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Iran and the US-Indian hybrid war on CPEC

Good luck with your new friend India. A very honourable and noble of you people to forgive and make up with them. After this, You people are a model for rest of us to follow in the Islamic world. Below I posted a small extract of your friends dealings

27 Nov 2009 · India on Friday joined the US in voting against Iran in a resolution passed by UN atomic watchdog IAEA censuring the Islamic nation over its controversial nuclear programme and demanding that it stop uranium enrichment. ... sanctions passed now
Good luck with your new friend India. A very honourable and noble of you people to forgive and make up with them. After this, You people are a model for rest of us to follow in the Islamic world. Below I posted a small extract of your friends dealings

27 Nov 2009 · India on Friday joined the US in voting against Iran in a resolution passed by UN atomic watchdog IAEA censuring the Islamic nation over its controversial nuclear programme and demanding that it stop uranium enrichment. ... sanctions passed now
Yes,and pakistan was little better as I recall....remember the ip pipeline?,which pak never built its section of despite all of the nice pretty speeches from the pak government about getting it built[lol].I also seem to remember paks us overlord fvcking it over when it did its little nuclear fuel deal with india,I dont remember pak getting one of those
As far as I`m concerned theres not much real difference between india and pakistan ie both are untrustworthy vassal nations who stabbed iran in the back while putting the interests of other nations before their own.
Tell you what,maybe when you tell uncle sam and the saudis to go fvck themselves,and pak takes back its long lost sovereignty and independence,maybe then you might just have some meager justification for copping an attitude with iran over irans economic dealings with india,but as it stands now it is simply beyond absurd for a vassal of irans most dangerous enemy the us to think that it has any justification whatsoever to complain to iran about irans sovereign economic dealings with another state.
the fact the kidnapped soldiers always are smuggled over the border.
Hes got you there Bats
I believe its time to discuss this now.

It was opened 2 years too early this thread.
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