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Iran: A "Role Model" For Pakistan To Get Self-Reliance in Defence

It's not either-or. Both Turkey and Iran are working on self-reliance. That is the important point.

Well if that's the case you might as well add North Korea to the list. Juche.
The question is... Where would Iran be without oil?
Where they are right now
Iranians are rushing to buy gold and dollars, sending the national currency plunging, on concern the government may be unable to maintain economic stability as international sanctions tighten.

The average rate offered at currency exchange bureaus was about 15,300 rials per dollar, meaning the currency has lost about 15 percent of its value in a month, the Donya-e-Eqtesad newspaper said yesterday. The official rate yesterday was 11,030 rials per dollar, according to the Central Bank’s website. No rates were available for today, when Iran’s weekend began.

State television this week showed lines of people camped out overnight in front of state banks, with sleeping bags and blankets, saying they were waiting to buy gold coins. The central bank cut off their supply as of Dec. 20 and said it’s imposing a more “just distribution” system. Under the new rules, gold paid for now will be delivered four months later, according to the state-run Mehr news agency.

The U.S. and European Union are pushing to tighten sanctions already imposed on Iran, by limiting crude purchases from the world’s third-biggest exporter in order to halt its nuclear program. The U.S. and Israel haven’t ruled out military attacks. Iran denies allegations that it is seeking to build atomic weapons.

The rial’s plunge has widened the gap between official and market rates to a record, and shows Iranians don’t trust assurances by politicians and financial officials that the economy is safe, said Hossein Raghfar, an economics professor at Al Zahra University in Tehran. The restriction of access to gold has diverted demand to foreign currency, the most “liquid” option, he said in a phone interview yesterday.

Accelerating inflation is also eroding the value of savings in rials. The inflation rate rose to 19.8 percent in the 12 months through Nov. 21. The government expects it to reach 21.6 percent by the end of the Iranian calendar year on March 19 if the country doesn’t experience an “economic shock,” Deputy Economy Minister Mohammad-Reza Farzin said two days ago.

Iranians Rush to Buy Gold, Dollars as Sanctions Tighten Grip - Bloomberg
Well if that's the case you might as well add North Korea to the list. Juche.

Why not?

As I stated, the debate isn't about political ideology but military self-reliance. North Korea, Israel, China, South Africa -- the political spectrum is wide.
The question is... Where would Iran be without oil?

Actually Iran's oil is much hyped. Iran exports just about 2.2 million barrels of oil per day and since Iranian oil of heavy type its going international price is lower than light crude. Taking out the exploration and rig operation costs, each Iranian is entitled to less than 2 dollars of oil money per day. Not enough even to keep them above UN absolute poverty line.
Actually Iran's oil is much hyped. Iran exports just about 2.2 million barrels of oil per day and since Iranian oil of heavy type its going international price is lower than light crude. Taking out the exploration and rig operation costs, each Iranian is entitled to less than 2 dollars of oil money per day. Not enough even to keep them above UN absolute poverty line.
Iran exports 2.5 million barrels per day. At 90 $ per barrel thats over 80 billion dollars.
In addition Iran's own conspumption is 1.84 barrel a day. Thats another 60 billion dollars.

That means that if Iran had not oil, it would be forced to pay 60 billion dollars instead recieving 80 billion dollars. Thats -140 billion dollars. Lets remind you that total revenues of Iranian budget are 110 billion. Iran would remain literally without any income.
Self-reliance is great but co-operation and collaboration is what we all need and this is something we all can agree on.
Iran exports 2.5 million barrels per day. At 90 $ per barrel thats over 80 billion dollars.
In addition Iran's own conspumption is 1.84 barrel a day. Thats another 60 billion dollars.

That means that if Iran had not oil, it would be forced to pay 60 billion dollars instead recieving 80 billion dollars. Thats -140 billion dollars. Lets remind you that total revenues of Iranian budget are 110 billion. Iran would remain literally without any income.

Let's remind you that as usual you are providing untrue figures.

Iran approves $508 billion budget for 2012

That source is a Saudi (very friendly to the West) news site.

Can you stop propagating your false Zionist ideology using made up numbers and 'facts' now?
Good point.
40% at least and soon nearly half of Iran's oil production is consumed domestically.
A good portion of the rest is given for free to Syria, and probably at very discounted prices to China/India, perhaps without even getting any currency, bartering for garbage goods from those countries.

Actually Iran's oil is much hyped. Iran exports just about 2.2 million barrels of oil per day and since Iranian oil of heavy type its going international price is lower than light crude. Taking out the exploration and rig operation costs, each Iranian is entitled to less than 2 dollars of oil money per day. Not enough even to keep them above UN absolute poverty line.
Iran is no role model. Iran is isolated from the international community and is out of control, and is now even starting beef with Pakistan.

Pakistan's role model should be Turkey or China not Iran.
In Turkey, there is so much un-Islamic activity going on in public and accepted by the so-called 'Islamic' party in charge, that most Bangladeshis, most Pakistanis or most Muslims around the world would hesitate to call Turkey a Muslim country at all. Are you sure it is a model for Pakistan? Do not answer based on teachings of Westerners in North America, but answer based on teachings in Pakistan (where 180 million Pakistanis live).

China is not Muslim to begin with. It helps Pakistan a lot because of India, and has always stood by Pakistan. That is fine. But there is very little that China has in common with Pakistan. In the "Korean war" USA also used the United Nations to fight against China. Multiple countries under UN banner was resisted by Chinese forces. But because of Chinese size, there was no way they could keep China out for long. Same is the case with Iran. They are isolating Iran but because Iran is not that big and because Iran also does very little to make peace with with its Muslim neighbours, Iran is less successful than China at being accepted by the West.

If Iran or North Korea had the population and military industrial complex of China or Russia, the West could not have isolated them the way they have done today, and vice versa, if China or Russia had the population of North Korea, they too would have been isolated much more no matter what they do.
^ I was not talking about Religion. We Pakistanis never can be a country like Iran. I can never see Pakistani police out in the streets of Lahore forcing women to cover their hair. Pakistanis were always moderates. Not too liberal like Turks and not too conservative like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Although Iranians in the U.S. are more liberal and westernized than Turks.

I mean we should copy Turkey and China when it comes to foreign policy and building our economy.
Let's remind you that as usual you are providing untrue figures.

Iran approves $508 billion budget for 2012

That source is a Saudi (very friendly to the West) news site.

Can you stop propagating your false Zionist ideology using made up numbers and 'facts' now?
They mixed up GDP with budget. Budget is always several times smaller than budget.

Government budget by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is one thing to make a mistake and admit it. It is another thing to make a mistake but deny your mistake. It another thing altogether to make a mistake, fail to recognize it and then try to present your mistake as the truth.

By using Wikipedia, you have shown that your posts lack any credibility to all members of the forum. There was no doubt in my mind about this at all, but now you have actually exposed yourself to all members of the forum.

1. Nobody can "approve" a GDP like Dr Ahmadinejad approved Iran's annual budget. Therefore, the previous article was discussing Iran's budget, not GDP.

2. Other sources confirm that Iran's budget is one of the largest in the world too.

Iran parliament passes 2011-12 budget | Reuters
More subsidy cuts in Iran budget - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
PressTV - Iran Majlis to discuss budget bill
Mojnews :: Iran Approves $508 bln Budget for 2011/2012

As you can see, there are various sources from various countries confirming the same news and confirming the idiocy of using a site like "Wikipedia" for information.
^ I was not talking about Religion. We Pakistanis never can be a country like Iran. I can never see Pakistani police out in the streets of Lahore forcing women to cover their hair. Pakistanis were always moderates. Not too liberal like Turks and not too conservative like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Although Iranians in the U.S. are more liberal and westernized than Turks.

I mean we should copy Turkey and China when it comes to foreign policy and building our economy.

It's still doubtful whether Pakistan can be like Iran, Turkey or China. China is a big country, it fought hard to gain its place. Its economy under the current government's wise policies could only flourish because the West could not destroy it and the Chinese have developed Hydrogen bombs, ICBMs and nuclear submarines. Pakistan is not in a very similar position.

Turkey has been under the aegis of NATO and houses NATO troops and equipment at a base in Turkey for its own protection, and to follow NATO's agenda have sent troops to Afghanistan for fighting Muslims. Again, that is also not a very good or wise position to take. Pakistan also subserviently accepted USA's demands in 2001 but many people in Pakistan do not support such policies of the Pakistani government or military either. Turkey's aim has been entering the EU and all its laws, customs, economic policies and government directives are aimed at harmonizing the society with the EU (though the EU has rejected Turkish appeals so far). Which such block can Pakistan aim to become a member of?

It is one thing for you to admire Turkey and China because of personal reasons and help to Pakistan, it is another reason to try to model your country on them (partly or fully) based on your personal favouritism. Without realizing the undercurrents of the domestic society, trying to create policies moulded on foreign models could be counterproductive.
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