I dont wish you being exposed to the raw footage forwarded by people who have firends and family members in Iran and who frequent Iran from Pakistan. what they have shared I cant unsee.
we are loosing a plot if we start arguying who among the 3 is worse and then extrapolate it to West and beyond. my point is, I have seen unarmed civilians getting shot with head and chest injuries lying lifeless in pools of blood in various footages.
either they are all paid actors and videos are made elsewhere
or they were all indeed undercover spies with invisible weapons on them which only pasadaran could see.
all those who are openly hostile towards Iranian republic won't sit idle of course they will take advantage but that wont excuse the regime of what it has done by killing hundreds and maybe injuring thousands something that started with heavy handed approach to punish a girl for not wearing Hijab properly and her death in custody and then opening fire at the protests.
arresting and parading Pakistani, French, German, Canadian, British, Turkish, Azerbijan, Arabian and American people on national TV wont help explaining why it had to open fire at its unarmed crowd and mimic how Taliban deal with public discourse.