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Iran arrests Azeri nationals for spying

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so you claim the ones who live in azerbaijan are also iranian?

or persian because thats what one of your friends was saying
so you claim the ones who live in azerbaijan are also iranian?

or persian because thats what one of your friends was saying
I don't know about their race and I don't want to know either.because it's not important for me.As Arian said,Iran is a multicultural country,this country does not belong only to Persians.
The ones who are living in republic of Azerbaijan,well they were part of Iran until 19th century.It's not important if they are Persians or not.Why are you seeing everything from racial glasses?
The Kurds who are living in Turkey,well its obvious that they are Iranic people,not Turks.Why doesn't anyone talk about them?What's your stance about them?Maybe you want to claim they are Turks,huh?
no i dont want to and dont claim they are turks , and i wouldnt want some to be turks anyway , they can freely be your brothers

I don't know about their race and I don't want to know either.because it's not important for me.As Arian said,Iran is a multicultural country,this country does not belong only to Persians.
The ones who are living in republic of Azerbaijan,well they were part of Iran until 19th century.It's not important if they are Persians or not.Why are you seeing everything from racial glasses?
The Kurds who are living in Turkey,well its obvious that they are Iranic people,not Turks.Why doesn't anyone talk about them?What's your stance about them?Maybe you want to claim they are Turks,huh?
no i dont want to and dont claim they are turks , and i wouldnt want some to be turks anyway , they can freely be your brothers
That's exactly the same thing about Azeris,they are Iranians,our brothers,our beloved.
I have 3 brothers,all of them married to Azeri girls.I don't know about Kurds in Turkey and that Turks marry Kurds in there or not,but in Iran,we are very close to each other,you can't separate Azeris from other Iranians.Not only Azeris,but this appliesto all ethinic groups in Iran.Baloochs,Arabs,Kurds,Lurs,Gilaks,Turkmen and others.
Why is it so hard for some to accept it?
its not hard but on one side you are betraying your brother , beloved for armenians . even if you dont like aliyev , aint they your brothers aswell as you say
its not hard but on one side you are betraying your brother , beloved for armenians . even if you dont like aliyev , aint they your brothers aswell as you say
You are jumping from one topic to another.
We are not betraying anyone,We didn't side with Armenia,we are just helping it.Because it is isolated from all other ways.Iran stayed neutral in Karabakh war.The government of Azerbaijan is promoting separatism and Pan Turkism.We had very good relations with Azerbaijan until 6-7 years ago.
Besides,helping Armenia with foods and fuel has nothing to do with Iranian Azeris.These are 2 separate matters.
so you claim the ones who live in azerbaijan are also iranian?

or persian because thats what one of your friends was saying
It's funny you guys still can't differentiate between Iranian and Persian . Are you sure you don't have Greek root

its not hard but on one side you are betraying your brother , beloved for armenians . even if you dont like aliyev , aint they your brothers aswell as you say

to completely separate issue , we provided shelter and food and basic necessities for Azerbaijan refugees in that war (only we said we deliver them at Azerbaijan side of Border and the refugees must not enter Iran) we provided food and fuel for Nakhjavan on other hand we provided Fuel and Food for Armenia .

I don't see these acts as supporting one side we just maintained neutrality

I know them very well, they were pretty much same.
well it seems you didn't knew them that well
You can be sure I know them better then you.

Same state system, same ruling class, same influences, they're pretty much same why would one speak Turkic and other not ?

Ruling class, the ghulams had Turkic, Caucasian or Christian background , Turkic used as the common language.
How Azeris are Iranians?Because grasses are green.
I'm sorry mate,but that's the most silly question one can ask.They are Iranians because they live in Iran.
Or maybe you want to say Iran has occupied their land?:lol:

Are you mad? Are you out of your mind? Even your great leader says Azerbaijanis are Turks.
Please watch this video and think about what you are claiming over and over again.

Ayetullah Hameney - YouTube
Arian, what kind of example is that? We are talking about 17th century. They named it that way because they were Azeri Turks.

Example of Ali Qapu name is also a cultural one besides ethnicity.

So what about the Naqsh-e Jahan square that was built during the Safavid era? I don't understand what you mean, they used both Persian and Azeri languages, but Persian was the official language. There are tons of documents regarding that, even wikipedia could help you.

Read Safavid page on wikipedia, that would give you the least knowledge regarding them from a neutral source (not the Iranian government, nor the Azerbaijani government).

For the second time:


Persian (official,[5] coinage,[6][7] civil administration,[8] court (since Isfahan became capital),[9] high literature,[8] literary,[6][10] theological discourse,[6] diplomatic correspondence, belles-lettres (adab), historiography,[11] court-based religious posts[12])

Azerbaijani (court, religious dignitaries, military)[11][13][14][15]

Their capitals:



I don't know why you want to insist that they were Turkish, They hated the Ottomans and both empires had several clashes with each other. This is a famous quote from Shah Abbas:

For his part, Abbas declared that he "preferred the dust from the shoe soles of the lowest Christian to the highest Ottoman personage."[74]

Now go and claim they were Turks. LOOOL.
Turkish ethnicity was not unique to Ottomans, Turk is not equal to Turk of Turkey.

Both Ottomans and Safavids are not based on a certain ethnicity, Safavids were both Azeri Turkish and Persian, Turks generally took military roles while Persians took the burecracy.
I don't know why you want to insist that they were Turkish, They hated the Ottomans and both empires had several clashes with each other. This is a famous quote from Shah Abbas:

Now go and claim they were Turks. LOOOL.

Turks' clashes with other Turks is not unique to Ottoman-Safevid rivalry, actually it is more common than you think.

Have you watched the video that I shared? Your great leader says Azerbaijanis are Turks. What is your opion about the speech he gave in Tabriz? Is he lying or are you just more knowledgable than he is?
Are you mad? Are you out of your mind? Even your great leader says Azerbaijanis are Turks.
Please watch this video and think about what you are claiming over and over again.

Some of you have very serious problems in understanding and learning and analyzing.I hate to say it once again,but **** it,for the sake of conversation:

I said Azeris,whether they are from Persian race or not,are Iranians.Because they live in Iran.They may speak a Turkish language,but their nationality is Iranian.Race is not important for me,because I'm not a fascist like some members in this thread and forum.

If it isn't clear enough for you,then I don't know any other way to put it in your head,because it is as simple as the fact that 2*2=4.

This for ones who race is important for them (aka fascists):
In 2006 M. Regueiro and A.M. Cadenas of Stanford University show that the population of central Iran (Isfahan) group to Caucasian Azeri people more than population of Turkey in terms of haplogroup distributions and genetic homogeneity.
Genetic testing has also revealed Azeri population of Iran group more with other Iranian peoples especially with central Iranian people of Isfahan and Azeri population from the Republic of Azerbaijan group more with Caucasian people and people of central Iran .
Some of you have very serious problems in understanding and learning and analyzing.I hate to say it ince again,but **** it,for the sake of conversation:

I said Azeris,whether they are from Persian race or not,are Iranians.Because they live in Iran.They may speak a Turkish language,but their nationality is Iranian.Race is not important for me,because I'm not a fascist like some members in this thread and forum.

If it isn't clear enough for you,then I don't know any other way to put it in your head,because it is as simple as the fact that 2*2=4.

It was for those deniers who say "Azerbaijanis are not Turks".
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