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Iran and India enjoy "deep brotherly relations" :Ahmadinejad

Its a relevant question because with Iran and Israel tensions rising, people will have to pick sides sooner or later.

Just wondering what was India's position in this regards.

India will probably stay neutral. Israel has fought wars against Arabs in the past, but we never actively participated to help either Israel or Arabs in the past. If conflict breaks out, we will probably stay neutral.

Our national tone has always been that we want a peaceful resolution between Palestinians and Israelis and live together in co-existence. For those who dont know:

India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization's authority as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people."

Source: India
Which part of my simple statement is your feeble brain unable to FATHOM ?

My feeble brain donot understand why Muslim can not be brother of Hindus when examples are infront of me in my own country...Anyway i donot want to divert the thread with my detail answer as why i feel you are away from reality about your comment from the specific post as presented in bolded letter.
We love Iran . Lot of businessman in Mumbai and Pune are Irani's ( we call Iranians Irani locally and we love them ). Lot of them have done a great deal for India and We Indians have a long memory :) . We support you completely
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