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Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

The country has a growing youth of anti-Islam pro-Shah Persian power fascist

That is unfortunate. I notice Iranians tend to idolize the Shah years as a natural reaction to the austerity of the mullahs, but it's a flawed, idealistic 'memory'. They have masked out the memory of the Shah's Savak thugs, which took state brutality to a whole new level and prompted the 1979 revolution. They also forget how the CIA muscled in the Shah in the first place to oust the democratically elected Mossadeq. The Shah was chosen precisely because he was a controllabe, useful idiot -- like Dubya in the US.

Anyways, this is for the Iranians to sort out. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

As for Pakistan, I happen to agree that Iran is Pakistan's single most important neighbor, and a worthy role model (for defence, not ideology or politics). Of course China is important, but they are in a different league altogether. China is absolutely critical for Pakistan's safety, but they are in the ranks of the major global powers. With Iran, Pakistan can have more of a relationship on an equal footing. Along with Turkey, the three countries have the potential to form a very strong power block.

As for the Arabs, as long as they remain on American life support, they will never be independent. Afterwards, yes.
I disagree. The relations are not just based on politics but on cultural, linguistic, ethnic, and religious affinities.

As I said, these people do not understand. They think they can use Iranians like toilet paper, not giving them any respect, killing their diplomats, banning Iranians to come to Pakistan, etc, etc while getting their gas, electricity, oil, trade, and transit to Turkey. They are living in fool's world. But do not worry, these bunch are in minority in Pakistan. Most of Pakistanis love Iran and give example of Iran when they want to talk about efficiency, gheirat and advancement. I know this for a fact. In fact Iran is very popular on University campuses in Pakistan, among students for its courage.
culturally and linguistically india is closer than any other, but we are enemies, indians can occupy our kashmir kill the kashmiris cant have good relations with pakistan
The liberal youth are simply seeking more personal expression and freedom, and I don't think they are concerned with Pakistan, or any other country. Young people seek more freedom and ways to express themselves without being suppressed, in any country, including Pakistan, I am sure.
Will most of the current Liberal Youth of Iran be saying that ?
most of their equipments are copy of russian and chinese equipments

I always hear this criticism of 'copying'. Do people think copying a fighter jet is like photocopying a book? It takes immense skill, knowledge and the proper infrastructure to 'copy' 21st century technology. How many countries in the world can make a truly A-Z indigenous copy of a military jet?

I will be more than happy if Pakistan can 'copy' a Western fighter jet fully indigenously.
Do you guys remember the 2009 attack on the Pakistani embassy in Tehran? We even reported the incident here on the forum. I remember most Pakistanis didn't even resort to racism or hatred but were disappointed in it. The Iranian protesters even burned the Pakistani flag, shouting anti-Pakistani slurs. Now I'm not saying this is a representation of Iranian society as a whole, but it does show a segment of Iranian society isn't so friendly about Pakistan.

Pak Embassy in Tehran attacked :: [url]www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de][/url]

They vandalized the building, threatening the workers inside, and burned the flag right in front of the embassy. What did Iranian security do? This went on for some time.

I was surprised by this I didn't think a Pakistani embassy would ever be attacked in Iran and allowed to go on. I was wrong.
I don't even think the Iranian government even condemned the attack. For all we know they probably organized the demonstration. Considering police did not stop the "peaceful" protesters this is likely.

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