might now have been exacerbated with this arrest.

No one is insinuating anything i am stating facts here. ISI has helped Jundullah. That is a fact and not up for discussion. Jundullah is also based in Pakistan.

Furthermore, Rigi was found with a Pakistani Identification card when he was captured.


Some more news; Iranian intelligence agents that were spying on him took pictures of him 24 hours before his arrest in an American base in Afghanistan. He also had a Visa issued by Dubai.
And if turns out that pakistan has nothing to with the guy ,the govt of iran should issues an apology to pakistan.

Iran is not issuing an apology to anyone. We already have proof that the ISI has helped Jundullah, now it is time to see if these help came from corrupt and rouge ISI agents or if it was official ISI/Pakistani policy to arm them.
pls then can you explain me why you say i am sick
by private message?

Because we have captured a terrorist that is responsible for the death of 400+ innocent civilians and you're taking this opportunity to spread your green BS.

Khak to saret!
No one is insinuating anything i am stating facts here. ISI has helped Jundullah. That is a fact and not up for discussion. Jundullah is also based in Pakistan.

Furthermore, Rigi was found with a Pakistani Identification card when he was captured.


Some more news; Iranian intelligence agents that were spying on him took pictures of him 24 hours before his arrest in an American base in Afghanistan. He also had a Visa issued by Dubai.

In American Base? How do you digest this claim??

You tell me If ISI was helping him then why US was harbouring him in its base in Afghanistan?

And how does your intellegence agents were not spoted by might US arround the base???


Here is another scenario.

US-Iran joined hands to plot his arrest and pressurise Pakistan.
Because we have captured a terrorist that is responsible for the death of 400+ innocent civilians and you're taking this opportunity to spread your green BS.

Khak to saret!

Khak to saret for spreading you tricolor BS here.

Get a life man.

You are abusing other members for not supporting your rehtoric.

read your own claims all seems a big drama nothing more than that.
In American Base? How do you digest this claim??

You tell me If ISI was helping him then why US was harbouring him in its base in Afghanistan?

And how does your intellegence agents were not spoted by might US arround the base???


Here is another scenario.

US-Iran joined hands to plot his arrest and pressurise Pakistan.

Iran claims that America is funding him and Pakistani agents are helping them, so i hope you can answer your own questions.

You might think that Pakistan is the center of the world, but lets look at the facts on the ground, this terrorist is responsible for nearly 400 deaths, so now read your last sentence and feel ashamed.
People i have spent some time in Balochistan and i am not 2 sure if most here a aware of the fact that just cause pakistan is a majority muslim country a lot and i do mean a lot of people dont follow islam in balochistan wild borg is enjoyed by these people ocassionally there is no sunni or shias there specially the ones control by Sardars or what ever they call them please dont use westren media head lines as i doubt very much this guy even no what islam is.

So for future instead of calling him shia or sunni call him what he is A Terrorist.
=Abi;688288]Iran claims that America is funding him and Pakistani agents are helping them, so i hope you can answer your own questions.

Just because your government is claiming dosent mean its true without the eveidence which should come out now as he is captured every thing else is assumption on the base of a claim.

You might think that Pakistan is the center of the world, but lets look at the facts on the ground, this terrorist is responsible for nearly 400 deaths, so now read your last sentence and feel ashamed.

Yes we do think pakistan is a centre of the universe and will do so till the end.
As far as terrorist attacks and killings are concerned unless u are not being paying attention we have paid the heaviest price so far.you cant possibly think ISI was behind those attacks to we are under attack every day from these terrorist.

our gas fields in balochistan are bombed regularly are we to belive our enemies that iranians are providing ammo to these terrorist.
Till you can show me his pay slip signed by the CIA Director lets use the words " Bad day for NON STATE ACTORS in USA"? Why shy away from this lovely new sentence you gave the modern world? :cheers:


Any pay slips from the ISI to the Taliban?

I didn't think so - move along now ...
No one is insinuating anything i am stating facts here. ISI has helped Jundullah. That is a fact and not up for discussion. Jundullah is also based in Pakistan.
The allegations of ISI support for Junduallah are very much up for discussion.

If this alleged support is a 'fact' as you claim, then you should be able to provide the evidence to back up that 'fact' - merely claiming XYZ does not make it true.

So either provide the evidence that leads the Iranian regime to conclusively state that the ISI is supporting Jundullah, or move on to less inflammatory rhetoric.
The allegations of ISI support for Junduallah are very much up for discussion.

If this alleged support is a 'fact' as you claim, then you should be able to provide the evidence to back up that 'fact' - merely claiming XYZ does not make it true.

So either provide the evidence that leads the Iranian regime to conclusively state that the ISI is supporting Jundullah, or move on to less inflammatory rhetoric.

The Iranian Government's official stance is "Elements within the ISI have helped Jundullah". One piece of evidence that they have presented us with is the fact that Pakistani police arrested Rigi, but some ISI agents forced the police to release him.

Iran has no reason to make this up as it does nothing but ruin our relations, they just want to get to the bottom of it and they have never said "Pakistani/ISI fund/help Jundullah, they have always said "some elements within the ISI have helped Jundullah".

So there is no allegation that Pakistan helps ISI as an official policy, but factual evidence showing that Jundullah has received help from people within the Pakistani Government or the ISI.
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