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Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

Then, by all means, seek accommodation and peace with India. No doubt you are closer than any other nations.
culturally and linguistically india is closer than any other, but we are enemies, indians can occupy our kashmir kill the kashmiris cant have good relations with pakistan
Do you guys remember the 2009 attack on the Pakistani embassy in Tehran? We even reported the incident here on the forum. I remember most Pakistanis didn't even resort to racism or hatred but were disappointed in it. The Iranian protesters even burned the Pakistani flag, shouting anti-Pakistani slurs. Now I'm not saying this is a representation of Iranian society as a whole, but it does show a segment of Iranian society isn't so friendly about Pakistan.

Pak Embassy in Tehran attacked :: [url]www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de][/url]

They vandalized the building, threatening the workers inside, and burned the flag right in front of the embassy. What did Iranian security do? This went on for some time.

I was surprised by this I didn't think a Pakistani embassy would ever be attacked in Iran and allowed to go on. I was wrong.
Well, at least they did not kill any one. In Pakistan Iranian diplomats are killed. Is that something to be proud of? How would Pakistanis feel if their diplomats are gunned in Iran? I am sure Iranians could have been more angry. But they are not, since they are sensible. Instead they offered their gas and electricity. If we had the gas and electricity and it was Iran that needed it and they were killing our diplomats, God knows what would have been our response. Maybe that is why God did not give us gas and oil. Afterall, some of our people here are siding with American and Israelis on this thread. So shameful.

They are even making fun of Allah's name in the most heinous way. What else do I need to say about these guys and their friends, who are defending each other on this thread against Iran.
Bro, these bunch have an inherent hate for Iran and if you push them in discussion it comes out eventually. They are either western or wahabi.

Stop misrepresenting the facts. Stop labeling others so easily who don't agree with you. Even after I said we should maintain cordial ties with Iran you still insist hate for Iran? We just dont love Iran like you.

However, I am open and neutral to Iran. This is more than generous enough considering Iranian attitude.
Stop misrepresenting the facts. Stop labeling others so easily who don't agree with you. Even after I said we should maintain cordial ties with Iran you still insist hate for Iran? We just dont love Iran like you.

However, I am open and neutral to Iran. This is more than generous enough considering Iranian attitude.

He's gonna accuse you of being a Wahabi pro western :D.
Well, at least they did not kill any one. In Pakistan Iranian diplomats are killed. Is that something to be proud of? How would Pakistanis feel if their diplomats are gunned in Iran? I am sure Iranians could have been more angry. But they are not, since they are sensible. Instead they offered their gas and electricity. If we had the gas and electricity and it was Iran that needed it and they were killing our diplomats, God knows what would have been our response. Maybe that is why God did not give us gas and oil. Afterall, some of our people here are siding with American and Israelis on this thread. So shameful.

Mate please learn how oil formed under the Earth's soil and why certain nations are oil rich and others are not. It has nothing to do with God. So a pro-Islam God wanted to give vodka drinking Russians a large oil reserve? Even your God logic is contradictory. Let's leave God out of it we already get accused of being fundamentalist by others.
Stop misrepresenting the facts. Stop labeling others so easily who don't agree with you. Even after I said we should maintain cordial ties with Iran you still insist hate for Iran? We just dont love Iran like you.

However, I am open and neutral to Iran. This is more than generous enough considering Iranian attitude.

Are you blind? The thing has come down to making fun of Allah in the most shameful way? Are you even a Muslim? Do you have any Gheirat? Instead of condemning this blasphemy, you have the audacity to come here and accuse me? Who are you?
Mate please learn how oil formed under the Earth's soil and why certain nations are oil rich and others are not. It has nothing to do with God. So a pro-Islam God wanted to give vodka drinking Russians a large oil reserve? Even your God logic is contradictory. Let's leave God out of it we already get accused of being fundamentalist by others.

So basically God is out of it. Then it is clear now, whom I am talking with here. Since I believe as Muslim that every thing was done by God. Thanks for clarification.
That is unfortunate. I notice Iranians tend to idolize the Shah years as a natural reaction to the austerity of the mullahs, but it's a flawed, idealistic 'memory'. They have masked out the memory of the Shah's Savak thugs, which took state brutality to a whole new level and prompted the 1979 revolution. They also forget how the CIA muscled in the Shah in the first place to oust the democratically elected Mossadeq. The Shah was chosen precisely because he was a controllabe, useful idiot -- like Dubya in the US.

Anyways, this is for the Iranians to sort out. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

As for Pakistan, I happen to agree that Iran is Pakistan's single most important neighbor, and a worthy role model (for defence, not ideology or politics). Of course China is important, but they are in a different league altogether. China is absolutely critical for Pakistan's safety, but they are in the ranks of the major global powers. With Iran, Pakistan can have more of a relationship on an equal footing. Along with Turkey, the three countries have the potential to form a very strong power block.

As for the Arabs, as long as they remain on American life support, they will never be independent. Afterwards, yes.

You already know or should know my views on this as I support economic relations and partnership between the three countries. We discussed this in the Confederation thread.

Yet someone still wants to insist hatred for Iran which is not true.
So basically God is out of it. Then it is clear now, whom I am talking with here. Since I believe as Muslim that every thing was done by God. Thanks for clarification.

There are natural causes, please educate yourself why certain parts of the earth have oil deposits deep below the surface. You're insulting Muslims by saying Muslims don't understand science. Of course not all Muslims believe everything is a direct result of God. Learn science okay. Do you really want me to share sources about how oil formation occurred millions of years ago? It's off topic.

Please don't insult Muslims like this many of us do follow science as it recommends in the Qu'ran to seek knowledge. Yet you accuse us of being the Wahhabis. Mate your crumbling.
There are natural causes, please educate yourself why certain parts of the earth have oil deposits deep below the surface. You're insulting Muslims by saying Muslims don't understand science. Of course not all Muslims believe everything is a direct result of God. Learn science okay. Do you really want me to share sources about how oil formation occurred millions of years ago? It's off topic.

Please don't insult Muslims like this many of us do follow science as it recommends in the Qu'ran to seek knowledge. Yet you accuse us of being the Wahhabis. Mate your crumbling.

I know more science than your whole family. Lets that be clear now. But as per Islamic faith we believe not in chance but that everything has been given to us by Allah. But of course you seem to have almost left the Islamic faith. Since you even did not condemn your friend's joke on Allah on this thread which he had put up for your read primarily. That says where you stand and where I. To you what you believe and for me Allah is the one. You can now go on and joke about Allah and human genitals along with your friend. I want no more part in this discussion as your true face and faith has come out clearly for every one to see.
From the press releases, even the iranian government is going out of its way to extend a hand of friendship. Problem lies with those who prefer to see tensions and animosity between nations such as Pakistan and Iran.
One Iranian ? would be better if khamenei said it.
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